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The Thrill Of The Fight Quest 3 Update Looks Great And Adds Mixed Reality

It’s no secret that The Thrill Of The Fight is one of, if not the, best VR fitness and fighting games out there. Of course, this depends on who you ask, but here at Reality Remake I’ve gushed many times about how fantastic this game is for fun workouts and just fun in general.

If you want a fantastic VR boxing experience then there really is no substitute for The Thrill Of The Fight.

While The Thrill Of The Fight 2 still seems so tantalizingly close yet far away as it remains in development, for the time being, the original The Thrill Of The Fight has received a fantastic update for Meta Quest 3 headsets.

It’s no secret that The Thrill Of The Fight is one of, if not the, best VR fitness and fighting games out there. Of course, this depends on who you ask, but here at Reality Remake I’ve gushed many times about how fantastic this game is for fun workouts and just fun in general.

If you want a fantastic VR boxing experience then there really is no substitute for The Thrill Of The Fight.

While The Thrill Of The Fight 2 still seems so tantalizingly close yet far away as it remains in development, for the time being, the original The Thrill Of The Fight has received a fantastic update for Meta Quest 3 headsets.

The Thrill Of The Fight Looks Great On the Meta Quest 3

Just look at the image below. On the left is the VR game on the Quest 2, and on the right is the same game on the Quest 3.

On the left, The Duke on the Quest 2, on the Right, the Duke on Quest 3

The image sharpness and quality are lightyears apart, even when you see them on a flat screen. The difference when viewing this environment, and your many opponents, in Virtual Reality as intended is even more mind blowing.

This update uses the increased processing power and superior construction of the Quest 3 to make the game look so much better on Quest 3 headsets. It’s great to see that even with the sequel in development, some love is still being given to the original.

While this might not be anything major like new enemies or new gamemodes, it’s much easier to get immersed in each boxing match with the game looking so much better.

You might notice that some of the opponent models have strange black lines on them in some places, like around the chin. Unfortunately, this makes them look a little wonky. So if you’re still stuck with a Quest 2, at least you won’t have to deal with that.

See the seam on Moneymaker’s arm here? There are a lot of models that are a bit broken like that

The Thrill Of The Fight Mixed Reality Is Also Very Cool

Of course, Mixed Reality and passthrough are also fantastic on the Oculus Quest 3, much better than we had on the Quest 2. Among the slew of additions of MR support and applications, comes a new Mixed Reality mode for The Thrill Of The Fight.

Now you can fight all of your classic opponents inside whatever room in your house you desire, or an actual physical boxing ring if you’re lucky enough to have access to one.

The Thrill Of The Fight in Mixed Reality is a trip, and also just as fun as in Virtual Reality

This Mixed Reality mode does have the usual issues of objects and people in Mixed Reality seeming strangely disconnected from their surroundings.

For instance, if you look closely the feet of your opponents might not seem like they quite touch the floor, but this is still a fun new way to box in Virtual Reality.

That’s it for now, if you’ve got a Meta Quest 3 and want to get back into some VR boxing, now is a better time than ever to hop into The Thrill Of The Fight. Enjoy!

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The Thrill Of The Fight 2 Will Have Multiplayer and Improved Realism

We’ve talked a lot here about the fantastic VR Boxing Game Thrill Of The Fight, and if you’re as big of a fan of this game as we are then you’ll be excited to hear that a sequel is coming.

Unfortunately one of the biggest things that has been missing in the first iteration of this fantastic VR fighting game is a lack of a Multiplayer mode. That’s why it is so fantastic to know that Thrill Of The Fight 2 will have Multiplayer.

This and a whole suite of other improvements have been announced by the new developers of Thrill Of The Fight 2, Halfbrick, who will be working with the original creator of Thrill Of The Fight, Ian Fitz, on the sequel.

We’ve talked a lot here about the fantastic VR Boxing Game Thrill Of The Fight, and if you’re as big of a fan of this game as we are then you’ll be excited to hear that a sequel is coming.

Unfortunately one of the biggest things that has been missing in the first iteration of this fantastic VR fighting game is a lack of a Multiplayer mode. That’s why it is so fantastic to know that Thrill Of The Fight 2 will have Multiplayer.

