Into The Radius Walkthrough And Guide - The Sixth Mission - The Intrusion
Stuck in Into The Radius? Wondering where to go and how to get there for your next mission?
Maybe you would just like to see what is in store for you before you get there, or you’d like to know if you’re properly prepared for your next mission in the Pechorsk Zone.
Well don’t worry we’ve got you covered with this walkthrough and guide for Into the Radius VR.
In this Into the Radius walkthrough we’ll detail how to progress through the main story “Top Priority” missions, with a couple of guiding tips thrown in here and there to make your adventure smoother.
The focus of these walkthrough articles will be the story missions, but we’ll throw in some general gameplay tips and other useful loot locations near your objectives.
These articles will also assume you’re playing the game on the Normal difficulty mode with Tutorials turned on, which is highly recommended for your first playthrough. This walkthrough will still be useful if you’re playing on Realistic difficulty, but some details like vendor prices or enemy placement and numbers will be different.
Here is every article in our complete Into the Radius VR Walkthrough:
Into The Radius Walkthrough And Guide - The First Mission - Equipment Retrieval
Into The Radius Walkthrough And Guide - The Second Mission - Total Recall
Into The Radius Walkthrough And Guide - The Third Mission - Fixing A Leak
Into The Radius Walkthrough And Guide - The Fourth Mission - Flash In The Dark
Into The Radius Walkthrough And Guide - The Fifth Mission - A Probing Move
Into The Radius Walkthrough And Guide - The Sixth Mission - The Intrusion
Into The Radius Walkthrough And Guide - The Seventh Mission - A Farewell Feast
Into The Radius Walkthrough And Guide - The Eighth Mission - Kids Playground
Into The Radius Walkthrough And Guide - The Final Mission - Ouroboros
Here we’ll be talking about the sixth Top Priority mission that you get in Into The Radius, The Intrusion, which brings you back to Pobeda Factory to collect a bomb, fight your way through a factory, blow up a door, and steal a case of documents.
The Sixth Mission - The Intrusion - Loadout
Now that you’ve got Security Level 3 your loadout options have expanded a lot.
By now you’ve likely got some favorites among the weapons that you’ve tried, and so if your loadout looks different than what I’ve got here don’t worry about it.
Just make sure you’re ready for some fighting out in the open at medium ranges, but also fighting inside of buildings in close quarters and small rooms. You will have to fight a lot of enemies at close range in this mission.
Whatever works best for you is up to you, though if you’re unsure, having trouble completing the mission, or want to have a tried and true loadout to use then here’s a sample one.
A sample loadout for the The Intrusion mission
As you can see here our loadouts have come a very long way in this game, from a Makarov and a dream to something a soldier wouldn’t feel ashamed to carry on to a battlefield.
First of all let’s talk about the armor you can see on the left. Wearing both the SSH-40 Helmet and Army Bulletproof Vest is highly recommended and not super expensive. The extra protection from bullets will undoubtedly save your life many times in the Zone. Oh, and of course you should have a Head Lamp as well.
Speaking of armor you might notice that our Gas Mask is missing. Since we’ll be carrying a lot of stuff and avoiding anomaly fields then it’s pretty unnecessary and will just add weight to a heavy loadout. The route we’ll be taking does pass a few anomaly fields though, and at least one contains a bunch of gas clouds. So if you want to take some artifact hunting detours feel free to take one.
Now for the weapons. Once you hit Security Level 3 I highly recommend that you invest into an Assault Rifle of some kind whether that be an AK-74 variant, AKM, AUG, or M4A1.
If you’re unfamiliar with the various weapons in Into The Radius these assault rifles are highly effective at short and medium ranges, can fit a variety of attachments, and do good damage to both armored and unarmored opponents. They are fantastic all around weapons.
You’ll also notice that the M4A1 in this picture has a silencer. While not strictly necessary, bringing a silencer for your rifle is not only pretty cheap, but also very helpful in the initial infiltration into Pobeda Factory during this mission.
This mission will take you a while, and while you will probably find some food on your way, it doesn’t hurt to bring a can to be safe.
