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The Easiest Way To Install Skyrim VR Mods

So you want to play modded Skyrim VR, awesome! Unfortunately downloading and installing enough Skyrim VR Mods to create a completely new Skyrim VR experience is a pretty hard task. You’ve got to worry about what mods you want, which ones work, which ones don’t, dependencies, and a ton of other problems that can cause bugs, make your game crash, or make it just not start at all.

Luckily there’s a way, the easiest way, to install a ton of Skyrim VR mods at once that are built to change the game to enhance functionality, graphics, and gameplay. They’ll also all work together, and you don’t have to browse for hours and hours figuring out what you do and don’t need.

So here’s the easiest way to install Skyrim VR mods using a fantastic tool called Wabbajack.

So you want to play modded Skyrim VR, awesome! Unfortunately downloading and installing enough Skyrim VR Mods to create a completely new Skyrim VR experience is a pretty hard task. You’ve got to worry about what mods you want, which ones work, which ones don’t, dependencies, and a ton of other problems that can cause bugs, make your game crash, or make it just not start at all.

Luckily there’s a way, the easiest way, to install a ton of Skyrim VR mods at once that are built to change the game to enhance functionality, graphics, and gameplay. They’ll also all work together, and you don’t have to browse for hours and hours figuring out what you do and don’t need.

So here’s the easiest way to install Skyrim VR mods using a fantastic tool called Wabbajack.

Wabbajack - Easily Install Skyrim VR Mods

Wabbajack is a community made tool that is used for both Skyrim VR Mods and flatscreen Skyrim Special Edition Mods. Here, of course, we’re going to be downloading and installing Skyrim VR Mods with Wabbajack.

Some warning though, the actual downloading process will still take a while and require some input on your part. While Wabbajack is the easiest way to download and install Skyrim VR mods quickly, there’s still going to be some legwork on your part.

Not only can we download mods through a predefined list of mods that are made to provide a complete modded experience and work together, but Wabbajack also manages the downloads and files so we don’t have to do a ton of boring dragging and dropping ourselves. So let’s get started.

First go to and download Wabbajack.

Downloading Wabbajack from

A Wabbajack application file will download to your browser’s usual downloads folder. Don’t run it quite yet though. We want to run Wabbajack in its own folder, not your Downloads folder. Wabbajack will make some extra files, and so won’t run in certain places.

The easiest way to run Wabbajack is just to create a new folder directly on your C:/ drive or any other drive you might have on your PC and name it something like “Wabbajack.” Once you’ve created this C:/Wabbajack folder, move your newly downloaded Wabbajack application into it and run it.

The Wabbajack Start Screen

Using Modlists - Easily Install Skyrim VR Mods

Now that you’re running Wabbajack, hit the “Browse Modlists” button on the main page, and filter for Skyrim VR Modlists at the top. You’ll see there are a few options for you to pick from here. These are your options for predefined modlists that you can use through Wabbajack.

Browsing Skyrim VR Modlists in Wabbajack

There are some great options here, and if you want an improved but still recognizeable modded Skyrim VR experience that doesn’t stray too far from the base game, then you’ll want to go with FUS, which is short for “Fundamentals, Upgrades, and Stuff.”

While the rest of this article is applicable when installing all modlists through Wabbajack, the specifics will revolve around installing FUS. If you want Skyrim VR but better, then FUS will give you that with a ton of improvements. It’s also modular, so you can decide what Skyrim VR mods you want to keep in the modlist.

Anyway, since we’re installing FUS, hit the little arrow button in the bottom right of the FUS modlist icon. After a wait it will turn into a play button, hit that. You should see a screen like the one below.

Ready to download the FUS mods

The only difference between this screen and yours will be that the “Modlist Installation Location” and “Resource Download Location” sections will be empty. You’ll want to create another folder in the same location you made your Wabbajack folder earlier, and then add that folder location to both of these paths, except the “Resource Download Location” should have \downloads at the end.

As you can see in this example, the name of the folder here is FUS. So you might think it will be time to hit the play button, not yet though. You might have noticed that a github page appeared right when you got to this screen. Well it will have a long list of instructions and other stuff. It seems complicated, and sure it is, but we’ll distill some of it down for you here to a few simple steps to do before you start.

If you run into issues at any point and can’t figure out why, then check out the “Troubleshooting” section at the bottom of this article.

