Beat Saber Is A Good Workout - Beat Saber Is Great Arm Exercise

You might be wondering, “Is Beat Saber a good workout?” or, “Is Beat Saber good exercise?” Well we’re here to tell you that while it might not be the best Virtual Reality exercise game, it can definitely be a workout. Whether you’re already an avid Beat Saber player, or are looking to start to use Virtual Reality for exercise. Here you’ll find out what makes a good Beat Saber workout, and how you can benefit from Beat Saber exercise.

Beat Saber Exercise - The Basics

Alright, so what makes Beat Saber a good workout? Well you’ll notice while playing the game that Beat Saber involves a lot of arm movements. This is the crux of what makes a Beat Saber workout possible. Swinging your sabers to hit those blocks as they come at you is a movement that burns calories and works your arm muscles.

Chopping two blocks at once in Beat Saber

So Beat Saber exercise is primarily going to affect your arms. The majority of the exercise that you do in Beat Saber is moving your arms to hit blocks with your sabers. So in terms of muscle categories that Beat Saber exercise will affect, your arms are number one.

A lot of Beat Saber players note that, after a long session of playing the game, their arms will feel like noodles, or they’ll feel sore the next day. So if you’re still wondering, “Is Beat Saber a good workout?” There’s your answer. Though some muscles other than your arms can see some action in a Beat Saber workout. There’s also your legs to consider.

A wall moving by while chopping a block in Beat Saber

Beat Saber exercise will also involve these walls of light that come at you while you’re slicing blocks, which you need to dodge out of the way of. Some songs feature these walls more than others, and sometimes you’ll even have to do a squat to duck under these walls.

So a Beat Saber workout can also feature some exercise for your legs as well, but many songs do not feature these walls prominently. So your arms will most likely be the focus of any Beat Saber exercise. Still, if you really like the idea of a Beat Saber leg workout, there is a mod that adds foot blocks to Beat Saber that you need to kick. It’s called FeetSaber, and wow is it a great way to get your legs moving, burn a ton more calories, and also give your abs and back a little attention as well.

Youtuber Cake VR Dance playing FeetSaber

A Beat Saber Workout - Intensity Tips

Just like with any VR exercise game or VR workout, a Beat Saber workout will only be as good as how intense it is. While one of the great things about Virtual Reality gaming is how you can move your physical body to affect the game world, you wouldn’t classify most games as VR workout games.

The key difference is intensity. Beat Saber makes you move a lot, very quickly, in a short period of time. Ramping up that intensity is what makes Beat Saber good exercise. So basically, the more blocks that fly towards you and the faster they do that, then the better a workout you will have. Though as always make sure to take breaks to drink water and catch your breath as needed.

Chopping a block in Beat Saber’s 360 degree difficulty mode

There are some good tricks to achieve the maximum intensity you possibly can for a Beat Saber workout. There is a modifier you can add to any song that will make the whole song faster, which will increase the speed of blocks and walls coming towards you. Also, you can always increase the difficulty so that more blocks and walls come towards you.

The “Super Fast Song” modifier

Some songs even have a 360 degree or 90 degree mode that causes the blocks to come at you from multiple directions, which will involve your legs even more and force you to move your arms in many different ways. These difficulty modes make for even better Beat Saber exercise.

The 360 degree difficulty mode

Though higher difficulties are, of course, harder. That’s the big downside of a Beat Saber workout, you have to be a good Beat Saber player already to make it an intense workout. Unlike other VR exercise games like Thrill Of The Fight, your ability to turn Beat Saber into good exercise is entirely dependent on your skill at the game.

A Beat Saber workout will still make your arms sore and get you sweating even at lower speeds and difficulties, of course, but it will take much longer and you’ll have less of a workout with less intensity. Though if you’re willing to keep trying and failing until you can beat one of the faster levels, a good way to keep the blocks coming and the workout going with no interruptions is to turn on the option to make the level automatically restart every time you fail. It’s at the bottom of the “Player Options” menu, and is named “Auto Restart on Fail.”

The “Auto Restart on Fail” option

With this option on you can jump into a really hard song and swing away, and if you fail, no big deal, you’ll be right back into the game in seconds and you can keep your Beat Saber workout going.

Beat Saber Exercise - Watch Your Wrists

There is one HUGE MISTAKE that you can make during your Beat Saber workout though. Making it will not only rob you of good Beat Saber exercise, but also is potentially damaging to your body and health. That mistake is not using your entire arm to swing your saber. Especially when Beat Saber gets really fast and intense, it can be easy to fall into a trap of just flicking your wrists to swing your saber, instead of swinging your entire arm.

This is potentially very bad for your wrist, and you should avoid doing it at all costs. It’s also not good exercise, because you’ll be robbing your arms of most of their movement, and effectively you’ll just end up standing there rolling your wrists a bunch, which isn’t exercise at all no matter how fast you do it.

A really fast song in Beat Saber

Beat Saber Exercise - Alternatives

As with any health related matters, consult a medical professional, because everyone’s body is different. Avoid injury as best you can and always take a break if you don’t feel right or you feel thirsty. Overall Beat Saber is a good VR game for working out, but it can be a bit limiting.

Sure you can get a bit of a leg workout, but not much, and just swinging your arms to bash blocks is only going to do so much for muscles on your arms. If you’re serious about using Virtual Reality for exercise, then consider some other Virtual Reality exercise games. We’ve got a list of the 5 best at this link. If you really want a rhythm game that does a lot for your legs, like Beat Saber does for your arms, then check out our Pistol Whip exercise guide at this link.

Well hopefully we’ve answered the questions of “Is Beat Saber a good workout?” and, “Is Beat Saber good exercise?” However you decide to workout in VR, whether it’s with Beat Saber or another game, be sure to enjoy yourself. VR is a fantastic way to workout, and it’s only getting better.


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