Lastly as the Mission Briefing says, there are a ton of the Zone’s hostile inhabitants between you and your objective.
The description of The Intrusion mission
So bring a TON of ammunition and healing items. You’ll be using a lot of ammo, and possibly a lot of heals. Grenades can be useful since a lot of fighting will be in close quarters, but they are just as dangerous to yourself as to your enemies and aren’t necessary.
As for the type of ammunition to bring, FMJ for rifles should work out just fine. Though you can spend some extra for AP rounds, which deal less damage but penetrate through armor much more effectively.
That’s up to personal preference. FMJ is perfectly capable of taking down an armored enemy as long as you hit them rapidly. Though you may want to upgrade the ammunition you use for your sidearm to +P rounds in case you need to use it against an armored opponent. +P rounds not only penetrate armor better, but also deal more damage. They’re well worth the cost.
The Intrusion - Getting To Pobeda Factory
So after checking your loadout and accepting the mission head out to the Bolotky Village exit from Vanno.
This walkthrough also assumes that the Tide has just come in and it is daytime. I’d recommend leaving at around 7 or 8 AM to give yourself enough daylight to make it if you want to do this during the day.
While going at night does make navigating an unfamiliar area a lot harder, it does give you a huge advantage in stealth as long as you don’t use any lights. I’d recommend going during the day the first time you complete this mission unless you’ve been doing more sneaking than fighting up to this point. Regardless there’s no way around fighting your way through the factory, so you better be ready for one.
Let’s take a look at the map and plot our route through Bolotky Village.
The route we will take through Bolotky Village
As with our previous walkthrough on the A Probing Move mission, we’ll be avoiding the hotspots of Bolotky Village like the village itself and the construction site across the swamp.
You’ll run into the most enemies near the ruined tanker by the lakes next to the Kolkhoz Zarya exit. The rest of the way you’ll undoubtedly run into a few more, but they shouldn’t be much of a problem at this point in the game.
Bolotky Village is the easy part of this mission, and if you forgot something or want to reequip before heading to Pobeda Factory you can easily just go back the way you came to Vanno.
So just like last time immediately cut north through the forest taking down the few enemies that will be there, and when you see the exit to Kolkhoz Zarya next to the ruined tanker cut to the east and go across the narrow strip of land in between the red lakes.
The path between the lakes by the ruined oil tanker
You’ll run into a few enemies here, mostly those that attack you in melee range like Fragments, Spawn, and Seekers, though there will be at least one firearm equipped enemy in the forest you’re headed towards.
Go through the strip of forest past the lakes, while watching out for Web Anomalies.
Once you’re on the other side of the trees you’ll be next to the tower safehouse marked with a blue house on your map.
The safehouse tower
Instead of taking the exit to Pobeda Factory near this tower like last time, keep going past it to the northeast and you’ll run across a small road past more trees and a patch of swamp water.
The path near the top of Bolotky Village
Follow this road, you can also see it on your map.
It will lead you directly to the exit to Pobeda Factory. There are quite a few anomaly fields next to it, and you’ll probably run into a few enemies, but nothing you can’t handle.
Before taking the exit to Pobeda Factory make sure to ready yourself, eat if you’re hungry, and load your magazines.
The rope line to Pobeda Factory
The Intrusion - Getting The Bomb
Once you’re in Pobeda Factory take a look at your map.
Here is the route we’ll be taking. There are a few ways to get to the bomb, and all of them risk combat, so you might as well take the shortest route.
The route we will be taking through Pobeda Factory
Pobeda Factory does have quite a few enemies in it from Mimic Policemen, Mimic Commandos, and even some of the more lightly armed Mimic Soldiers.
Don’t worry though, you’ve got quite a bit of experience in Into The Radius by now and you can handle this.
If you brought a silencer now is the right time to make sure you’ve got it on your weapon. Being quiet as you push across the factory complex to the bomb will make the whole experience a lot easier.
When you’re ready walk up to the main gate. You’ll notice an anomaly field in the parking lot on your left, and your friend standing in front of the entrance.
