7 Amazing UNDERDOGS VR Tips And Tricks
UNDERDOGS is pretty hard VR fighting game to complete all the way to the end. Of course it is! It’s a roguelike. So here are 5 UNDERDOGS VR Tips and Tricks will help you get further along in the game before getting destroyed, and will help you win the whole game, become a champion mech fighter, and save your little brother.
As an intense VR Fighting Game and a roguelike, UNDERDOGS is pretty difficult to actually complete all the way through. That is, of course, because if you get smashed and lose the game you have to start all over again from the beginning.
So every playthrough has the potential to end with early failure, or take you all the way to the end. Though each attempt can also end at around the same place the last one did, leaving you frustrated and feeling like there’s a point in the game that you just can’t progress past.
Well if you feel that way, or just want to get better at UNDERDOGS in general then try these fantastic UNDERDOGS tips and tricks that are sure to give you a fighting chance out in the arena and increase your chances of making it up to New Brakka and winning the game.
1: Stay Mobile
The number one most important tip in UNDERDOGS that will improve not only your offensive, but also your defensive potential, is to not stay still and stay on the move.
Staying on the move in UNDERDOGS will cause enemies to attack where you used to be instead of where you are.
You will be outnumbered almost all of the time when fighting in UNDERDOGS, and the hordes of bots you will fight will do their best to surround you, corner you, and attack you from the sides and back where you are vulnerable.
Don’t let your enemies do this. Always stay moving and only stop for as long as it takes to strike. Don’t keep attacking a single enemy for too long, and try not to leave your back vulnerable for too long. King will also often shout a warning when an enemy robot attacks you from the side or rear.
While being outnumbered may make it seem like the odds are stacked against you, UNDERDOG’s unique movement system makes staying on the move somewhat easy. You just having to grab the ground and drag yourself in whatever direction you want to move.
You can generate momentum in any direction from a complete standstill, and moving only requires a quick arm motion. Despite the size of your Gorilla mech, speed and mobility is one of its greatest strengths.
Of course awareness is also an important component in your mobility, so also make sure to not get tunnel vision on a single opponent and be aware of other bots preparing to jump you. Constant movement and constantly looking around at your surroundings will help with this.
2: Hit and Run Against Bosses
Staying mobile also applies when you are fighting any of the bosses in UNDERDOGS.
Each of the bosses are bigger, faster, and hit harder than the normal enemies you will meet. Don’t think that just because they’re around the same size as you that means you should be standing face to face with them and duking it out blow for blow.
When a boss winds up an attack in UNDERDOGS it is time to move.
The bosses deal lots of damage and have huge health pools. They can withstand a lot more punishment than you. They can also deal out punishment much faster than you.
So when fighting any of UNDERDOG’s bosses keep in mind that mobility is still key. Get in when you can, deliver a blow or two, and then get out before the boss hits back. Stay on the move and stay alive.
3: Hit Weak Points
Bosses, and a lot of enemies, also have weak points that you can strike for extra damage, and these weak points also sometimes coincide with other mechanics in the game, like overcharge and overheating.
Starting with the bosses, each of them have weak points that you should always aim for to strike for maximum damage. For instance, the champions of each arena are in mechs that are a lot like yours, and just like yours the weak spot is the bubble that protects the driver.
Striking your enemies in weak spots will drastically increase your damage in UNDERDOGS.
Hit this bubble to deal the most damage when you strike at these bosses, and keep in mind that this applies to robot enemies as well, especially the larger ones.
The very common dog robots are all weak to strikes in the head, and their heads won’t have armor on them, so you should always aim there.
The big gorilla robots are also vulnerable to strikes to the head, though their heads are much smaller, and the rhino robots reveal a massive engine inside their backs after they charge, so strike those as quickly as possible to deal massive damage.
Rhino robots, conversely, are actually very hard to hit in the head due to the spikes surrounding their noggins, and so body shots are actually preferable on them.
Oh, and just like with the rhino it’s always better to attack a bot when it is overheated and vulnerable, like the more common Alphas which will always bite and latch on when overcharged, but are harmless during their brief periods of overheat.
4: Use The Environment
You’ll notice pretty quickly that the arenas of UNDERDOGS are full of traps and objects that will affect the fight between you and your many opponents.
Well this UNDERDOGS Tip is here to remind you to take full advantage of the arena that you are fighting in. Seriously, if you make use of the many traps and deadly pieces of scenery spread throughout the arena you will significantly improve your ability to deal damage and therefore survive and win.
