How To Sell Items In Into The Radius
So you’ve braved the Pechrosk Zone and found some great stuff, but some of it you’d rather sell than use. So what do you do? If you’re new to Into the Radius then you might be wondering just how exactly you’re supposed to sell your hard earned items so that you’ll have the cash to buy more items.
Well we’ll tell you how to sell in Into the Radius here. It’s actually really easy.
How To Sell Stuff In Into The Radius
So first load up your backpack with everything that you’re going to sell. It’s easier if you do it all in a single trip. Also, it’s way more satisfying to sell everything at once and see that dollar number grow bigger.
Oh, and if you’re wondering how to get more artifacts to sell then check out our artifact hunting guide. Artifacts are a really good way to earn more cash in Into The Radius.
Make your way to the train car in your home base of Vanno. It’s in the big warehouse that your room is in, but in the way back. So if you walk into the warehouse through the entrance just keep going straight and you’ll run right into it.
Here’s a picture of the traincar entrance.
The Traincar Entrance
Go up to the door and it will automatically open. Head inside and turn to the right. You’ll see a big window on the wall with all of the items you can buy inside.
Underneath it is an open bin of sorts. That’s where you put items to sell them.
Just take whatever you’re going to sell and toss it into there. Keep throwing stuff into the receptacle until you have put everything you want to sell in there.
A Full Sell Bin
Once you’ve put in everything you’re planning on selling go over to the computer console right next to the sell bin.
You’ll see the usual category selection options on your left as always, but since you put some items into the bin you’ll also see a new “SELL” button on the right, with the total value of what you’re selling above it.
The Sell Screen Before Hitting The Button
Hit that big “SELL” button and then the screen will change.
Now you’ll be able to see everything that you’re trying to sell, and how much it sells for.
This is a great way to learn what sells for a lot and what sells for a little. Keep the prices of items in mind next time you’re out in the Radius and are wondering what to keep and what to leave behind.
The Sell Screen Showing You Item Values
You can go back to the previous screen by hitting the “RESET” button. You might have noticed that the lid went down over the bin when you hit the first “SELL” button. Hitting “RESET” will open the lid again and let you take items out.
So if you’re wondering if you are accidentally selling something important this is your last chance!
When you’re ready to sell your Into the Radius items, hit the second “SELL” button. The items in the bin will disappear and the money will go straight to your account.
Anyway that’s how to sell items in Into the Radius! If you want more guides on into the radius then check out our artifact hunting guide or our Into the Radius tips and tricks article.
We’ve written a lot about this fantastic game here on So if you want to see every article about Into the Radius you can also check them out here.