This and a whole suite of other improvements have been announced by the new developers of Thrill Of The Fight 2, Halfbrick, who will be working with the original creator of Thrill Of The Fight, Ian Fitz, on the sequel.

So let’s talk about what we currently know about Thrill Of the Fight 2 and the fantastic new features that are coming to this VR game.

Thrill Of The Fight 2 - Multiplayer And What We Know So Far

So, as far as we know, what’s the vision for Thrill Of the Fight 2?

In their announcement about the new game Halfbrick hasn’t given many concrete details, but what they have said sounds very good for long time fans of the original Thrill Of The Fight.

A lot of their wording seems meant to placate longtime fans and assure us that Thrill Of The Fight 2 is not only made in close concert with the creator of the original game, Ian Fitz, but will also continue the spirit of that original game.

Halfbrick state their intentions here to continue the focus on boxing simulation and realism that the first game had, while also including what they’ve heard “players want most” a Multiplayer mode.

Realistic boxing is what makes Thrill Of The Fight such a great game, and is the focus of the sequel Thrill Of The Fight 2

While unfortunately details on what this Multiplayer mode might look like are scarce so far, it is clear that it is a big focus of the developers over at Halfbrick.

Thrill Of The Fight is an old game that is so much fun and such a great workout that it continues to be one of the best games on the Oculus Quest 3 and VR in general.

So an update is definitely sorely needed. Being able to box another person would make Thrill Of The Fight 2 hands down the best VR Boxing game on the market, given that the feeling and use of actual boxing skill of the game isn’t altered.

From what we’ve heard we can at least definitely say that Halfbrick hasn’t announced any intentions to turn Thrill Of The Fight into a more arcadey experience like those in Creed: Rise To Glory or Knockout League.

Making Ugly Joe even uglier, a hallmark of the Thrill Of The Fight experience

Though there is potential for concern in how Singleplayer might look in this new game, as there hasn’t been any word on new fighters, new difficulty modes, or possibly even a more campaign style fighting bracket to progress through.

While Thrill Of The Fight Multiplayer is a lot to get excited about, let’s hope that the Singleplayer experience also gets some love when Thrill Of The Fight 2 releases.

The addition of Multiplayer alone will bring a lot of challenges to this studio that is relatively untested in the VR market. Even a small amount of lag would make a boxing match a nightmare to play, and there’s also balancing, collision, and a ton of other factors that become much harder with the addition of Multiplayer to a fighting game.

So can we have faith in Halfbrick to deliver on these promises? Are they a studio that can make a fantastic Thrill Of The Fight 2?

Thrill Of The Fight 2 - Who’s Halfbrick?

Now let’s address something that might worry long time fans of Thrill Of the Fight. You might be skeptical of this studio and how they might handle the game, or whether they can handle it at all.

As you may know the original game was the passion project of a solo developer, Ian Fitz, and now we know that the sequel will be in the hands of a game studio that you’ve probably not heard of, Halfbrick.

You might be concerned that despite their promises Halfbrick might skew the original vision of Thrill Of The Fight or fail to deliver a good upgrade to the original, and that’s a legitimate worry to have.

There have been game sequels in the past that have changed hands to a new developer and ended up worse off for it.

The Halfbrick Studios Logo

Fortunately Halfbrick have announced officially that they wish not only to continue Ian’s original focus on realism, but to expand on it and make the game feel like an even more immersive boxing experience.

Should Halfbrick deliver on this promise in Thrill Of The Fight 2 then it’s also certainly good news for those that use Thrill Of The Fight as a workout game as well as a boxing simulator.

Of course you may also be wondering if Halfbrick has the expertise to deliver on this promise. While they certainly have more resources than one person alone, what have they done in the past?

Judging from their website they’ve released a lot of games, but most seem to be 2D flatscreen games. They’re clearly very prolific mobile game developers, but not so much in the Virtual Reality gaming space.

Though they do have some acclaim as the studio behind the infamous Fruit Ninja games, their only experience in Virtual Reality game development is Fruit Ninja VR 1 and 2.

So it’s not like this is a studio completely inexperienced in VR game development.