FUS Preinstallation Steps - Easily Install Skyrim VR Mods

Alright so you’ve got Wabbajack ready to start downloading mods, but haven’t hit that final play button quite yet, time to get your PC ready for FUS. First you’re going to need to install some extra software to support some of the mods in FUS.

You’ll need to make sure you have some Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Packages installed. Here is a direct link to them. Once the installer downloads, run it, though you might get this error.

If you see this you’ve already got the right Microsoft Visual C++ packages installed

If you do, no big deal, you’ve already got the right things installed, and can move on. Otherwise the installer is straightforward so just follow along it.

Next you’ll need to install some old versions of the .NET 5.0 Runtime. Go to this webpage from microsoft and download and install both the console and desktop app versions. This means you’ll end up running two installers, one for each.

Where to download the .NET 5.0 Runtime installers

With that out of the way you’ll want to uninstall Skyrim VR and then reinstall it. You want as clean a version as possible. If you’ve already got some Skyrim VR mods installed, then you’ll want to follow these steps to make sure your installed version is as clean as possible. We’ll want nothing to interfere with the FUS mods.

Advanced steps to clean your Skyrim VR installation

If you run into problems later on you might want to double check this github page for any other things that might interfere. Additionally make sure your language in Skyrim VR is set to English, and if you ever changed your Render Resolution in Steam VR, change it back to 100%.

Now you’re ready to download and install FUS! Oh, and if you run into issues at any point and can’t figure out why, then check out the “Troubleshooting” section at the bottom of this article.

Downloading And Installing the Skyrim VR Mods - Easily Install Skyrim VR Mods

Now you should go back to Wabbajack and hit the play button in the bottom right corner to start downloading your shiny new Skyrim VR mods.

The FUS download screen, time to hit that play button

Once you do the modlist installer will run, and very quickly it will hit a point where you have to start downloading mods. A browser window will appear and ask you to log into a account. If you don’t have one already then make one, they’re free.

Once you log in the page will automatically redirect to the download page for the first mod in the list. It will look like this.

Downloading a Skyrim VR mod from

Here’s the boring and lengthy part we mentioned earlier. If you don’t have a premium account then you’ll have to manually click the “Slow Download” button for each mod that comes up. A premium account will automatically download the mods.

This will take a while, there are over 300 mods to download for FUS, but Wabbajack makes it as fast as possible. Once a mod is ready to be downloaded the page will appear automatically, all you have to do is hit the download button for each one.

You see normally you’d have to go to the Skyrim VR mod page, go to the files page for that Skyrim VR mod page, then download it through this screen, and then move the downloaded Skyrim VR mods folder to the right location.

With Wabbajack all you have to do is hit the “Slow Download” button, wait a bit, and then when another appears click the “Slow Download” button again. Some of these mods also take a while to download, and if that happens another download page won’t appear until there’s a space in the queue for a new download. So you’ll be waiting for a while.

Downloading the FUS Skyrim VR mods with Wabbajack

So kick back, relax, maybe watch a youtube video or five, and hit that download button when it shows up. You can see the Skyrim VR mods that are downloading in the bottom right section of the Wabbajack screen.

Oh, and if a mod seems to never finish downloading and the bar doesn’t move for a long time, you might need to restart Wabbajack and reopen the FUS modlist installer. Just follow the steps we’ve done to get to this point in Wabbajack and it will pick up right where it left off. Do the same if Wabbajack crashes.

Once all of the mods are downloaded the installer will automatically unpack and install them, this will also take a while. Still, all of this is way easier than downloading and installing all of these mods yourself.

If you run into issues at any point and can’t figure out why, then check out the “Troubleshooting” section at the bottom of this article.

Playing Modded Skyrim VR - Easily Install Skyrim VR Mods

So the Wabbajack installer is complete. All your Skyrim VR mods are ready to go. So you might be wondering how to actually run them. Well for FUS you don’t just run Skyrim VR from Steam like you normally would. No, instead you need to go to the FUS folder that you made previously before downloading all of the mods (in this example it was D:/FUS, yours is likely C:/FUS if you don’t remember.)

From this folder scroll around until you find ModOrganizer.exe, and run it.

The ModOrganizer.exe file in the FUS folder

This handy application lets you view, manage, and select which FUS mods you want to use. You’ll see a little dropdown bar with several profiles near the top. There are four, each with a differing amount of mods applied to Skyrim VR.

