Into The Radius Walkthrough And Guide - The Third Mission - Fixing A Leak
Stuck in Into The Radius? Wondering where to go and how to get there for your next mission?
Maybe you would just like to see what is in store for you before you get there, or you’d like to know if you’re properly prepared for your next mission in the Pechorsk Zone.
Well don’t worry we’ve got you covered with this walkthrough and guide for Into the Radius VR.
In this Into the Radius walkthrough we’ll detail how to progress through the main story “Top Priority” missions, with a couple of guiding tips thrown in here and there to make your adventure smoother.
The focus of these walkthrough articles will be the story missions, but we’ll throw in some general gameplay tips and other useful loot locations near your objectives.
These articles will also assume you’re playing the game on the Normal difficulty mode with Tutorials turned on, which is highly recommended for your first playthrough. This walkthrough will still be useful if you’re playing on Realistic difficulty, but some details like vendor prices or enemy placement and numbers will be different.
Here is every article in our complete Into the Radius VR Walkthrough:
Into The Radius Walkthrough And Guide - The First Mission - Equipment Retrieval
Into The Radius Walkthrough And Guide - The Second Mission - Total Recall
Into The Radius Walkthrough And Guide - The Third Mission - Fixing A Leak
Into The Radius Walkthrough And Guide - The Fourth Mission - Flash In The Dark
Into The Radius Walkthrough And Guide - The Fifth Mission - A Probing Move
Into The Radius Walkthrough And Guide - The Sixth Mission - The Intrusion
Into The Radius Walkthrough And Guide - The Seventh Mission - A Farewell Feast
Into The Radius Walkthrough And Guide - The Eighth Mission - Kids Playground
Into The Radius Walkthrough And Guide - The Final Mission - Ouroboros
Here we’ll be talking about the third Top Priority mission that you get in Into The Radius, Fixing A Leak, which has you discovering a new map, Bolotky Village, and snatching some documents for the committee.
The Third Mission - Fixing A Leak
After you’ve done at least two repeatable missions in our previous guide on them you’re able to accept the third Top Priority mission in Into The Radius, Fixing A Leak.
As always make sure to accept the mission at the terminal when preparing.
The mission description for Into The Radius’s third mission, Fixing A Leak
Fixing A Leak - Loadout
If you’ve been following this walkthrough then by now you’ve already got a few weapon choices from what the game gives you to start out, and from the stashes you’ve found with the help of this walkthrough.
Even though you’re still at Security Level 1 you also have some options for new weapons. Since you’re just about to hit Security Level 2 after completing this mission, it might be more frugal to save your money for the better sorts of weapons you can get at the next Security Level.
If you don’t mind taking the time to do more artifact hunting and repeatable missions later on then don’t worry about the money. You can do this mission with just a Makarov and your double barrel if you like.
However it’s a good idea to get a pistol upgrade by this point in the game. While you won’t have access to the best pistols around yet it is still a good idea to go in with a little extra firepower if this is your first time.
Every map in Into the Radius gets a fair bit more dangerous than the last one. This mission will involve going to an area with a higher concentration of enemies than you’ll find anywhere in Pervomay Route, and a few of those enemies will be Mimic Policemen. Prepare for a fight, especially if the Tide has come in and all of the enemies in Pervomay Route have respawned.
So for this example loadout the Makarov has been upgraded to the Glock 17 found in the stash found during the Total Recall mission. After being repaired in the train car’s repair box of course.
A sample loadout for the Fixing A Leak mission
Since Glock 17 magazines hold twice as many bullets as Makarov magazines there are two extra magazines, though there’s also a fair amount of spare ammunition for it in the backpack.
If you really like using the shotgun feel free to bring more buckshot. Bringing more than a single healing injector is also a very good idea (you can’t see the second one in the photo) especially if you’ve used up your Regen artifact. In fact bring three just in case.
As always a can of food and the usual Pocket Lamp, Knife, Detector, and Probes are must haves as well.
Now that you have more loadout options you can also start thinking more of how you would like to play the game. Aggressively or stealthily, or maybe both.
If you’ve recovered the TT-33 stash then you now have a silenced pistol option. If you don’t want to fight all of the enemies, or are having a hard time, then you could always bring a silenced weapon and try to stealthily take the objective and sneak away. More on that in the walkthrough.