Halfbrick’s Fruit Ninja series are currently their only forays into VR game development

Fruit Ninja VR 1 and 2 are good VR games that definitely deliver on the promise of slicing fruits in VR, and the controls and physics of them run smoothly. As far as VR game development experience goes, it’s not bad for a small studio.

Speaking of small, how big is Halfbrick? According to Google Studio’s case study on the company: “Halfbrick Studios employs about 35 people at its headquarters in Brisbane, Australia, plus another 11 in Spain and a small team in Bulgaria, while its licensing and entertainment business operates out of the United States.”

Pretty big as far as VR game studios go, though their resources will likely not all be on Thrill Of The Fight 2. Still, this is very hopeful news, and it seems that Thrill Of The Fight 2 will definitely have the expertise and manpower to be all that it can be.

Either way it’s good to see more game studios turn their attention towards Virtual Reality games.

Well that’s all we’ve got so far about Thrill Of The Fight 2 and the promised Thrill Of The Fight Multiplayer in this sequel. If you’ve got thoughts or hopes for the future of this fantastic VR boxing game feel free to leave a comment. Hopefully we’ll be able to get our hands on it soon.

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The 3 Best VR Boxing Games On The Oculus Quest 2 and PCVR

Want to box but without all of the head injuries that come with it? Well then you’re probably going to love a VR Boxing game, and lucky for you you’ve found this article with the 3 Best VR boxing games on the Meta Quest 2 and PCVR.

Each of these fantastic VR boxing games is available on the Quest 2 and PCVR, so no matter whether you’re using standalone VR or connecting to a PC, you’re good to go no matter what headset you’re using. These VR boxing games are all different, but all give you plenty of opportunities to punch, block, and dodge just like you are an actual boxer in the ring.

Want to box but without all of the head injuries that come with it? Well then you’re probably going to love a VR Boxing game, and lucky for you you’ve found this article with the 3 Best VR boxing games on the Meta Quest 2 and PCVR.

Each of these fantastic VR boxing games is available on the Quest 2 and PCVR, so no matter whether you’re using standalone VR or connecting to a PC, you’re good to go no matter what headset you’re using. These VR boxing games are all different, but all give you plenty of opportunities to punch, block, and dodge just like you are an actual boxer in the ring.

Nothing beats VR for immersiveness when it comes to fighting, and especially boxing. Since instead of just clicking buttons your virtual hands go exactly where your actual hands are. If that sounds like fun then check out any of these 3 best VR boxing games on the Oculus Quest 2 and PCVR.

Thrill Of The Fight - The Best VR Boxing Games for Quest and PCVR

The Thrill Of The Fight Logo

When it comes to Oculus Quest 2 boxing games, there’s no experience that simulates the sport of boxing better in Virtual Reality than Thrill Of The Fight.

Originally made by a solo developer, Thrill Of The Fight is a Meta Quest and PCVR boxing game that does its best to make you feel like you’re actually boxing.

Getting hit in the face in the VR Boxing game Thrill Of The Fight

In Thrill Of The Fight you face off against a variety of opponents in varying difficulty modes that can even be tweaked and customized to your liking. Each opponent fights differently, and you’ll need to not only use your boxing skills, but boxing strategy to defeat them.

Your punches do more damage when you hit weak points on your enemies, like the sides of their head or chin, and your enemies won’t be idle either. They will dodge and counterattack quickly. So you will have to block and dodge yourself to stay standing and have a shot at winning.

Thrill Of The Fight has stood for years as the most authentic VR boxing game on the Oculus Quest 2 and PCVR platforms.

Knocking out an opponent in Thrill Of The Fight

Of all VR boxing games this is the one that you should come to if you want the truest to life VR boxing simulation available.

The downsides of Thrill Of The Fight when compared to these other two games is that Thrill Of The Fight offers no multiplayer mode, though it’s sequel Thrill Of The Fight 2 does promise an addition of a multiplayer mode on release.

Moreover the focus on a simulation of boxing rather than a more gamified VR boxing experience means that Thrill Of The Fight is a bit drier, and its strategy is more the strategy of real boxing than what you might expect out of a video game. To get better at Thrill Of The Fight involves a lot of focusing on fundamentals, speed, and strength.

