Blade And Sorcery Golem Boss Fight Guide And Tips
Having trouble with Blade and Sorcery’s Golem Boss Fight? Well you wouldn’t be the only one.
The golem boss, lovingly named Hector by the community, is an opponent you will have to defeat quite a few times in Blade & Sorcery.
Why? Because you will need to defeat this Blade and Sorcery boss every time you want to get a new crystal to upgrade your magic. You might as well get good at fighting the golem boss, because you’ll be doing it a lot.
Luckily I’ve got a guide and some tips here on fighting the Blade & Sorcery boss golem so that you can upgrade your crystals and progress further in the game.
How To Defeat The Blade And Sorcery Golem Boss
You need to destroy each of the pink crystals found on the golem’s body to destroy it. They shine pretty brightly, so when you see them you’ll know it.
The Blade & Sorcery Golem Boss. Also known as Hector.
These crystals can be located all over the golem. Some are on his upper legs, while others can be on his torso, upper arms, and even his back.
These crystals can be smashed with anything, even your bare fists if you hit them enough times, but a single hit with a blunt object will do just as fine.
While you can destroy some of the crystals by just jumping up and swinging a weapon overhead, like those on the golem’s legs, you’d have to actually climb up the golem’s arms and back to reach others.
It doesn’t end there though. You’ll notice that some of the crystals are also covered in a strange energy barrier. These barriers can’t be smashed. After you’ve destroyed a few of the crystals on the golem’s body you’ll need to look around the arena and find a big glowing blue crystal.
One of the blue crystals you will have to break to remove the shields from some of the golem’s crystals.
There are several of these throughout the arena, but only one will be revealed at a time. The others will be covered with a magical barrier. Once you find the crystal then smash it.
Some are easy to get to and can be smashed with a fist or melee weapon, while others may force you to climb to get close to them. You can always break those from afar with ranged attacks. If you don’t want to, or can’t, do that, there will always be something climbable that can get you close enough to smash it.
Once the blue crystal is smashed one of the golem’s pink crystals will lose the barrier protecting it, and the golem will also crouch down and be temporarily stunned. Run over to the golem quickly and take this opportunity to smash one of the crystals in a hard to reach area, like on its back.
After you break a blue crystal the boss will be stunned for a few seconds.
Once all of the pink crystals are smashed the golem will kneel down and not get back up. Hit its face to reveal the crystal beneath and pull the crystal out of its head to defeat it.
A once closed door will open in the chamber that you fight the golem in, go through that door and you can place the crystal on a pedestal and choose what kind of crystal you want. Then step on the glowing circle nearby to teleport back home.
Once you defeat the Blade and Sorcery boss you can get a crystal of any kind you like.
Equipment Tips For The Blade And Sorcery Boss Golem Fight
As with any boss fight in any game it’s important to show up prepared not only with knowledge (which is why you’re reading this article) but also with the right ingame equipment to tilt the chances of success in your favor.
Even if you showed up the golem boss fight with no weapons at all you will be relieved to know that there are a few pieces of equipment to be found within the arena itself. Just to the right of the gravity lift that you fall into the arena on you’ll find a spear and shield lying on the ground.
This shield and spear are great free weapons in the boss arena.
The shield isn’t particularly useful the first few times you fight the golem, but the golem does get more dangerous the more times you defeat him.
Later on they will develop a long ranged lighting beam attack that you can reflect with the shield. You can use the reflected beam to destroy the golem’s crystals as well. The shield can also be helpful in deflecting the golem’s other attacks.
You can reflect the golem’s lightning beam with a shield.
The spear isn’t ideal, but it is also useful as a means to smash the boss’s crystals by just hitting them with the shaft of the spear like it’s just a long club.
You’ll also notice that on either side of the arena there are these bowls inlaid into the walls that are full of lightning. Next to each of them is a bow and a quiver of arrows.
There are two free bows and quivers of arrows in the Blade and Sorcery golem boss arena.
Dip the arrow into the lightning to charge it. Then fire it with the bow. The arrow will become a homing arrow that will home in on the nearest crystal. It’s not very smart though, so if another piece of the golem is in the way the homing arrow will just bounce off.
Also keep in mind that the lightning won’t stick to the arrowhead for long, so you have to fire it quickly before it wears off. You can use these arrows to hit the golem’s pink crystals from afar, or destroy the big blue crystals that are in hard to reach places without having to climb to them.