That’s all for the loadout, upgrading your pistol will make this easier, and you should be able to afford it by now.
Fixing A Leak - Getting to Bolotky Village
As always consult your map before getting underway.
Here’s the route we’ll be taking for this mission through Pervomay. As always this isn’t the only possible route.
The route through Pervomay Route to Bolotky Village
You’ll notice that there are two ways into Bolotky Village and we will be taking the lefthand one. This route also assumes that all enemies are alive and not dealt with (i.e. right after the tide) and so we’ll be doing our best to avoid concentrations of them.
First set out down the road outside of the entrance to Vanno, but go straight past the blockhouse and through the broken wall beside it.
Then pass the floating train car marked with a blue house icon on the map.
The floating traincar safehouse in Pervomay Route
You’ll run into a few roaming Fragments, and possibly Spawn along the way. As long as you keep moving and avoid getting too close to major concentrations of enemies you should have an easy time.
It might get a little harder as you near the train station though. There’s usually at least one Mimic Policeman patrolling near the tanker car floating over the crater near the entrance, and another around the high catwalk.
The floating tanker car marking the entrance to the Train Station in Pervomay Route
If you want to avoid them then follow the route mapped out above, this will take you past the lake and up through the hills that sit on the east side of the Train Station.
Those hills are very sparsely populated with enemies. Though if you’ve already cleared the Train Station or want to fight your way through then feel free.
Around the top right side of the station’s wall is a door that you can slip into if you’ve skirted around the side of the station, and there’s another door on the right side of the wall into the station as well. Both are yellow gates with doorways in them.
However you get inside go through the big open gate at the back and take the rope line leading to Bolotky Village.
The rear entrance to the Train Station in Pervomay Route, and the exit to Bolotky Village
Fixing A Leak - Finding The Folder In Bolotky
Welcome to Bolotky Village.
This new map is mostly swamp with scattered enemies and anomaly fields, with groups of rocks, trees, and buildings around the edges.
The cluster of buildings we’ll be concerning ourselves with in this walkthrough is the village in the southwestern section of the map.
That’s where the folder you need to complete the mission is. Here’s the map with the route.
Two possible routes to the objective. Red for loud and green for quiet
As you can see there are two routes. The more direct one in red is better if you plan on going loud and fighting all of the enemies in the village.
The route highlighted in green is better if you want to stealthily sneak your way to the house containing the folder, grab it, and leave.
Regardless of how you want to tackle this mission you’ll want to get closer to the village by following the train tracks leading towards the village.
The floating traincar next to the southern entrance to the village
You know you’re close when you see the floating box car.
Fixing A Leak - The Loud Way
First let’s walk through attacking the village by following the red route.
At the floating box car take a right and walk past the fence and into the village from the south.
Stay in cover and keep your weapon ready. You should be able to get past the gate and at least near the outhouse without engaging any enemies. You should be able to hear their footsteps though, and get a general idea for where the enemies closest to you are.
Starting the fight in the southern area of the village
Your most important targets are the Mimic Policemen. They’re the greatest threat, so try to start the fight by ambushing one of them. The footsteps that sound like a boot hitting a hardwood floor are theirs, so listen for those.
Once you fire your first shots it will attract other enemies. Get to and stay in a good position in cover that also allows you to retreat if you need to.
The first set of houses in front of the outhouse are decent, and so is the house next to the outhouse.
If you need to you can run all the way back to the train tracks, or hug the bottom of the hill that the village sits on.
Fighting in the center of the village
Wait and see if more enemies come at you, they’ll all make noises as they approach except for a new enemy, the Seeker.
If the Seeker gets close to you they’ll shoot energy beams out of their head that deal damage. They’re pretty quiet and run very quickly. If one is charging at you drop them quickly.
The enemies should get drawn towards you as you make more noise. So as long as you’re prepared to ambush them as they approach, or fall back if you’re overwhelmed and then ambush them, you’ll make your way through.
Take your time, make sure your weapons don’t run dry, and if you need to regroup just run back to the train tracks. You can do it.