This VR boxing game is difficult when you start climbing the difficulty levels, and it is pretty physically exhausting if you want to combine a love of VR boxing with a love of exercise. Either way, it’s a ton of fun to go a few rounds in the Thrill Of The Fight.

Creed: Rise to Glory - Championship Edition - The Best VR Boxing Games for Quest and PCVR

The Creed: Rise to Glory - Championship Edition Logo

Creed: Rise To Glory is a VR Boxing game inspired by the Rocky and following Creed movie franchises. In this VR boxing game you can even play as Rocky or Adonis Creed themselves.

Whether you’re a huge fan of those movies or not, Creed: Rise To Glory is definitely the best looking of these VR boxing games, even on the Quest 2. You can play through the Singleplayer campaign as Adonis Creed, and there’s even a story to the Singleplayer campaign fights, though not a terribly interesting one.

Still, there’s a lot to do in this Quest 2 fighting game. There’s a large roster of characters to fight against, or even as in this game’s Singleplayer matchups or player vs player modes.

Hitting an opponent in the face

That’s right, Creed: Rise To Glory has multiplayer, and it’s pretty good too. Though it does suffer from a lot of the same issues as the Singleplayer does.

The whole experience is a toned down sort of boxing experience. There’s some arcade elements added for sure, but there’s never really the need for a ton of physicality when compared to other boxing games on the Quest 2 and PCVR.

Punching harder is supposed to help, but no matter how hard you punch they all feel weak. There’s little feedback to you telling you if you hit hard or not, except for the occasional time your opponent is stunned, which is probably this game’s greatest weakness.

Sometimes you hit your opponents so hard that the game slows down time and you get to hit them as many times as you want to.

An opponent paused by a strike, waiting to be hit

Hitting someone that can’t defend themselves doesn’t seem very fun. Whether this is a feature or a drawback is up to you to decide, but Creed: Rise To Glory does have a hard time balancing the simulated with the arcade as much as it tries.

Still, it is by far the most polished and feature rich of any VR boxing game on the Meta Quest 2 or PCVR by a large margin.

Training before a fight in Creed: Rise to Glory

If you want a VR boxing game that has a ton of features and cool ideas (like having you train before a fight by doing a series of quick challenges) then give Creed: Rise To Glory a try by playing the free demo.

If the punching feels good and the gameplay feels smooth to you, then this Meta Quest 2 boxing game is definitely worth the price.

Virtual Fighting Championship - The Best VR Boxing Games for Quest and PCVR

The Virtual Fighting Championship Logo

Virtual Fighting Championship is still in active development, and is definitely the least polished experience out of all of the games on this list.

Still, out of the many in development VR Boxing games on the Meta Quest 2 and PCVR platforms, Virtual Fighting Championship stands above many of the unpolished and janky games out there as a potential future star of VR Boxing on the Oculus Quest 2 and PCVR.

Blocking an incoming attack

This VR game leans even further away from the simulation of Thrill Of The Fight towards being the most arcade like VR boxing experience there is on the Quest 2.

There’s health bars, floating damage text, the whole nine yards. Still, even for someone who likes a more simulated experience, there’s a lot of fun to be had with Virtual Boxing Championship.

It’s a boxing game that is much closer to a Mortal Kombat VR game than anything else. There are a few different characters you can pick from for each fight, and each character even has their own special combos and abilities.

The abilities and stats of a character

Landing these combos lets you stun enemies, weaken them, and other status effects. So Virtual Fighting Championship is also a bit of a strategic experience. You want to hit enemies in a certain order, not just hit them any way that you can.

In that way it’s a lot like more traditional fighting games played with a controller and a TV screen. Oh, and Virtual Fighting Championship features a Multiplayer mode as well as a Singleplayer campaign.

Punching an opponent in the face

Still, Virtual Fighting Championship is even more buggy than most VR games, and definitely still has some rough edges to it. Characters need more combos, and the graphical fidelity is the lowest out of all of these boxing games on both the Oculus Quest 2 and PCVR.

So if you want a more traditional fighting game experience which still only involves your hands, then give this game a look. It’s currently on the App Lab for the Quest platform, and Steam for PCVR. Though you might want to wait out the development phase of this game and grab it when it’s more complete and feels smoother to play.