ModOrganizer.exe for your Skyrim VR mods with the profiles section circles

Here we recommend the “FUS RO DAH (Basic + Appearance + Gameplay) mod selection, which not only improves the normal Skyrim VR experience, but also adds some important gameplay improvements as well. There are other profiles that change the game to lesser extent, but after going through all that waiting to download these mods you might as well use them.

Later on you can scroll through the list of mods and activate or deactivate whichever you like, but first you should run your freshly modded Skyrim VR without changing anything to make sure it runs without crashing and to allow important mods to load ingame.

To run your modded Skyrim VR you hit the run button in the top right corner of ModOrganizer.exe, but before you do that make sure your headset is on and connected to your PC, and that your controllers are also on and working. Then run Steam VR so that you’re in Steam VR home in your headset, then click the run button.

You’ll find yourself in FUS’s new starting location and ready to make a character. Congratulations! You’ve successfully downloaded and installed a whole modlist of Skyrim VR mods.

If your game crashes or doesn’t start then retrace your steps to this point and make sure you didn’t miss anything. If all else fails or you get an error you didn’t expect, check out these troubleshooting tips.

Troubleshooting - Easily Install Skyrim VR Mods

Unfortunately even with Wabbajack the process of downloading and installing Skyrim VR mods can be difficult, and some problems might show up on your PC that might not on others.

So here are a list of places you can look if you’ve had problems at any point in this article. Before you look here check back and make sure you didn’t accidentally skip any steps. You may also want to more thoroughly clean your Skyrim VR installation before reattempting to install the modlist through Wabbajack.

Hopefully your journey in installing Skyrim VR mods is as painless as possible. Once you reach the end, enjoy!

Fighting a giant in modded Skyrim VR

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Reality Remake Reality Remake

Easily Install H3VR Mods - Install Hot Dogs, Horseshoes & Hand Grenades Mods

Welcome to this step by step guide on how to install H3VR Mods! Hot Dogs, Horseshoes & Hand Grenades is an extremely fun VR game, and it’s even better with mods. So keep reading to find out how to install Hot Dogs, Horseshoes & Hand Grenades mods as easily as possible.

Welcome to this step by step guide on how to install H3VR Mods! Hot Dogs, Horseshoes & Hand Grenades is an extremely fun VR game, and it’s even better with mods. So keep reading to find out how to install Hot Dogs, Horseshoes & Hand Grenades mods as easily as possible.

Thunderstore Mod Manager for H3VR Mods

The best way to download and install H3VR mods is by downloading and installing the Thunderstore Mod Manager. The Thunderstore Mod Manager is a useful program that you can use on your PC to install H3VR mods. Since most Hot Dogs, Horseshoes and Hand Grenades mods are stored on Thunderstore you can access most mods available through this mod manager. To download it go to this link. Once you’re there press the red download button.

The Thunderstore Mod Manager Download Page

Once the Thunderstore mod manager installer is downloaded, run it and this page will appear.

Thunderstore Mod Manager Installer

Press the red “Next” button before continuing on and going through the installer steps, which are pretty standard. You can change the installation folder to be whatever you please, or just use the default that is filled in for you. When you press the red “Next” button a second time the installer will begin. Give it a few minutes to complete installation until you see the “Successfully Installed” page.

Now that the Thunderstore mod manager is installed, hit the red “Launch” button. Since this mod manager is used for more games than just H3VR you’ll have to search for Hot Dogs, Horseshoes & Hand Grenades in the games search bar. Luckily since there aren’t any other games on Thunderstore that involve hot dogs, just typing in “Hot Dog” will bring up H3VR.

Searching for Hot Dogs, Horseshoes & Hand Grenades

Now mouse over the game logo and hit “Select Game”. This will bring up the profile selection for the game. Profiles are great because you can put mods into different categories and easily switch between selections of mods. For instance, if some H3VR mods have compatibility issues with others, or you want to quickly change between groups of mods you like to use. For now just hit the “Select Profile” blue button to use the Default profile.

Now it’s finally time to look for some fun H3VR mods to install! You’ll see your mod menu for H3VR, and no mods will currently be installed, so hit the “Get Mods” button on the left hand side to look for some mods to install. You can search for a mod by name, or filter by a number of categories.

In this example we’ll be installing the All_American_Fallout_NV mod to add the All American carbine from Fallout: New Vegas. Just click on the mod title to open the submenu for it, and then press the “Download” button.

