A Township Tale Update: How to Reach the Climbing Tower on the Quest 2 [Guide]

The Climbing Tower was finally added in the newest Update of A Township Tale for the Quest 2. A lot of players have been looking forward to this addition for a while, because mastering the Climbing Tower is not only fun on its own, but also allows you to climb all over the world of A Township Tale while you are exploring. Read on to find out how you can find the Climbing Tower in this newest update.

The Journey Begins

First you’re going to need some supplies to make sure you’ll make it. A Township Tale is a survival game after all, and you will definitely face some challenges on your way from your town to the Climbing Tower. Here is the recommended list for what you should bring.

  • A Leather Backpack (the more backpack space the better, there are a few chests you can loot on the way there.

  • A weapon of some kind, an axe would be best

  • A teleport potion in case you need to go back (Not super necessary but it’s a long journey. Teleport Potions can be found in chests)

  • Food (Not necessary as you can find enough mushrooms on the way, but it’s easier to not have to stop and forage)

  • Dynamite (One is all you strictly need but bringing a spare wouldn’t hurt. Dynamite can be found in chests)

  • Something to light a fire with (a flint and a rock works just fine)

Once your pack is all sorted make your way to the mines to start out.

Instead of going down into the pit, take the path on the right hand side that leads up and over the mine entrance, that leads to the teleporter. Even further past the teleporter and empty chests above the mines is another path leading to the Rocklands.

The Rocklands

The Rocklands are where the journey starts to get rough. You will see Turabadas (the enemies make out of rocks) all over the place, stray to close and they will attack you. Fortunately they’re not so dangerous in the open because they cant run nearly as fast as you can, and they won’t follow you for very long.

Otherwise the Rocklands are a big series of small hills and mining nodes, just keep going past all of the Turabadas and past the tallest hill, until you come to a section of wall that looks much darker and different than the other walls.

This wall can be destroyed, so here is where your dynamite comes in. Grab some dried grass nearby and put it on the ground, then light it with a flint and rock. Then light the fuse on your dynamite with the burning grass and leave it in front of the breakable rocks before running away as fast as you can. When the dynamite blows up the rocks will be gone and you can continue on.

Next is a small rocky valley full of enemies such as Turabadas and Goteras (The armless tree people). Just continue through the valley and run past them. There’s some pots and crates to break if you like, but they won’t contain anything particularly special. There will be a few paths and ramps for you to walk up, just keep moving on and don’t get caught by the hostile creatures. Eventually you will climb up a path and crest a hill to see this.

The Tarn

This new area is called the Tarn, and wow is it huge. If you’ve never been there before then it might be the biggest wild area you’ve ever seen in A Township Tale! Once you’re done taking it all in go down the path leading off of the mountain you’re standing on. At the bottom are some trees and more Goteras. If you haven’t got an axe with you then take one of the rusty axes laying near them, you’ll need it soon. There is also a cluster of mushrooms, pots and boxes nearby in case you are hungry.

Explore around and soon you’ll find two pathways. One leads into a rocky area and a stone arch covered in vines. There is a chest and some iron nodes behind those vines. The other pathway leads up to the wooden bridge that you can just faintly see in the image above, on the right side between those spires. Guarding that bridge will be one pissed off Turabada.

Since there’s not much space to run around this guy, you’ll have to either draw him out and then run around him, or try and squeeze past before he hits you. Now if he does hit you you’ll be slowed down since you’ll count as being in combat, and won’t be able to outrun the Turabada. Don’t panic, you can just beat him in a fight if you want to, or just keep blocking his fists and backing away until he gives up. Since he’s a little guy and it’s a 1 on 1 fight, you won’t have much trouble just defeating him.

Once you get past that bridge keep going towards the giant rock arch that you can see in the mountainside behind it. You’ll see that there is a gap between the hill you’re on and the path leading to the arch. Fortunately a bridge can be built there with 100 pieces of wood.

Here is where your axe comes in. There are some choppable trees near the unbuilt bridge along with some Goteras. Defeat the Goteras and then chop one or two trees down. You will have plenty of wood to build the bridge. The Goteras also drop wood when defeated, by some combination of tree cutting and Gotera fighting you will easily get 100 pieces of wood and build the bridge.

Climbing Canyon

Cross the bridge to enter the last leg of your journey through the mountains, though that doesn’t mean there won’t be any more danger to overcome. Follow the new path until you come to a big basin or rock, and in the center a bridge leading to and from a wooded grove suspended above the canyon.

Once you make it down to the bridge you can keep going further down, where there are some chests. There are also more iron nodes to be had around here, though a lot can’t be reached until you complete the climbing tower. To get to the tower you will need to go through the island grove and out via the bridge on the other side. This is the last big obstacle before the Climbing Tower.

Both the bridge into and out of the grove are covered in vines. Normally vines don’t pose much of a problem, the issue here is that once you cut your way into the island, there are a ton of Turabadas inside. They will almost immediately start to chase you.

You can’t just outrun them like you normally can, because if you run to the exit from the island, you’ll be blocked by the vines. So you have to try and cut your way through the vines before they catch up with you. Be careful for vines that are overhead, because just a single vine dangling by your head can still block you from running forward. Of course you could also try fighting the Turbadas, but there are several big and tough ones. It would be a very hard fight to win.

Once you are past the island keep going forwards past the other clusters of enemies, pots and crates. You’ll probably start running into Wyrms as well, which pop out of the ground and spit acid at you. They’re even easier to avoid than the other enemies you’ve seen on this journey.

The Climbing Tower

A little further upwards up the path past the island, and you will finally see it. The Climbing Tower.

Once it is in view you can easily tell the way forward. The winding rocky switchbacks of the mountains will give way to a gentle grassy slope leading towards the tower. Just follow it to the entrance in the side of the mountain it is perched on.

Once you’re inside, follow the stairs downward to the beginning of the climbing challenge! Simply place your hand on the button at the central pedestal to activate the climbing tower challenge. Your items will disappear, and you won’t have to worry about food while you are climbing. Then go ahead and get to it, follow the paintings on the walls for hints.

That’s how you get to the Climbing Tower in A Township Tale’s newest Update. Happy climbing!


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