There you have it, the best VR Boxing games that you can play both on the Oculus Quest 2 and PCVR. There’s other boxing games in VR of course, but most are either too unpolished or far too boring to include on a list of the “best.” You can’t go wrong with these three, and whichever you pick, enjoy!

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5 Essential Thrill Of The Fight Tips and Tricks To Become A Powerful Boxer

Thrill Of The Fight is a really intense game. It’s more of a simulation of boxing than some of its more arcade style counterparts, so learning how to fight well in Thrill Of The Fight is a lot like learning how to box well. Still, while there is some intersection of good boxing skills and good Thrill Of The Fight skills, there are some particulars to the game that good skill at boxing won’t get you.

Here we’ll cover 5 of the most essential Thrill Of The Fight tips and tricks to get you more knockouts and help you become a powerful boxer that can beat any of the opponents in this VR game on any difficulty level. You’ll even get a great workout while you’re at it, because Thrill Of The Fight is one of the greatest VR games for exercise out there.

Thrill Of The Fight is a really intense game. It’s more of a simulation of boxing than some of its more arcade style counterparts, so learning how to fight well in Thrill Of The Fight is a lot like learning how to box well. Still, while there is some intersection of good boxing skills and good Thrill Of The Fight skills, there are some particulars to the game that good skill at boxing won’t get you.

Here we’ll cover 5 of the most essential Thrill Of The Fight tips and tricks to get you more knockouts and help you become a powerful boxer that can beat any of the opponents in this VR game on any difficulty level. You’ll even get a great workout while you’re at it, because Thrill Of The Fight is one of the greatest VR games for exercise out there.

1. Go For Weak Points - Thrill Of The Fight Tips and Tricks

If you just can’t seem to ever knock down your opponent in Thrill Of The Fight, then this tip will show you exactly why. You’ll notice that when you hit them a little splash of color accompanies every strike.

Landing a very effective hit on a weak point

You’ll often see that these little color splashes are grey, or maybe even yellow. If you get a really good hit then they’ll be orange or even red for maximum damage. Though if you’re really wailing on your opponent and landing hard hits, you might still just be doing grey or yellow damage.

Well hitting faster and harder always helps, but the main way to make sure your punches do as much damage as possible to your enemies are weak points. There is one in the center of the chest, one on their right side, one under the chin, two on either sides of the chin, and two on either sides of the head.

Hitting these weak points increases your damage by a lot, and if you really want to do enough to knock down your opponent you need to hit them. The best way to find out where exactly these weak points are, and practice hitting them, is the practice dummy.

The Practice Dummy in Thrill Of The Fight

Seriously, you have to use it at least once to get a feel for where to hit an opponent. Sure, the dummy doesn’t move, but a minute of practice swinging at it before you start fighting real fighters will increase your odds of hitting weak points a lot and is completely worth it.

If you want to knock your opponent down then a flurry of low damage blows isn’t the way to do it, focus on doing a lot of damage with a single punch.

2. Keep Your Hands Up - Thrill Of The Fight Tips and Tricks

The second thing you’ll need after a good offense that can actually knock out your opponent is a good defense so they don’t knock you down.

Blocking a punch in Thrill Of The Fight. Keep your hands up!

Luckily your hands are very effective at defending in Thrill Of The Fight. Hits bounce right off of them with ease, and so the best way to put up an effective defense is to just keep your hands up. If either of your hands isn’t punching then it should be covering your head.

Sure you can get hit in the body as well, but nothing will put you out of commission faster in a fight than a punch to the side of your skull, so keep those hands up.

Good footwork is also important, though it might not be as useful for you if your play space is very small. Even if you’re boxing in a space so small that you can’t move your feet, you can still benefit from moving your upper body and head around.

Dodging a punch in Thrill Of The Fight

Ducking and dodging out of the way of incoming blows is also a very effective defensive tactic, and you can also land a couple of hits on your opponent while you’re moving out of the way on their blow.

3. Damage Is Debilitating - Thrill Of The Fight Tips and Tricks

You’ll notice that your screen will go grey when you take a particularly nasty hit in Thrill Of The Fight. While luckily physical pain isn’t transferrable across a VR headset, this grey screen does show you how much you are hurt in the game.