Our friend at the entrance of the factory. The outer gate is just past her
Touch her for some extra dialog and keep moving. Right through the gate you’ll be in a sort of small courtyard with buildings on either side of you. Don’t bother going left or right, there will be enemies patrolling near those buildings.
Just go straight through the inner gate.
The inner gate on the main road of Pobeda Factory
There will be another anomaly field on your left with more enemies patrolling around it.
At some point an enemy will probably spot you. If they do then take them down with your silenced weapon quickly and keep moving.
If you don’t have a silenced weapon then any gunshot of yours will attract a crowd of enemies. If you aren’t taking the stealthy approach you may want to consider holding your position and letting your enemies come to you, as unsilenced shots will draw enemies from all directions.
Either way there won’t be too many, but there will be more equipped with firearms than you’ll be used to from Bolotky Village. Hopefully you’re also wearing your armor.
Whether you can sneak past or have to fight the enemies near the entrance, keep following the road through the center of the factory complex past the second gate.
When the walls around the buildings on either side of the road give way you’ll see a ruined building with a floating anomaly field in front of you and on your right.
The anomaly field in the ruined building near the bomb
That anomaly field is just to the west of the bomb’s location. You don’t have to go through it, so instead head to the east a little bit and pass by the field.
Get through this area quickly. The area to the west of that anomaly field is full of enemies among those buildings, and there might be more wandering around the hills and ruins. You can play it safe, dig in and fight them all, or run through and take down any that see you with a silenced rifle.
As always distance helps with avoiding being spotted, so the sooner you get over to the bomb the less likely they are to spot you, though there might be a stray enemy or two near the bomb they won’t be hard to deal with.
You can see the location of the bomb on your map. It’s inside a crate in a pit.
The crate containing the bomb
Grab it and put it in your backpack. There will be a lot more combat before you need it.
The Intrusion - Close Quarters Combat
The bomb pit should be relatively safe, so reload your magazines and keep an ear out for enemies sneaking up on you.
When you’re ready get out of the pit and take a look at the big building just to the south.
The entrance is just to the left of that truck
As you can see on the route plotted on our map there’s an entrance to the factory interior on the eastern end of this large building.
The route we’re taking through Pobeda Factory, again
The doorway is next to a high wall and hidden behind some piles of concrete pads. If you follow the northern wall of the building to the east you’ll run into it eventually.
Once you get next to the entrance you’ll probably hear a lot of footsteps. If you’re using a silencer then you can take it off now.
Time to go loud.
The entrance to the interior of the Pobeda Factory
There’s really no reason to try and stay quiet anymore.
From here on out there will be enemies directly between you and where you need to go, with no way to maneuver around them or avoid them.
In the factory interior there are no clever routes, no secret back entrances, just a straight up running firefight between you and a small army of radius entities.
Immediately find cover as you enter the warehouse. Watch out for the Web Anomalies and Gas Anomalies floating around the place.
There will be about five or so Mimic Soldiers between you and where you need to go, which is a stairway that leads up above the warehouse floor that you’re on. Just keep heading east. Stay in cover and listen for footsteps.
Play it smart and you can get the drop on the enemies in your way. If you take some hits don’t worry, that’s what the armor and healing items you brought are for.
Fighting through the Mimic Soldiers
Once you’re on the other side of the warehouse look for the stairway leading up.
There may also be a Mimic on top of them firing down at you. It’s just to the right of the red sheet metal room jutting out of the wall.
The stairway leading further into the factory
Head up the stairs, there will likely be a Rift Anomaly in the locker room that the catwalk leads into.
Destroy it so that it doesn’t respawn any enemies, and continue forwards into the small office adjoining the locker room.
There will likely be more enemies around, so make sure you take care of them, and also make sure you loot the place. Some great loot spawns in that room, and there’s even a crate on one of the tables that can spawn a weapon inside.
Oh, and if you’re worried about the condition of your weapons there’s even a brush and cleaning spray on one of the window sills.
Some free cleaning supplies
Once you’re done looting continue forwards. There’s some black grass in the next hallway.
You’ll run into the Black Grass anomaly multiple times in this building. Even if you’ve got just a Head Lamp it’s easy enough to get past by simply looking at it for a few moments, and then quickly walking over it while looking down at your feet.
