Reality Remake is an online magazine (or blog) written by and for passionate VR gamers. There are many articles here about many of the amazing VR games that you can try and enjoy, not just glorified tech demos. There are also plenty of guides and reviews as well, and the occasional opinion piece.
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This is Reality Remake, a website about the new and exciting ways we are remaking Virtual Reality. If you’re a lover of VR then there will definitely be something here for you to enjoy.
Featured And New Articles
If you’re a big fan of VR Exercise, VR Workout Games, or just VR Fighting games for any reason, then I’ve got a pretty solid recommendation to make for you this week. That’s Path Of Fury, or at least the first Episode titled “Tetsuo’s Tower”, which released this previous week.
…these iconic films inspired two distinct gaming experiences: Alien: Isolation and Alien: Rogue Incursion. Both games capture the essence of the Alien universe, yet they do so in drastically different ways. One is a nerve-wracking survival horror experience reminiscent of Alien, while the other immerses players in fast-paced, action-driven combat akin to Aliens.
So these might both be games that feature the xenomorph, but they are very different. So here are the differences between Alien: Rogue Incursion VS Alien: Isolation.
Virtual Reality Game Reviews
If you’re a big fan of VR Exercise, VR Workout Games, or just VR Fighting games for any reason, then I’ve got a pretty solid recommendation to make for you this week. That’s Path Of Fury, or at least the first Episode titled “Tetsuo’s Tower”, which released this previous week.
When I first shelled out 6.99$ for Crowbar Climber in the Meta Quest store I wasn’t prepared to be so impressed by the game, but I was very intrigued by the concept of a VR Climbing Game using crowbars.
It’s one of those ideas that is so simply straightforward and seems obvious when looking back at it. It really brings the hit indie game Getting Over It With Bennett Foddy to mind.
Oh, and if you want to see some video of this game check it out on Youtube.
So Alien: Rogue Incursion has hit a bit of flak for the quality of its port to the Quest 3. I’ve played this fantastic Alien VR game exclusively on the Quest 3 and I’d say that well… yea there is some justification to the criticism.
Though I do have to say that despite all of this I had an absurdly good time with Alien: Rogue Incursion, as you can see on Youtube.
Virtual Reality News
Sad news today for the Virtual Reality community and VR lovers in general.
The Co-Founders of Ramen VR, Andy Tsen and Lauren Frazier, recently announced that they will no longer be developing and deploying new Patches for the Virtual Reality MMORPG Zenith: The Last City.
Despite massive success upon launching the game on both the Meta Quest and Steam stores, Zenith has become increasingly more barren and lifeless throughout the years since its launch.
Here is a long anticipated release announcement for any fan of VR Survival Games or VR Shooters. Into the Radius 2 will finally be hitting Early Access on Steam on July 24th.
Sorry standalone purists, but there has been no additional announcement concerning a Quest version of the game, so for now Into the Radius 2 will be PCVR only. However, I’m sure that won’t be the case for too long.
If you’ve always wondered how awesome it would be for Battle Talent VR to have Multiplayer then you’ll be excited to hear that suddenly, out of seemingly nowhere, Battle Talent’s latest update has added Multiplayer to the game.
Now it is incredibly easy to hop into a Multiplayer game of Battle Talent with a friend by using the new Multiplayer option in the main menu.
This new Battle Talent Multiplayer is also cross play and so you can play Battle Talent with anybody whether they are running the game on a Quest or on PCVR.
Here is a long anticipated release announcement for any fan of VR Survival Games or VR Shooters. Into the Radius 2 will finally be hitting Early Access on Steam on July 24th.
Sorry standalone purists, but there has been no additional announcement concerning a Quest version of the game, so for now Into the Radius 2 will be PCVR only. However, I’m sure that won’t be the case for too long.