After taking a bad hit your vision will go grey

Once your vision goes grey you should immediately break off any attack you’re doing and go on the defensive. One solid hit while your vision looks like this and you’ll probably end up on the floor of the arena.

You also deal less damage while you’re injured, so continuing to attack will probably be ineffective until you take a few seconds to recover and your vision returns to normal. All of your punches deal far less damage while you are hurt.

Though the same is true for the enemy fighter.

Ugly Joe after taking a really hard hit

After you land a particularly devastating blow you might notice that your opponent’s head starts wobbling. You also might notice that they attack you far less when they’re in this state, and will generally just block and take a few seconds to recover before trying to attack.

While they might still punch back depending on which fighter you’re fighting and which difficulty level you’re fighting them on, it’s a good idea to press an attack when you’ve already hit your enemy hard.

A fighter getting up after being knocked down. A few effective hits in succession can knock them down

Your damage will stack up on them, and the best way to knock down an enemy fighter is not to depend on a single hit, but to focus on several hard hits to weak points until they go down. You won’t have a lot of time to land another hit though, so go in and take your chance quickly before they recover and start attacking you back.

4. Low Damage Punches Are Still Important - Thrill Of The Fight Tips and Tricks

So a few high damage hits in a short period of time is the way to get a knockout on your opponent, but what about all of the places on their body that aren’t weak points? Well they’re not useless places to attack.

Hitting an enemy in the side can make them drop their guard

Sure getting a knockout with purely body shots is extremely difficult, though landing a hit in your opponents sides can still do some decent damage. What’s great about attacking low damage areas like the face or body is that your opponent will move their hands to block those areas after you hit them.

So if you land a devastating right hook on your enemy they will move their hands to protect the sides of their head, but you’ll need to land more high damage hits to knock them out. Their chin is open, but uppercuts are hard and maybe you’re not good at them.

A punch to the face can make your opponent change their guard

So just punch them in the face or body a couple of times. Soon they will move their guard and give you another opening to attack the weak points on their chin or the sides of their head.

Rotating your attacks will frustrate the enemy’s defense and give you a chance to hit weakpoints quickly in a short amount of time.

5. Pace Yourself And Take Breaks - Thrill Of The Fight Tips and Tricks

Of course even if you haven’t taken any damage in game your punches will still be ineffective if your actual body is physically exhausted.

Thrill Of The Fight is a really intense game, and it can make you tired very quickly if you’re not used to it. That’s why it’s important to take the previous tips to heart when planning your attacks. A few devastating and well aimed punches are less tiring than a bunch of weak and ineffective punches.

Swinging and doing hardly any damage will just tire you out

If you’re starting to get winded during a fight then go defensive. If you want to win your odds of hitting, blocking, and dodging effectively go way down when you’re tired. So unless you’ve only got a little time left and really need to get a knockout quickly to win you can give yourself a breather and just focus on not getting hit for a while.

It’s also important to drink plenty of water because Thrill Of The Fight is a workout no matter how you play it and will make you sweat. Feel free to cool down a bit between matches and walk around in circles for a bit and maybe do some basic stretches to stay limber.

Thrill Of The Fight is a fantastic game, but it will be no fun if you’re struggling to breathe. Wipe the sweat off of your face and out of your eyes and give yourself a breather before jumping back in.

Anyway those are all of the Thrill Of The Fight tips and tricks we’ve got for you today. Hopefully you can take them and use them to become an even better boxer in the ring. Best of luck and enjoy!

Oh, and if you want some more tips on Thrill Of The Fight then check out our knockout guide. We’ve also got some tips for each opponent in the game, and you might find something you’d like to read in any of the other articles on this fantastic boxing simulator.

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Thrill Of The Fight Weight Loss Is Fantastic

If you want to lose weight in a fun way then it doesn’t get much better than Thrill Of The Fight. Out of all VR exercise games Thrill Of The Fight offers not only great entertainment value, but an intense and fantastic workout. If you’re wondering whether weight loss with Thrill of The Fight is possible, then it is. Here’s why Thrill Of The Fight is so great for weight loss.