Once you’re past the black grass take a right and you’ll see a long hallway.
The long hallway, be careful down there
This hallway is the skybridge that joins the large warehouse/factory you’ve been in to the building on the other side of the road.
Be very careful crossing it. There is very little cover. The easiest way to clear this area is to draw enemies towards you so that you can shoot them as they advance across the open ground, instead of advancing towards them and getting shot up in the open.
If you brought some grenades and have a good throwing arm you can also toss a couple down the hallway to clear out the next room as well.
However you make it across, keep your ammunition count in mind and make sure all of your magazines don’t run dry.
Take a left down another hallway in the next room. There will be more Black Grass at the end of it, and probably another enemy or two. There will be enemies spread throughout this building.
There’s a lot of Black Grass in the factory
Go down the stairs where there will probably be, you guessed it, even more enemies.
There’s a lot of stairways too
You might be able to see why I recommended bringing so many healing items and so much ammunition.
There will be yet another hallway full of black grass and a stairwell leading downwards. Don’t worry, you’re getting close to the end by now.
If you’re not in a hurry though there is a great opportunity to grab some extra loot by taking a left into another hallway before going down the stairs.
Make sure to go down this side hallway to get more loot
Down this hallway is another crate of loot which might contain a weapon, and some other things scattered around.
There should be yet another loot crate if you walk out on the fire escape and go up the stairs. Though be careful that you don’t get shot at by any stray enemies while you’re up there.
The view from the fire escape, don’t fall down!
When you’re done looting head back to the stairway and down the stairs.
There will probably another enemy or two lurking around, and you might hear a lot of footsteps around you if you haven’t cleared the whole outside area when you were on your way in.
Don’t worry, enemies outside the walls are basically harmless until you leave, and you’ll be leaving very shortly. Next to another ruined staircase that has a ramp leading up to yet another crate, you’ll find the door.
The door to the final room and the black statue in front of it
There’s also a black statue that you can touch to get a hint, basically that you need to blow the door down and then escape out of the window, which is just what you’re going to do.
Get the bomb out of your backpack and then place it into the small highlighted area on the door.
Be ready for when you do though, the bomb will immediately arm. Run as soon as you place it. The bomb will blow in a few seconds.
Once the door is gone head into the office beyond it.
There will be an absolute ton of loot in there. Various pieces will be scattered around including some items that will certainly sell for lots of cash, a Pecho plushie, and another of the white crates that may spawn a firearm.
On the floor behind the desk is your target, the case of documents.
The case of documents to bring back
The thing about this case is that unlike previous mission items you can’t put it into your backpack. Instead you need to carry it in one of your hands, which makes leaving a little tricker than usual.
Of course you can always drop it to regain the use of both of your hands, but this can still make moving while being ready for a fight difficult since you won’t be able to hold your rifle while walking with the case.
Also the case is very heavy and will slow you down. Regardless the hard part is behind you now. Time to get out.
Load your mags and get ready for the trip home before climbing out of the window with your case in hand, a little wooden ramp is leading up to it.
The window you can jump out of to leave
Keep a watch out for enemies, and take a left once you’re out of the building. Go to the road that leads through the center of the factory.
On the road turn right (south) and follow it back out through the main gate the way you came in.
If you chose to take the stealthy approach to getting into the factory complex you might have an enemy or two between you and the exit. You could also choose to wait for nightfall by sleeping in the safehouse nearby marked by the blue house symbol on your map.
Just take your time and you’ll be fine. You’ll probably be so overloaded with loot that you’ll be forced to take your time anyway.
Whenever you make it back to Vanno turn the case in and you’ll get a stack of cash and Security Level 4!
Security Level 4
Congratulations! You’re now the master of Pobeda Factory, and you’re one away from the highest Security Level in Into The Radius.
The Intrusion is definitely a hard mission, but by being properly prepared and planning ahead you can make it through no problem, and with a pack full of loot to boot.
Next time we’ll be talking about the seventh Top Priority mission in Into The Radius in Part Eight of our Into The Radius VR Walkthrough.