Impaling a pit dog on a spike in UNDERDOGS. An important tip is to always use the environment to your advantage.
Take the Killbox, the very first arena in the game, for example. King will announce when the grinder opens, and you’ll definitely notice the massive pinkish glowing swirling blades.
It is super easy to knock robots into those blades with the wrecking balls you start the game with. All you need to do is punch the robots in the direction of the blades and they’ll fall right in.
The same goes for the other rotating spike traps that you will find in the arenas, or the spikes on the walls. Knocking an enemy bot into a wall full of spikes will deal a ton of damage, and stick them there for a while to buy you some more time to deal with their buddies.
Even the car wrecks and explosive barrels can be useful, especially if you have a grabber arm to throw them with. So don’t forget to utilize your environment to deal extra damage.
5: Knock Bomb Robots Into Enemies
Bomb bots are a unique enemy in UNDERDOGS in that they can be just as much of a danger to your opponents as they can be to you.
As long as you are mobile and aware of your surroundings the bomb bots should have a very hard time sneaking up on you and exploding themselves. Even if they do get close they will make a very loud noise when activating themselves.
Another UNDERDOGS tip, bomb bots deal a ton of damage to your enemies.
It’s easy to get rid of them by knocking them over to the other side of the arena and letting them blow up harmlessly and far away.
Though a better alternative is to knock them into an enemy. The bomb bot will stick to them and then blow up shortly after. This can be especially effective against a large group of enemies, and deals a ton of damage while also getting rid of the bomb bot.
Make sure to utilize the bots just as you would utilize your environment to deal damage to your enemies. Oh, but keep in mind that doing too much damage to a bomb bot will cause it to instantly explode, so be careful when handling them.
6: Save Some Money
This UNDERDOGS tip is especially relevant once you start surviving far into your runs and reach the late game.
While buying new equipment and weapons is a great way to increase your combat potential, it is also important to try and avoid breaking the bank so badly that you don’t have the money to afford repairs you might need before next fight.
Always make sure you have the cash to repair your mech in UNDERDOGS.
In UNDERDOGS you have to take what brief opportunities you can get to upgrade the Gorilla, because they don’t come as often as you might like, but at the same time make sure that you have enough cash on hand for any repairs you might need. It’s a delicate balance, but your first priority is always to not be destroyed, and so prioritize cash for repairs first.
When you are about to defeat the second mech boss in the game and are nearing the start of your Backdoor Run to complete the game, don’t think that you should spend all of your cash before the run begins.
You will actually have a couple of opportunities to spend your money on repairs during the Backdoor Run. Trust me, you’re going to want to have the money to afford those repairs.
7: Choose Your Gear Wisely
Before each non boss fight in the arena you’ll be given a choice of patron, each of which changes something about the fight, but that’s not what is important about which one you pick.
What’s important is what kind of gear the patron gives, and what kind of gear you already have for your mech during your current run.
Choosing a patron in UNDERDOGS is more about what rewards they give then the challenges they add.
Your most consistent source of equipment to upgrade your mech will be as rewards for completing a fight, though you can definitely supplement this with random finds and purchases in between battles. Still, read what sort of gear each patron gives you, and see if those rewards are helpful for your current situation. For instance, if you’re spending a lot on repairs, consider going for a patron that offers Tanking gear.
What’s more important though, is getting gear that synergizes well with your current loadout. Now this isn’t something you will be able to master in a run or two, it takes time, but winning UNDERDOGS is more than likely going to take you quite a few runs. That’s the nature of the game as a roguelike.
Still, during each run make sure to read the descriptions of items and really think about what they might go well with. If you’ve got an arm that shocks an enemy each time you hit it, then pick a patron that offers shock damage gear and upgrades.
Buy some items that give bonuses when enemies are shocked, and you might find that you create a combo that does incredible damage. Basically focus on getting add-ons, quirks, and upgrades that give bonuses to the equipment you already have.
With a little luck and some forethought you can get fists powerful enough to destroy enemies in one or two hits.
This UNDERDOGS tip might seem obvious, but make sure you choose your gear carefully.
You can also try out combinations of items in skirmish mode to increase your familiarity with them, and try out new combos to see what works and what doesn’t.
At the end of the day luck is a big component in what equipment you get, and you can always win with lacking equipment if you use your patience, skill, and stamina. Mastering the numbers and equipment of UNDERDOGS just makes the fights a lot easier if you do it right.
Anyway those are all of the UNDERDOGS Tips and Tricks that I’ve got for you. Enjoy yourself out there in the arena and good luck making it to New Brakka. See you there.