If you want to lose weight in a fun way then it doesn’t get much better than Thrill Of The Fight. Out of all VR exercise games Thrill Of The Fight offers not only great entertainment value, but an intense and fantastic workout. If you’re wondering whether weight loss with Thrill of The Fight is possible, then it is. Here’s why Thrill Of The Fight is so great for weight loss.

Thrill Of The Fight Weight Loss

You might be wondering though, why is Thrill Of The Fight great for weight loss? Well that’s a good question. As you probably know one of the most important factors in weight loss is exercise. The purpose of exercise is to build muscle and burn calories. Muscles, in turn, burn more calories over time. That’s the basic theory. So the goal every time you exercise is to move as much as possible to burn calories, and also to move in a way that causes your muscles to build over time.

That’s why Thrill Of The Fight is so fantastic for weight loss. Since this game is the closest thing to a realistic simulation of boxing in Virtual Reality as there is, you’ll get the same amount of exercise as you would if you were actually boxing. Ducking out of the way of incoming punches, throwing punches of your own, and blocking incoming blows all requires quick and strenuous movement. These movements need to be done constantly over the course of a match, and pretty soon you’ll find yourself panting and your muscles sore.

Boxing is a strenuous sport, and most professional boxers you might have seen are pretty slim and muscular. That’s because real boxing involves a lot of movement and a lot of muscle groups. You might mostly be swinging your arms, but you use your abdomen and core a lot when boxing, and Thrill Of The Fight brings all the same muscle groups to a Virtual Reality workout, and without you ever getting punched in the head.

As we’ve already said here, Thrill Of The Fight weight loss is great because it not only burns calories and gives you great cardio every time you play it, but you also build muscle in your abdomen and arms each time you play. As you work your way through the various opponents in Thrill Of The Fight you’ll find that they also get more difficult as you go through them. As you become a better boxer you’ll also find that the opponents demand more from you, and your natural inclination to discover new challenges will bring you to fight them.

That’s another reason why Thrill Of The Fight weight loss is superior to many other forms of weight loss. Since Thrill Of The Fight functions as a video game you will naturally want to progress as you would in any other game. As you progress through the different opponents, and try fighting on higher difficulty levels, even as your boxing skill becomes greater the amount of calories burnt and muscle built as you go becomes greater as well.

Thrill Of The Fight naturally causes you to do more intense workouts over time, and so increase the amount of exercise and weight loss over time. That’s the true power of this gamified boxing VR workout. You will push yourself through the difficulty levels and to better weight loss the more you play Thrill Of The Fight.

Thrill Of The Fight Weight Loss - Testimonials

You don’t have to take our word for it though. There are stories and testimonials all over the internet, especially reddit, about how great Thrill Of The Fight weight loss is. Here’s a few.

Even science agrees that Thrill Of The Fight is great for weight loss. The folks over at the VR Health Institute have done a study, and compiled a list of Virtual Reality games and their workout equivalents here. Thrill Of The Fight’s rating comes in at 8 to 10 calories per minute, the equivalent of rowing. It has an MET (or Metabolic Equivalent) of 9.28. These stats make it one of the best VR games for weight loss.

Thrill Of The Fight Weight Loss - Warnings

As great as Thrill Of The Fight is for weight loss, you should keep a few things in mind before attempting to utilize Thrill Of The Fight for weight loss. First, your physical condition, you may want to VR box more or less depending on your current weight and physical fitness. Absolutely destroying your body whenever you try to exercise in Thrill Of The Fight is not good for you in the long term, potentially damaging for your health, and not very fun. As with any health related matters consult a medical professional.

Also make sure you don’t overextend your arms or neck when punching. Since you’ll be punching air and not a physical target it can be easy to punch too far and pull a muscle. Most importantly, you won’t experience any weight loss no matter how much you play Thrill Of The Fight if you have a poor diet. Thrill Of The Fight only covers the exercise portion of weight loss. Without proper diet and lifestyle changes you won’t experience any weight loss at all.

Keep these things in mind and you’ll be shedding pounds with Thrill Of The Fight in no time! Oh, and be sure to have fun, what makes Thrill Of The Fight weight loss so fantastic is how fun it is, and without that joy you might as well be running and doing push-ups.

For more general tips on weight loss in VR in general check out our VR Weight Loss Guide.

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