Downloading the All American Fallout NV H3VR Mod

You’ll be prompted to select which version of the mod you want to install. It’s best to go with the latest version unless you want a specific one already, and then hit “Download with dependencies”. Once the download is complete hit the “Mod Mods” button on the left hand side and see your beautiful new mods. A lot of H3VR mods, like the All_American_Fallout_NV mod, require other mods to function properly. So you might see a lot of additional mods installed, don’t worry about those.

Successfully Installed Mods!

You can disable mods that you’ve installed by clicking the blue slider next to them, but beware that disabling some mods might affect others. Anyway now that your shiny new mod is installed time to launch H3VR by pressing the “Modded” play button in the top right corner.

Hot Dogs, Horseshoes and Hand Grenades will run through SteamVR like usual, and you can put on your headset and check out your new mods in the game. Where your mods will be in the game depends on what kind of mod you’ve installed. For weapons mods like the All_American_Fallout_NV mod, you’ll find them in the spawning menu underneath its weapon type. In this case, Carbine.

The installed mod in the game!

Now go nuts and have fun with your new H3VR mods!

You can also download and install H3VR mods through the Thunderstore website here at using the mod manager. You can also download mods from there manually to import through the Thunderstore application.

If you want an alternative to Thunderstore you can also use the r2modman mod manager. Thunderstore is probably the easiest way to go though. Anyway enjoy your H3VR mods and have fun!

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Reality Remake Reality Remake

How To Install An Awesome Gorilla Tag Mod Menu

Welcome to this step by step guide on how to install a Gorilla Tag Mod Menu and use it! Gorilla Tag is an extremely fun VR game, and it’s even better with mods. A Gorilla Tag mod menu is great because it lets you easily active and deactivate mods without having to go back to the Gorilla Tag in game PC in your tree house. So keep reading to find out how to install a Gorilla Tag mod menu as easily as possible.

Welcome to this step by step guide on how to install a Gorilla Tag Mod Menu and use it! Gorilla Tag is an extremely fun VR game, and it’s even better with mods. A Gorilla Tag mod menu is great because it lets you easily active and deactivate mods without having to go back to the Gorilla Tag in game PC in your tree house. So keep reading to find out how to install a Gorilla Tag mod menu as easily as possible.

Installing the Gorilla Tag Mod Menu on the Oculus Quest 2

A quick note for all Oculus Quest 2 lovers that are wondering how to get mods directly on your Quest 2. Unfortunately Gorilla Tag mods and Gorilla Tag mod menus can no longer be installed on the Quest 2. There are also currently no plans to bring Quest 2 modding back to Gorilla Tag. Sorry, but if you want to install a Gorilla Tag mod menu then you’ll have to do it on PCVR. Look at this screenshot from the Gorilla Tag modding discord.

You can’t install a Gorilla Tag Mod Menu on an Oculus Quest 2 or 3

If you see a guide that says you can install mods, probably using the QuestPatcher tool, then they won’t tell you that you won’t be able to play Gorilla Tag on your Meta Quest 2 after using QuestPatcher. It just won’t work, and will constantly tell you that you have an outdated version of the game that has to be restored to the newest version.

If you have a Quest 2 and want to play Gorilla Tag on PCVR then you could set up and use Oculus Airlink. The thing about Airlink is that it can drop a ton of frames and be very choppy and look horrible if your internet setup to your PC isn’t very good. If you want to use Oculus Airlink, then make sure your PC is connected to your Router or Modem with an ethernet cable.

If you can’t or don’t want to use Airlink then you’ll need to be able to connect your headset to your PC directly. This is possible with an Oculus Quest 2 using an Oculus Link Cable or comparable USB 3 cable. If you don’t have one there are plenty online that are not as expensive as the official Link Cable, but are possibly not as good.

Monke Mod Manager for PCVR Gorilla Tag Mod Menu

The first step in installing PCVR Gorilla Tag mods is downloading and installing the Monke Mod Manager. It’s a sweet program that you can use on your PC to install Gorilla tag mods. Go to the Monke Mod Manager github page that you can find at this link. Click on the MonkeModManager.exe link under “Assets” to download the installer.

Downloading the Monke Mod Manager to install Gorilla Tag mods

After Monke Mod Manager is downloaded, launch it to start the installer. You might get a prompt like the one you see here if the installer can’t find where your Gorilla Tag launcher is, especially if you’re running it through Oculus.

