7 Awesome Battle Talent Weapons Mods on the Quest 2

The Battle Talent mod scene is really taking off, and it’s easier to access mods in this game than ever. More are being added all of the time, and one of the best mod categories in Battle Talent are custom weapons. After seeing what there is on offer for now, we’ve found 7 of the best Battle Talent weapons mods for you to try out. These have that important combination of both being really cool to look at, while also being very fun for you to use.

Halo BR80 (aka Battle Rifle)

Let’s start this list off strong with a true classic from the Halo franchise. The BR80 or Battle Rifle is just as powerful here as a Battle Talent mod as it ever was in any Halo game. While it doesn’t fire in three round bursts anymore, it does have a fully functional scope and a ton of power. While the scope can be a little dark and there’s not many long range engagements in Battle Talent it is still really cool to blow goblins and skeletons away in Virtual Reality with such an iconic video game weapon.

Gum Gun

Okay, the Gum Gun may not look the coolest, or even look good in your hand, but it is the funniest weapon Mod out right now for Battle Talent. Instead of bullets it just shoots gum balls that bounce off of your enemies. It is hilarious to see them bob around while getting pelted with balls of gum coming out of this colorful pistol. It’s even funnier to hold down your trigger and charge up the Gum Gun and then releasing the trigger to let loose a powerful stream of gumballs. Knocking Battle Talent’s fearsome looking fantasy enemies off of their feet with this thing is hilarious.


Stormbreaker is a very cool weapon that basically amounts to ‘Lighting Axe’. Yep, you don’t have to think much more about it to realize how sweet this mod is. Want to feel like some kind of Viking God? Then this is the weapon for you. The lightning effect follows the blade of Stormbreaker wherever it goes, and it is effective at bashing enemies with the axe blade and the hammer on the back. Not to mention a ton of fun.

The Golden Duke

Remember Duke Nukem? Well now you don’t have to just remember, instead you can use his Golden Desert Eagle (aka Deagle) pistols to blow the ribcages off of skeletons. This gold plated puppy is super powerful and super satisfying to use. Even the noise it makes might make you jump the first time you pull the trigger. Whether you’re using just one, or dual wielding them for maximum cool factor, out of all pistols featured in Battle Talent weapon mods, the Golden Duke takes the cake as the most fun.

Energy Sword

Halo has so many iconic weapons that it would be very hard not to include more than one on this list, that’s why we’ve also got the Energy Sword here. What melee weapon from the Halo series would be more fun to use in VR? Honorable mention here to the Gravity Hammer mod, unfortunately that one just didn’t feel very good to use, but the Energy Sword does. That’s because it feels just like you’d imagine it would from using it in any Halo game. It can cut off enemy armor with a shower of sparks and also cut them into pieces so hard that they fly across the arena. Sci-Fi weapons don’t get much better than that.


As cool as the Energy Sword from Halo is, it still isn’t as great as this, the most satisfying Battle Talent weapon mod of all, the Witchblade. The Witchblade is basically a lightsaber with a hilt that looks like an ancient sword. Not only does it look like a lightsaber, it feels like one. The Witchblade’s blue energy blade cuts through enemies and armor alike, making it the most effective melee weapon mod on this list, and definitely the coolest. If you want something that feels like a lightsaber in Battle Talent then download this mod. It’s also just the best melee weapon mod of all.

M60 ‘Pig’ LMG

Well if the Witchblae is the coolest and most deadly sword, then what about guns? Well it’s really hard to beat the combination of cool and power that the M60 LMG mod gives you. This big iconic American machinegun feels and shoots just like you’d imagine it would. Hard to control without both hands, and super powerful. Each round from it does incredible damage to enemies, and it has a steady rate of fire that feels good to control as you swing your stream of bullets over your opponents. So basically you can blow through whole crowds of fantasy monsters with this thing without even having to move. If you want ranged destruction than get the M60 ‘Pig’ LMG.

That’s it for the best Battle Talent weapons mods out there right now. Got any recommendations for us to try here at Reality Remake? Leave a comment with your favorite mod and maybe it’ll get a spot on this list!


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