3 Epic John Wick VR Games That Make You Feel Like John Wick Himself

Want to feel like John Wick having epic gunfights against a ton of opponents and beat the odds will skill and precision? Well then this list of the 3 Best John Wick VR Games will give you that feeling in the most immersive gaming medium out there, Virtual Reality. You’ll never feel more like John Wick than when you’re playing these games.

Half Life: Alyx - Gunman Contracts

Half-Life: Alyx is considered to be one of the best PCVR shooters out there. It combines a great story, fantastic atmosphere, and great gunplay in an experience that is easy to learn. Half-Life: Alyx also has great modding tools, and a modder called ANB_Seth made a fantastic mod for the game that is the ultimate John Wick VR experience.

It’s called Gunman Contracts, and can be easily installed through the Steam Workshop if you own Half-Life: Alyx. In Gunman Contracts you’re a mercenary with a trusty pistol and a goal that takes you through hordes of goons armed with submachine guns.

Your ammunition is infinite, and all that you have to focus on is fighting your way through these hordes of enemies to your goal. The gunplay is tight and thrilling in Gunman Contracts, and each scenario of the mod takes place in a very John Wick sort of setting. A dingy backstreet bar with dark secrets in the basement, or an art gallery in a hotel run by a criminal.

The sci-fi enemies of Half-Life: Alyx are replaced with goons who react quickly to your presence and are a ton of fun to have a gunfight with. This mod rewards quick thinking, speed, and precision. You’ll feel like John Wick when playing this VR game as you go from room to room firing your pistol.

Pistol Whip

Pistol Whip is a fantastic rhythm based VR game. In it you have a pistol (or two if you want) and are guided forward through a highly stylized environment as enemies appear and try to shoot you down. Music plays the whole time, and the tracks are great too. It feels like you’re John Wick in a movie and the soundtrack is playing during your action scene.

What really makes Pistol Whip a John Wick VR game is the epic dance that you do when advancing through its levels. As the enemies shoot at you, you shoot them back. You constantly need to dodge the projectiles that are coming your way while trying to fire back accurately with your own pistol and reload.

When you begin to master Pistol Whip you feel like John Wick, or like you’re doing some gun-fu. The constant dodging and firing makes you feel like some sort of gun fighting ninja in Virtual Reality. The music helps with this a lot, and every level plays out like an action scene from a John Wick movie. Each level requires precise timing, movement of your body, and precision. That is, if the difficulty setting requires it.

The one downside to Pistol Whip is that the opening difficulty of the game doesn’t quite give you this feeling of being a John Wick assassin. You will probably want to get into Arcade mode and turn the difficulty up with modifiers so that the experience involves a lot of dodging and shooting rather than standing in place and lazily lifting your arm to fire a shot every few seconds. Check out this guide to find out more.

Superhot VR

Superhot VR is another fantastic action based VR game that will make you feel like John Wick in Virtual Reality. Unlike Pistol Whip, Superhot VR gives you intense action and forces you to do incredible feats of shooting and fighting right out of the gate. You don’t even need to be particularly fast yourself to pull them off.

This is because Superhot VR pauses time as long as you don’t move. Time only moves as fast as your head and hands do. So if you stand still nothing will happen, but whenever you move, bullets, objects, and enemies move as well. This means you have plenty of time to decide your next move before you do it, or you can just move slowly. So the whole fight plays out like a slow motion action scene with you deciding the pace.

This John Wick VR game is a ton of fun and will definitely make you feel like an elite assassin like John Wick himself. Each encounter plays out like an action movie sequence. No more bullets in your pistol? Throw it at an enemy and grab another. No gun at all? Throw a nearby shuriken at your enemies. Enemy coming at you with a knife? Time your punch precisely before they cut you.

Everything in Superhot VR becomes an intricate dance that you navigate your way through while expertly taking down opponent after opponent. It’s a ton of fun and is a precise and action packed experience. Another great John Wick Virtual Reality game.

There you have it, 3 Epic John Wick VR games. Each of these comes highly recommended from many sources, not just here, and you’re sure to have a good time and feel like a cool action movie hero just like John Wick.


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