If you see this error don’t worry

That’s alright. If you run Gorilla Tag through Steam click OK and then find and select GorillaTag.exe at C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Gorilla Tag. If you run Gorilla Tag through the Oculus app then you can find and select GorillaTag.exe at C:\Program Files (x86)\Oculus\Software\Software\another-axiom-gorilla-tag (your filepath might be a little different depending on where you have Steam or Oculus installed, just find the “Steam” or “Oculus” folder and follow the rest of the path from there).

Whether Monke Mod Manager found the path automatically or you had to find it yourself, it will start up and you’ll see a menu with a bunch of check boxes. The box that we’re looking for is the mod menu we’re installing that comes with the Monke Mod Manager, the Haunted Mod Menu. This Gorilla Tag mod menu is great and easy to use. For more information on it you can also check out the Haunted Mod Menu github page.

Installing a Gorilla Tag Mod Menu using the Monke Mod Manager

Scroll up and down the mods available and check whichever other mods you want to install. This Gorilla Tag mod menu is only useful if you have some mods to turn on and off. Then hit “Install/Update” in the bottom right corner, and in a couple of seconds the mods will be installed.

Now installing a ton of Gorilla Tag mods to use with the mod menu

Using Your New Gorilla Tag Mod Menu

So you’ve got some mods installed for Gorilla Tag and the Haunted Mod Menu to activate or deactivate them with. Time to run Gorilla Tag and check them out. Once you start the game you’ll see that the Gorilla Tag mod menu can’t be accessed at first, and if you enter a lobby you’ll find that all of your activated mods won’t be working!

Don’t panic, that’s just because Gorilla Tag will turn off any installed mods by default when entering a standard lobby. If you are joining a normal lobby then you won’t be able to run mods, because if you have a mod like Power Arms then nobody will be able to catch you, and it will basically be like you’re cheating.

Flying with Gorilla Tag mods

To actually use your new mods you’ll either have to find a custom room that somebody else made, and join it by entering the room ID in the “Room” menu on the Monke Computer in your treehouse, or go over to the “Game Modes” menu in your tree house. When you’re there hit the arrow button on the right and you’ll see that you can select a ton of Modded game modes to find public lobbies that are modded. Select one and then enter a lobby by exiting your treehouse as usual.

Stick to the modded game modes when using Gorilla Tag mods

When you enter the Modded lobby you’ll notice that there’s a yellow button on the inside of your left Monke paw. Press it with your other hand.

Press this button on your palm to open the Gorilla Tag mod menu

Now your Gorilla Tag Mod Menu will appear out of the back of your left hand! All of the mods you installed will be on the mod menu. You can scroll through all of your mods with the arrows on the bottom. To activate a mod press the mod name in the mod menu with your right hand and the button will turn red. That means that the mod is activated.

Activating a mod using the mod menu

Now you can easily enjoy all of your Gorilla Tag mods with your new Gorilla Tag mod menu! Activate and Deactivate your mods at will. Enjoy!

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Reality Remake Reality Remake

Easily Get and Install Into the Radius Mods

Welcome to this step by step guide on how to download and install Into the Radius Mods! Into the Radius is an extremely fun VR game. Even after you’ve played it through a bunch of times, or haven’t even finished it and want a different experience, mods can make this VR Survival Game even better. So keep reading to find out how to install Into the Radius mods as easily as possible.

Welcome to this step by step guide on how to download and install Into the Radius Mods! Into the Radius is an extremely fun VR game. Even after you’ve played it through a bunch of times, or haven’t even finished it and want a different experience, mods can make this VR Survival Game even better. So keep reading to find out how to install Into the Radius mods as easily as possible.

Into the Radius Mods on the Oculus Quest 2

You might be here to find out how to install Into the Radius mods on the Oculus Quest 2, or if you can install mods on the Quest 2. Well I’m afraid to tell you that currently Into the Radius mods are not supported on the Meta Quest 2. Hopefully at some point in the future they will be, but for now there’s no way to install Into the Radius mods on your Quest 2. To play modded Into the Radius you’ll need to play it via PCVR via Steam or the Oculus App on your PC.

If you have a Quest 2 and want to play Into the Radius on PCVR then you could set up and use Oculus Airlink. The thing about Airlink is that it can drop a ton of frames and be very choppy and look horrible if your internet setup to your PC isn’t very good. If you want to use Oculus Airlink, then make sure your PC is connected to your Router or Modem with an ethernet cable.