The biggest drawback to relying on using ranged weapons is how limited your ammunition is, with just about forty arrows total being present in the arena. Each crystal also won’t break with just a single hit from an arrow, you will have to hit the crystal multiple times.
These lightning arrows can be very useful to take out the Blade and Sorcery golem boss’s pink crystals from far away.
There is also a big ancient hammer to the found next to the central pillar in the arena. While it isn’t ideal it can also be used to smash crystals. The same goes for the sword found on top of the ridge just to the left of the entrance to the arena (you’ll have to climb up or take the ramp on the other side of it to get up there).
So, naturally, it’s better for you to bring in some more ideal weapons for yourself. I’ve found that the easiest weapons to use to quickly smash crystals are short blunt weapons like the club, trench mace, or flanged mace. A small axe can also be a great choice to quickly smash those crystals.
These can be easily wielded with one hand so that you can grab it from a weapon slot while you’re hanging on to the golem with your other hand. They will also smash a crystal in a single hit.
Smashing the crystals on the golem boss’s lower leg is easy and should be done first.
You could bring additional quiver of arrows if you like to use your bow to fight the golem. Bringing your own shield is unnecessary, but you should also consider your choice of magical crystals when fighting the golem.
For instance, once you have obtained two gravity crystals and combined them you can use gravity magic to launch yourself into the air, which is very useful for quickly getting to high places in the boss arena, or jumping on to the golem’s back.
You can also use gravity magic to deflect the boulders the golem throws at you. So if you want more help against this Blade and Sorcery boss then make sure to get gravity crystals whenever you can. It’s the most helpful magic for fighting the golem.
Using gravity magic to jump on to the Blade and Sorcery golem’s back.
If you can get some armor to prevent you taking as much damage that is also helpful, but not nearly as much as bringing healing items.
Bring as many healing items as you can. The more you bring then the longer you can stay in the fight, just make sure to use them when your health gets low and you see red. If you can’t afford armor or healing items you can always keep doing outposts and arena battles on the map until you can afford as many as you like.
Bringing the right items can make the Blade & Sorcery golem boss fight a lot easier.
Some Golem Boss Fight Tips
So we’ve gone through how to defeat Blade & Sorcery’s Golem Boss Fight (destroy their pink crystals, then destroy the blue crystals to remove the shield from the rest of the pink crystals).
We’ve also gone through what sort of equipment you should bring (a short club, tons of healing items, armor if possible, arrows if you prefer ranged attacks, gravity magic if possible).
Now for some more general tips that will help you stay alive in the boss fight arena and defeat the boss.
First of all, mobility is key in this boss fight. You don’t want to let the golem hit you by swinging his big arms or throwing a rock at you. The key to avoiding these attacks is mobility. Stay moving as much as possible. Remember to swing your arms to run. As long as you don’t stand still and keep your distance you will have an easy time avoiding most of the boss’s attacks.
This also applies when you’re climbing the body of the golem itself. The golem has a lot of handholds for you climb up him, but you can only grab on to him for a very short time before they throw you off. So make sure to climb as quickly as you can with both hands, before grabbing a weapon with just one of your hands to smash a crystal.
Right after you smash a crystal make sure to jump off of the golem and run away, because the golem will throw you off of him with damaging magic, like a blast of gravity or electricity. Though if you’re quick enough you can destroy two crystals at once before jumping off. It’s risky, but if you’re quick you can pull it off.
The golem using a gravity blast after one of its crystals is destroyed.
When you’re far away from the golem make sure to keep moving to avoid their ranged attacks, and when you’re close make sure to carefully pick your opportunity to jump on top of them and get at those crystals.
You can just jump up to hit the crystals on his lower back and legs, but you’ll need to use ranged attacks or climb to reach the upper crystals. If you get hit make sure to heal up at a safe distance before taking another shot.
You can even run to the other side of the big pillar in the center of the arena to buy yourself some time where you won’t have to dodge the golem’s ranged attacks. This can be especially useful when smashing the crystal near the ceiling there, since the boss will take a while to walk around and start attacking you again.
That’s about it! You won’t need to use all of these tactics to defeat the Blade and Sorcery boss fight, so take and use whatever fits your playstyle. Enjoy!