Fixing A Leak - The Quiet Way
If you want to avoid combat as much as possible when doing the Fixing A Leak mission, then take the green route on the Bolotky Village Map.
If you want to do this quietly then it’s a good idea to bring a silenced pistol, so that you can take down an enemy or two without bringing the entire village down on yourself.
You may also want to attempt to do this quietly during nighttime, or later in the day when it’s not so sunny out. This will make sneaking around enemies, especially the Mimic Policemen, easier.
The routes for attacking the village
Once you’re at the floating traincar stay on the railway line so that you’re hugging the left side of the tracks.
Then eliminate the Seeker and other enemies near the green flag on the left side of the map. You don’t want any enemies behind you if you want to run. Use your silenced weapon for this so you don’t draw the enemies in the town over to you.
This is also a good opportunity to eliminate the Seeker for the optional objective (more on that later) and find the broken rope line marked by the flag on the map (more on that later).
If you make too much noise and a firefight breaks out you can run away and try to sneak in another time.
Once you’re close sneak over the railway past where the train cars are sitting on it. The house with the folder is right past it through some trees.
If you’re doing this quietly then try to avoid shooting anything until you’re spotted. Even a silenced weapon still makes some noise, and fighting the enemies inside of the village is going to be harder if you’re right next to them and surrounded.
Fixing A Leak - Looting And Leaving
Whether you tried to clear the area or sneak in quietly your objective is the house with the blueish roof and blueish porch.
The house containing the folder in the village
You can find the folder inside in the living room on a green couch.
The folder that is the main objective of Fixing A Leak
After you take it there is also a stash conveniently located inside the oven in the green house beside it.
Here’s the location of the stash on your map.
The location of the stash in the village on a map
Open up the oven and inside are a couple of AK74 magazines, some bullets, and a grenade.
The stash is inside this oven
Getting this stash might be risky if you’re sneaking, but if you cleared the village of enemies you can loot to your hearts desire.
There are quite a few buildings in this village and having your run of the place, despite the risks, comes with the advantage of being able to take whatever you want without any worries.
Though there will likely be a Rift Anomaly in the half completed brick building at the north end of town, so make sure to take that out before it starts respawning enemies.
The Rift Anomaly located on the north end of the village
You won’t have to worry too much about getting overloaded since the exit is so close. When you’re ready to leave go back to the train tracks and walk over them where the trains are parked on the tracks.
If you’ve cleared the town the loud way the Seeker guarding your exit will probably have been drawn in by the noise and already taken care of, otherwise make sure to find them in the woods and destroy them to complete the optional objective. It’s easy money. There might be another enemy or two lurking around as well.
Oh, and be careful of the Web Anomalies that you’ll see in the woods all over the place in the Bolotky Village map.
A straggling enemy and a web anomaly in the trees (circled)
Finally go back to Vanno by walking into the broken rope line marked by the green flag on your map.
The broken rope line leading back to Vanno
Fixing A Leak - Back At Vanno
Once you’re back at Vanno you’ll notice that you’ve got a new rope line leading out of your base. This rope line leads right back to where you just came from in Bolotky Village, and functions the same as the one you’ve been using to get to Pervomay Route.
You’ll be using this new rope line quite a lot in the coming missions.
Once you turn in the mission you’ll be promoted to Security Level 2 and be told to do some more training, which also gives you some extra money to go with your mission reward. Do that training and you can now buy Security Level 2 items.
This comes with a lot of tantalizing new options in firearms and equipment, and you should immediately spend it on two items, a Gas Mask and a Head Lamp. The Head Lamp can be found under “Survival Equipment” and the Gas Mask can be found under “Armor.”
Buying the Gas Mask and Head Lamp in Into the Radius
The Head Lamp means you can finally get rid of that Pocket Lamp on your shoulder. You’ll always have all the lighting you need sitting right on top of your head.
The Gas mask is absolutely vital for the next Top Priority mission, and is the only item in the game that gives you extra protection from anomalies. It also makes you completely immune to the gas anomaly. Of course keep in mind that you have to wear the mask to get these benefits, and it’s a little restricting on your sight.
Congratulations on completing the third mission! Next time we’ll be talking about the fourth Top Priority mission in Into The Radius in Part Five of our Into The Radius VR Walkthrough.