All Into the Radius VR Maps and Locations

Into the Radius VR, whether on the Oculus Quest 2 or PCVR, has 5 dangerous locations that comprise the Pechorsk Radius. Here are the maps for each of those locations and a quick rundown on what to expect and how to be ready to explore each of them.

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Pervomay Route

The first map of Into the Radius VR is Pervomay Route. It marks the edge of the Pechorsk Radius and is lightly wooded and hilly with a scattering of buildings. As you would expect, this map is the least risky to explore. You can navigate your way through it with just the Makarov and Shotgun available to you at the beginning of the game. You enter this map from your home base at the bottom, and can exit to Bolotky Village in two places on top of the map, and to Pobeda Factory on the right side of the map.

There are enemies in the Pervomay Route, but they are the weakest in the game, primarily Fragments, with some Phantoms and Spawns thrown in. Mimic Policemen are the first real challenge here, so be especially careful when you start exploring past the large field of craters covered in anomalies. The two story building in the center of the map spawns at least two Mimic Policemen and the train station will have quite a few as well.

The anomalies of this area are mostly distortion and reflector anomalies, which are generally easy to see with the naked eye and can be detected with bolts. Though the interiors of buildings often have the Black Grass anomaly inside, especially in the small walled in base with the semicircular quonset huts. Luckily Black Grass is easy to deal with provided you have a flashlight or two. There is a gas anomaly in the top right section of the map here, which you can tell by the clouds that glow green. Make sure to wear a gas mask when entering them

Despite being the least dangerous area, Pervomay Route remains relevant even when you have explored further into the Radius. Even in the late game there are a number of anomaly fields that will spawn valuable artifacts after every tide, and valuable devices such as Weather Monitors and Camera Traps to be found. Clearing out all of the Pervomay Route map will net a few thousand at least.

Bolotky Village

The next Into the Radius VR map is Bolotky Village. It is hilly on the bottom, though it quickly levels out into a large swampy center and a densely wooded northern section. There is a route from your home base in the bottom left corner of the map, as well as entrances from Pervomay Route in the bottom right corner of the map. The top of the map contains exits to Pobeda Factory, and there is also a route to Kolkhoz Zarya in the top left corner of the map.

While you can go to Pobeda Factory first, you should not as Bolotky Village is much more manageable, and the main missions will take you here first anyway. While it is possible to fight your way through Bolotky Village with a Makarov and a Double Barreled Shotgun, it is much easier to defeat the enemies here if you upgrade your weapons to something from security levels two or three.

You may also want to upgrade your ammunition to AP or P+ rounds, though it will be expensive, as Bolotky Village is the first location to contain armored enemies. There aren’t too many, so more expensive ammunition is not really worth it. Enough regular FMJ rounds will still punch through armor sooner or later. In addition both Seekers and Mimic Commandos make an appearance in Bolotky Village. While Seekers are all over the place, Mimic Commandoes are only found in the large construction site with the yellow crane hanging over it in the top right hand corner of the map.

More anomalies are also added to Bolotky Village. In addition to those found in Pervomay Route, Bolotky Village includes the Web Anomaly, which is especially dangerous at night, and cannot be detected or disarmed with bolts. Be careful and try to spot the wispy tendrils of the web, especially in areas with a lot of trees.

The Bolt anomaly can also be found in the flooded basement of the construction site next to the crane, and also in the woods on the north of the map, and beside the nearby entrances to Pobeda Factory. The Bolt anomaly is the quickest killer, so be careful when you hear its snapping and popping.

The village section of the Bolotky Village in the bottom left part of the map, and the construction site with the crane in the top right part are the most dangerous. While the village is more manageable the construction site is by far the most difficult combat challenge so far and will be your first big test of your fighting capabilities. Just like in Pervomay Route there are plenty of anomaly fields scattered about, with enemies that won’t take a ton of resources to overcome between them, so this is a very profitable map even in the late game.

Pobeda Factory

The third map in Into the Radius VR is Pobeda Factory. It is largely flat and covered in roads and other industrial leftovers, with the exception of the deep ravines and canyons in the top left side of the map. The Factory itself dominates half of the map, and consists of a few large warehouses, offices, and production buildings ringed in by a wide fence.

There is no entrance to Pobeda Factory directly from your home base. However it is accessible from both Pervomay Route on the right side, Bolotky Village on the bottom right and bottom left, and Kolkhoz Zarya on the top right and top left. While you can go to Kolkhoz Zarya First, it’s much easier to tackle Pobeda Factory before Kolkhoz Zarya, and the main missions will lead you to Pobeda Factory first anyway.

