The Most Realistic VR Motorcycle Game On The Meta Quest - VRider SBK Review

Looking for an exciting, challenging, and realistic VR motorcycle game on your Meta Quest 3 or Meta Quest 2? Well then look no further, because an extremely realistic VR bike racing experience is here in the form of VRider SBK.

This is more than just a VR Motorcycle Game on the Meta Quest, it’s really more of a VR Motorcycle Simulator.

I have only ridden a real motorcycle once or twice, but even with this limited experience I can definitely appreciate and feel the efforts that the developers of VRider SBK put in to make this a very real feeling Virtual Reality Motorcycle Racing experience.

Let’s find out how in this quick VRider SBK Review.

A Realistic VR Motorcycle Racing Game

In VRider SBK you’re a motorcycle racer on top of a fancy superbike that most normal people could have no hope of actually owning or driving in real life. It goes really fast, really quickly.

This is the most realistic Motorcycle experience you can have in Virtual Reality.

What’s even better is that VRider SBK isn’t like some flatscreen game where you control your motorcycle with a thumbstick and a trigger on a controller, which is entirely unlike the actual controls of a motorcyle.

Nope, in this Virtual Reality game you control the throttle by physically twisting your hands while holding the controllers sideways. You know, kind of like how a throttle on a motorcycle actually works.

It gets even better. As you might guess you will need to do a lot of turning during a superbike race. Well, in VRider SBK you turn by actually moving your controllers in the direction you want to lean in the game, and your motorcycle will lean with you.

Racing on a VR Motorcycle is so much fun in VRider SBK. Though it is really hard.

It is absolutely amazing and intuitive, because this is a pretty close simulation of how you would actually control a real life motorcycle!

That, combined with the very first person VR view of your motorcycle and the track in front of you equates to an extremely immersive and realistic VR motorcycle game that puts any flatscreen attempt at simulating the experience of racing a superbike to shame.

You even have to duck your head down behind your windshield when you go really quickly, otherwise you will shake and slow down because of the wind. You know, like if you really were sitting up on a bike going a couple hundred miles per hour.

Following the arrow on easier difficulties is a good way to learn how to hug the track in a VR Bike Game.

VRider SBK Is Hard

Though there is one downside to this level of realism, and that’s that riding an actual motorcycle in racetrack conditions is hard to learn and hard to master. Due to the amount of realism in the racing simulation and the controls, VRider SBK is also a really difficult game.

Maybe it would be a little easier to someone who has actual experience riding real motorcycles, but to a casual VR gamer VRider SBK is incredibly difficult to be good at. I have finished many races and still have trouble not going off of the track during simple turns.

Though this isn’t due to ignorance, just a lack of experience and skill. The tutorial was in depth and fantastic, giving you a little bit of knowledge at a time and then reinforcing it with a small racing challenge. As far as VR racing game tutorials go, VRider SBK’s might have a lot to learn in it, but it is fantastic.

VRider SBK has a fantastic tutorial, better than any other VR Racing Game I’ve seen.

You can mitigate some of this difficulty with this motorcycle VR game’s many difficulty options. There are a lot, and a few presets going from Rookie to Pro.

I mostly played on Pro for maximum realism, and honestly even with the assistance given to you in the Rookie difficulty this is still a VR racing game that is difficult due to its emphasis on realism. There are also some other options though, like changing the throttle control from twisting the controller to pulling the trigger.

There are a lot of difficulty settings and presets to try in this VR Motorcycle Game.

My back and arms would even start to ache by leaning forward into my chair and holding myself in the motorcycle racing posture with my arms up and tilted to the side and my head tucked safely behind the windshield. With no motorcycle to rest on my body became tired from holding itself up.

I still can outpace bots on the Very Easy difficulty, and found that trying to beat my previous best time on tracks was a very fun way to slowly improve my skills.

So if you want to get into VRider SBK keep in mind that realistic VR bike racing is hard, but still very rewarding when you pull it off right. There are also 12 total tracks, which is a healthy number, and a few different racers you could be as well.

VR Bike Racing Multiplayer

The number one biggest downside to VRider SBK, however, is that despite checking several times I couldn’t find a single live Multiplayer match.

Racing against the bots is fun and all, but they’re bots, and they’re not super intelligent. It seems that they mostly just follow a mostly set path at a set speed without deviating at all based on what you, the player, do to try and pass them. Racing against them feels more like racing against a moving obstacles than against other people.

So I was really hoping for some Multiplayer matches to add a factor of competitive spirit to motorcycle racing in Virtual Reality.

I couldn’t find a single Multiplayer match in VRider SBK.

If you want to race against others it seems that, at the time of writing at least, you’ll have to organize races outside of the game itself. There is an official VRider SBK facebook group and an official VRider SBK Discord where you can find opponents.

There is also a mode where you can try to beat other players’ track times, but that doesn’t really feel like much of a competition either, at least to me.

Regardless, VRider SBK is a fantastic example of using VR hand controls and a VR first person immersive view of the world to bring an expensive and dangerous real world experience, in this case superbike racing, and make it cheap, safe, and fun to enjoy in the comfort of your home on a Meta Quest device.

For that this is a fantastic VR racing simulation, and one that I would recommend if you want to feel what it’s like to race on a motorcycle in Virtual Reality.


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