Thrill Of the Fight: Extra Opponents Breakdown

Here we breakdown each of the “Extra” opponents in Thrill Of the Fight by Sealost Interactive. These are the opponents in the “Extra” menu of the main menu in the game. Each is some variation of a Halloween monster, and each is a unique challenge.

For a breakdown of the normal fighters check out our original article. If you’re new to the game and want to get better at it then you might want to check out our Beginner’s Guide.

Table Of Contents:

Choose Your Character

Ghostly Boxer

The Ghostly Boxer is a dark, ethereal version of Ugly Joe. He is in most respects a pretty average foe and has many of the qualities of his normal counterpart. He hits fairly hard, but needs to land quite a few blows to knock you out. He can take a pretty solid beating himself before going down. He’s also not particularly fast, and not overly aggressive either.

So he is average in every respect except that he cannot be hit. Pretty poor circumstance to find yourself in during a boxing game, fighting an opponent that can’t be punched, well except for a single caveat. He can be punched when he is punching. Visually this is shown as Joe’s ghostly dark form turning white whenever he can be hurt. Since this window is only when he is attacking it is awfully short.

So the Ghostly Boxer is a fighter which tests your reflexes above all others. The natural response is to try and attack very quickly while the Ghostly Boxer is throwing a punch. Don’t get hit, while also counter attacking with extreme swiftness. A pretty fun exercise in and of itself, and good for practice counter attacking. Wait for the three rounds to finish, and win on points.

However, there is another way. Instead of waiting for the Ghostly Boxer to attack you while your guard is up, why not put your guard down on purpose so that he will take a swing? Better yet, have your guard down while you are swinging. So the moment the Ghostly Boxer takes his swing your first will already be slamming full force into the side of his head.

This can be easily be achieved by throwing a constant barrage of hooks at him while your guard is down. Be prepared to throw a lot of them, and be patient when he is recovering from taking a hit. He will inevitably take the bait and try to take a swing. If your strike is true you will interrupt his attack with your own before he can strike you. With this method it is possible to win by technical knockout instead of landing jabs and running out the clock.

Zombie Joe

Zombie Joe is another spooky version of Ugly Joe. Now he is corporeal, but with no pupils in his eyes, just the whites. His reach towards you and his jaw is slack. He moans and groans, just like a zombie should. His gloves are dirty and his shorts say “DEATH”.

Luckily there’s nothing keeping you from hitting this version of Joe. Unluckily he is far more aggressive than his still-living counterpart, and even more surprisingly he is not much of a boxer. Zombie Joe hardly uses his hands at all. He is more partial to boxing with his mouth by leaning in whenever you are close and chewing on you.

Whenever Zombie Joe latches on you will take a lot of damage fairly quickly until you are knocked down. The only way to stop this is to hit Joe in the side of the head, or step backwards. Hopefully you have a pretty big space to fight in because defeating Zombie Joe is all about footwork. Footwork and endurance.

There is no quick way to beat Zombie Joe because he will keep coming straight for you no matter how hard you hit him. The best thing to do is get eaten as little as possible while landing as many blows as possible. Unfortunately Joe isn’t deterred by a constant barrage of punches. Rather the way to keep his mouth away from your brains is to constantly back up and run around him while throwing punches whenever possible. It’s a constant game of keepaway that can quickly become exhausting, making Zombie Joe a test of both speed and stamina.

There is one trick that may help. Stay just inside of Zombie Joe’s lunging range, and when he lunges quickly jump backwards while peppering him with punches. This is a little less exhausting than constantly running in circles, though it requires precise timing. Each time you back up far enough Zombie Joe will take a second to regroup before attacking once more. Giving an opportunity to get some hits in while not being eaten.

Be careful to keep an eye on your Guardian Boundary, and if you don’t have a lot of room to box then maybe skip this fighter. Boxing a zombie is not worth running into a wall.


Unlike the other two Extra Opponents Ichabod does not take the form of Ugly Joe. Instead he takes the form of The Lightning… except minus a head. Well, he sort of has a head, but not one that qualifies as human, or as one that can feel pain.

Yep, the challenge of Ichabod is boxing an opponent with no head. For a boxer this is… difficult to say the least. You will need to rely entirely on body shots in order to defeat Ichabod. Hitting his pumpkin head doesn’t hurt him at all, and just causes bits of it to fly off as he maniacally laughs.

Since you will be constantly attacking Ichabod below the neck, he will be blocking his body pretty often, though his coverage lacks on the far sides of his rib cage. Not to mention there is also a weak point on the left side of his body (your left, his right) just as there is on the practice dummy. One tip is to take useless swings at his head, which will still get him to move his guard a little more upwards, and then go for his body.

You’ll know when you’ve hurt Ichabod by the pained screams that he will let out, though he might still do his creepy laugh when he gets a good hit on you. A fight against Ichabod is a war of attrition. You want to get more hits on his body than he can on your head when you duck down to take shots. Since Ichabod is based on The Lightning, he hits pretty quickly and has decent footwork.

You will find that trying to duck in quickly and land a hit or two can be difficult without getting knocked in the head. You can try keeping one arm up to try and block the incoming blow while you land your own, though this can be very difficult, especially if Ichabod attacks with his opposite arm. It’s even better to wait for Ichabod to attack, block him, and then counter attack his belly. As long as you block his original attack consistently and counter quickly you can get a body shot or two without any repercussions.

Well that’s it for our breakdown on the Extra opponents in The Thrill Of the Fight by Sealost Interactive. It is a great experience on the Oculus Quest 2 (or if you prefer, Meta Quest 2) available for $9.99 on the Oculus Store. It is also available for $9.99 on Steam. Thanks for reading, and happy boxing!


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