If you can’t or don’t want to use Airlink then you’ll need to be able to connect your headset to your PC directly. This is possible with an Oculus Quest 2 using an Oculus Link Cable or comparable USB 3 cable. If you don’t have one there are plenty online that are not as expensive as the official Link Cable, but are possibly not as good.

How to Get Into the Radius Mods

To mod Into the Radius on PCVR let’s start with getting the mods that you’ll want to install. In this example we will be downloading the Scavenger Mod. This mod is a great new way to play the game. Make sure you start a new save file after installing this mod, and always be wary of cross compatibility issues when you have multiple mods installed.

To get the scavenger mod get on your PC and go to and search by game for “Into the Radius” or follow this link to take you straight to the Into the Radius mod page.

Once you’re here feel free to browse the mods listed on the front page and search through some categories. There’s a bunch of great cosmetic mods that replace objects in the game with different models. There are even other gameplay mods like the STALKER mod that you can install. To find the Scavenger mod search for “Scavenger Mod” in the search bar at the top of the screen, or go to any mod page that you want. When you’re there click on the “Files” tab.

Oh, and make sure that you’re logged into a Nexus Mods account, otherwise you won’t be able to download anything. Don’t worry, you can easily sign up for a free Nexus Mods account. Also you’ll notice that some mods, like the Scavenger Mod, can be installed using Nexus Mod’s Vortex mod manager.

Since not all mods are supported by Vortex, here we’ll be going over how to install these mods manually. Don’t worry, it’s not very hard and takes about just as long as using Vortex anyway.

Now click the “Manual Download” button underneath the latest mod file and you’ll be taken to a downloads page. Select the “Slow Download” button if you’re using a free Nexus Mods account and the file will download to your Downloads folder (or whatever folder you’ve designated files to download to, but Downloads is the default).

Congratulations on your shiny new mod! Time to install it.

How To Install Into the Radius Mods

Head to your PC’s Downloads folder. You can find it in the “Quick Access” panel of the file explorer, or go to C:\Users\<Your PC Username>\Downloads. If the downloaded mod file is a .zip file right click on it and select “Extract All” to get the unzipped contents.

Whichever mod you’ve downloaded should come with one or multiple .pak files. Those .pak files contain the actual mod information and all you need to do is move them to the right folder to install the mod. The Scavenger mod comes with a lot of .pak files in the ScavengerMod/Scavenger/ folder. For this example we’ll be installing the .pak file in the “Abundant” folder for as much loot as possible, and also disabling the shop with the .pak in “Optionnal_files”.

Now that we know what .pak files we want to move, let’s open another File Explorer window to where we want to move them. If you run Into the Radius VR through Steam, then go to where you installed Steam and then \steamapps\common\IntoTheRadius\IntoTheRadius\Content\Paks. The default Steam installation path is: C:\Program FIles\Steam\steamapps\common\IntoTheRadius\IntoTheRadius\Content\Paks.

Oculus App users can find the Into the Radius folder in C:\Program Files\Oculus\Software\Software by default. Then go to \IntoTheRadius\Content\Paks.

This “Paks” folder is where you need to move all of the installed .pak files. Just drag the .paks for the mods you want to install into the “Paks” folder and that’s it! You’ve installed Into the Radius mods. When you start the game next they’ll be installed and ready to go.

Well that’s how you install mods in Into the Radius VR. Make sure to be careful that the mods you install don’t overlap and conflict. Be sure to read the README if one comes with a mod you want to install, or at least read the mod’s page to check if the mod developer shows any conflicts. Most should be obvious, for instance don’t install two mods that reskin the same weapon. It’s also best to start a new game after installing mods, as the mods might mess with a differently modded or vanilla game. Especially overhaul mods like the Scavenger or STALKER mods.,

Oh, and make sure to leave pakchunk0-WindowsNoEditor.pak in the “Paks” folder. This .pak is needed to run Into the Radius properly and is part of a vanilla installation of the game. Moving or deleting it will probably break your game.

Have fun out there in a whole new Zone!

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Reality Remake Reality Remake

Easily Install Gorilla Tag Mods Step by Step

Welcome to this step by step guide on how to install Gorilla Tag Mods! Gorilla Tag is an extremely fun VR game, and it’s even better with mods. So keep reading to find out how to install Gorilla Tag mods as easily as possible.