Pobeda Factory is the first area where wearing armor becomes very necessary, as there are a ton of Mimic Commandoes here, accompanied by Mimic Policemen and every other creature you have fought so far. The amount of armored enemies also increases dramatically in Pobeda Factory, so be ready. A rifle of some kind is highly recommended here. There are even Mimic Snipers, both in the tower above the ravines in the top left hand corner of the map, and at the blockhouses guarding the entrance to Kolkhoz Zarya there.

More new anomalies make their appearance in the Pobeda Factory. There is the Stomper Anomaly, which looks as though a giant invisible monster is stomping along the ground. The stomps of force will continue in a straight path, so simply keep your distance and you can avoid this anomaly easily. Getting caught in it will crush you and detonate any explosives stored on your body.

The Scythe anomaly can be found in the Factory Complex itself, and is most recognizable for the long translucent circle that expands when you are near it, as well as the loud noise it creates. This noise will attract enemies in a fairly wide radius, so once you hear it prepare for a fight, unless you’ve already cleared the area.

Pobeda Factory has some great stashes if you know where to look, and some storehouses and other places where you might find some technological loot and supplies. There are also a few anomaly fields that can yield artifacts. Overall Pobeda Factory is a less dangerous if you avoid the large factory buildings, walled in office building in the southwest, and the blockhouses at the end of the ravine. There are large concentrations of enemies there and outside of the main missions, little reward for fighting them.

Kolkhoz Zarya

The fourth map of Into the Radius VR is Kolkhoz Zarya. This map is a mixture of flat plains and tree laden hills, with a large village, greenhouses, and a train station to explore. An entrance from your home base can be found in the top left corner of the map, right next to a path to the final area, Pechorsk Castle, on the top. A path to Bolotky village is in the top right, while the bottom right and bottom left hold avenues towards Pobeda Factory. Kolkhoz Zarya is where the end game begins. Only come here if you are well equipped and prepared for a lot of fighting.

That is because the enemies in Kolkhoz Zarya are denser and more numerous than ever before, not to mention more dangerous. Mimic Commandoes are joined by Mimic Hunters, which are basically Mimic Commandoes but better armed and more accurate.

Sliders also join the fray, which means a deadly combination of close quarters and ranged enemies for you to deal with. Even if you clear out the whole map of enemies, you will never be completely safe in Kolkhoz Zarya due to the BTR wandering around. Be alert for its searchlight, and run if it spots you. There is no viable way to destroy the BTR.

Sniper Rifles can be very useful in Kolkhoz Zarya due to its numerous ranged enemies and long distances, but some fighting in close quarters is also inevitable in locations such as the greenhouses. By now you have seen every anomaly the game has to throw at you, so you will have nothing new to contend with there. Be careful in the wide open spaces of Kolkhoz Zarya. It is very easy to get pinned down by the BTR or the excess of Mimic Hunters while Sliders or other melee enemies close in on you.

If you never seriously considered stealth before in Into the Radius VR, then Kolkhoz Zarya might be a good place to use a silencer and travel at night. Otherwise bring a lot of ammunition and don’t get caught in the open. Even the spaces in between large concentrations of enemies are very dangerous.

Pechorsk Castle

Pechorsk Castle is the final map of Into the Radius VR. It has a single entrance from Kolkhoz Zarya, and can be quickly accessed due to it being so close to the Kolkhoz Zarya route to your home base. Pechorsk Castle is the most dangerous area in the Zone, and sits right below the large floating orb that dominates the area. Out of all locations this is the one to be the most prepared to tackle. It is recommended to fully equip yourself with the best gear before entering the gates of Pechorsk Castle.

The outskirts of the castle consist of a couple of dilapidated buildings, one of which you can sleep in, and a few Phantoms milling around. Past the buildings is the bridge leading across the moat and a little section underneath the wall that can be walked. The outskirts and moat have a few crates to loot and some other odds and ends to pick up. The real danger and the real reward lies inside of the castle, but its gates will remain closed until you pick up the final main mission.

Once you are on the final main mission of the game the front gate will swing open and you can walk inside. Inside is a maze of tight corridors ending in several wide open spaces on the walls and inner plaza. You will need to fight both in close quarters and at medium to long ranges. Mostly you will need a lot of ammunition and healing items to shoot your way through. Be careful of being picked off when rounding a corner.

Quickly peaking out and back in can minimize your deaths. If multiple ranged Mimics keep a bead on you while you are standing still you can easily get picked off. Some areas have only one entrance. There are also multiple anomaly fields to navigate through. Once you are in Pechorsk Castle your goal is the keep at the center. Good Luck.

There you are, all of the maps in Into the Radius VR and some information on them. Into the Radius is a fantastic game for both PCVR and the Quest 2. Pick it up on the Oculus store for 29.99$ or on Steam for 29.99$.

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