Welcome to this step by step guide on how to install Gorilla Tag Mods! Gorilla Tag is an extremely fun VR game, and it’s even better with mods. So keep reading to find out how to install Gorilla Tag mods as easily as possible.

Installing Gorilla Tag Mods on the Oculus Quest 2

A quick note for all Oculus Quest 2 lovers that are wondering how to get mods directly on your Quest 2. Unfortunately Gorilla Tag mods can no longer be installed on the Quest 2. There are also currently no plans to bring Quest 2 modding back to Gorilla Tag. Sorry, but if you want to mod Gorilla Tag then you’ll have to do it on PCVR. Look at this screenshot from the Gorilla Tag modding discord.

If you see a guide that says you can install mods, probably using the QuestPatcher tool, then they won’t tell you that you won’t be able to play Gorilla Tag on your Meta Quest 2 after using QuestPatcher. It simply won’t work, and will constantly tell you that you have an outdated version of the game that has to be restored to the newest version.

If you have a Quest 2 and want to play Gorilla Tag on PCVR then you could set up and use Oculus Airlink. The thing about Airlink is that it can drop a ton of frames and be very choppy and look horrible if your internet setup to your PC isn’t very good. If you want to use Oculus Airlink, then make sure your PC is connected to your Router or Modem with an ethernet cable.

If you can’t or don’t want to use Airlink then you’ll need to be able to connect your headset to your PC directly. This is possible with an Oculus Quest 2 using an Oculus Link Cable or comparable USB 3 cable. If you don’t have one there are plenty online that are not as expensive as the official Link Cable, but are possibly not as good.

Monke Mod Manager for PCVR Gorilla Tag Mods

The first step in installing PCVR Gorilla Tag mods is downloading and installing the Monke Mod Manager. This is a useful program that you can use on your PC to install Gorilla tag mods. Go to the Monke Mod Manager github page that you can find at this link. Click on the MonkeModManager.exe link under “Assets” to download the installer.

After Monke Mod Manager is downloaded, launch it to start the installer. You might get a prompt like the one you see here if the installer can’t find where your Gorilla Tag launcher is.

That’s alright. If you run Gorilla Tag through Steam click OK and then find and select GorillaTag.exe at C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Gorilla Tag. If you run Gorilla Tag through the Oculus app then you can find and select GorillaTag.exe at C:\Program Files (x86)\Oculus\Software\Software\another-axiom-gorilla-tag (your filepath might be a little different depending on where you have Steam or Oculus installed, just find the “Steam” or “Oculus” folder and follow the rest of the path from there).

Whether Monke Mod Manager found the path automatically or you had to find it yourself, it will start up and you’ll see a menu with a bunch of check boxes. Scroll up and down the mods available and check whichever mods you want to install. Then hit “Install/Update” in the bottom right corner, and in a couple of seconds the mods will be installed.

This example here shows how to install the Gorilla Cosmetics mod, which you can use to add a bunch of great new cosmetics to your monke from a little cosmetics selector in your treehouse in Gorilla Tag.

You can also highlight a mod by clicking on its text, and then selecting “View Mod Info” in the bottom middle to open that mods github page, which you can manually download the mod from or read the README about it.

A great mod to install is “Monke Map Loader” which lets you load custom Gorilla Tag maps through the Computer in your treehouse in game. Just select the “Monke Map Loader” program on the ingame computer and you can select from all the maps you have installed. You can find more custom maps to download at this link.

You can install these new custom maps by moving them into your game's BepInEx/plugins/MonkeMapLoader/CustomMaps folder. If you don’t want to go looking for your game folder, just select the “Game Folder” button in the Monke Mod Manager Utilities tab.

Avoiding Bans

Be careful to disable mods that affect gameplay by selecting their checkbox and hitting “Disable Mods” before joining Public Lobbies. Most will disable automatically on joining a public Gorilla Tag lobby, but there might be a bug that keeps some on and your account might get banned by using them in a public lobby.

How To Get More Gorilla Tag Mods

If the mods that come with Monke Mod Manager aren’t enough for you, you can find more in the Gorilla Tag modding discord at this link. There are also a bunch of github repositories for Gorilla Tag PC Mods.

Some mods are a little different in how you should install them, so make sure to read the README for the mod. For most you can just download the mods .zip and extract it to a regular folder, then move that folder to your Gorilla Tag game folder. If the mod is just .dll files, then you should move them to the BepInEx/plugins folder.

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