How To Play Animal Company On the Meta Quest 2 And 3
So you want to play Animal Company and enjoy a super fun Virtual Reality game.
Here you’ll learn how to play Animal Company for free on the Meta Quest 2 or Meta Quest 3 (or any other Meta Quest device).
Let’s show you how to install the game on your headset.
So you want to play Animal Company and enjoy a super fun Virtual Reality game.
Good idea and welcome! Animal Company is a great VR game. I can say that Animal Company is really unique in how it lets you move just like in Gorilla Tag, but also adds amazing items, traps, and monsters to make the game so much more interesting.
Oh, and Animal Company is free to play on Meta Quest VR headsets! So you don’t need to spend any money to enjoy it.
Here you’ll learn how to play Animal Company for free on the Meta Quest 2 or Meta Quest 3 (or any other Meta Quest device).
Let’s show you how to install the game on your headset.
How To Install and Play Animal Company On A Meta Quest 2 or 3
If you don’t know where to get the game in the first place for free then keep reading. Here’s how to get Animal Company on the Meta Quest 2 or 3.
It’s really easy, just start by putting your headset on.
When you’re in the home screen then you can open the store by hitting the orange button at the bottom. The one with the shopping bag on it. When you point your controller pointer at it a popup will show up saying “Store.”
Definitely make sure your Quest is connected to a WiFi network by the way. If you aren’t connected then get some WiFi on your Quest. You have to have an internet connection to download Animal Company.
The Meta Quest Store, where you can get Animal Company.
Click on the search icon at the top of the score screen.
A keyboard will appear. Start typing “Animal Company” into the search bar and then hit the blue arrow to search for it.
Once you see it pop up click on the Animal Company icon under “Apps.”
Searching for an downloading Animal Company on the Meta Quest 3.
The window will change and show you some more information bout the game.
Just click the “Install” button on the bottom right.
Downloading Animal Company.
Now Animal Company is installing. If your WiFi connection to your headset isn’t very good it might take a while, but not too long. If you take the headset off it should keep going.
To see how long Animal Company is taking to install, and how to run it, click the button in the bottom right that looks like a grid of 9 squares to go to your app library.
Now you can see all of the apps you have installed on your headset.
You should see Animal Company there near the top, and you can also search for it with the search bar just like you did in the Store.
When it’s installed you can play the game by clicking on it!
There you go. That’s how to play Animal Company On the Meta Quest 2 or 3 VR headset. Easy as that, enjoy the game!
Clone Drone In The Hyperdome Combines Character Drama And VR Sword Combat
Clone Drone In The Hyperdome is the most dramatic VR Sword Fighting Game I have ever seen, and if you want to see some gameplay of it you can on the Reality Remake Youtube Channel.
As for what I mean by the “most dramatic” VR sword fighting game… it’s that this game is basically part Soap Opera, part Survivor episode, and part VR combat roguelike. The bosses you fight aren’t just bosses. They’re characters in their own right with stories of their own.
Clone Drone In The Hyperdome is the most dramatic VR Sword Fighting Game I have ever seen, and if you want to see some gameplay of it you can on the Reality Remake Youtube Channel.
As for what I mean by the “most dramatic” VR sword fighting game… it’s that this game is basically part Soap Opera, part Survivor episode, and part VR combat roguelike. The bosses you fight aren’t just bosses. They’re characters in their own right with stories of their own.
How Clone Drone In the Hyperdome Works
In Clone Drone In The Hyperdome you are a new clone drone that must fight and scheme your way to the hyperdome.
To make sense of how this all works let me set the stage for you.. You’re a human mind inside of a robot body and you’re the newest member of the clone drones fighting through the never ending “Crash Loop” on an alien planet.
You’ve got to run this loop full of sword fighting robots and other dangers over and over again alongside your fellow “Loop Runner” robots. Each has a special ability “fist” that they drop when defeated. So you start your loop and then fight some generic robot enemies… until you decide which of your follow “Loop Runners” you want to fight.
The runner you pick to fight first is important, because if you defeat them then you’ve “KOed” them. KOs look very bad and nobody wants to be KOed so if you KO a character then they get very mad at you. That’s the basis for the drama.
Your Story Choices Do Actually Kind Of Matter In Clone Drone In The Hyperdome
Unlike most Virtual Reality roguelikes you get to choose which bosses you fight in Clone Drone In The Hyperdome.
Clone Drone In the Hyperdome wants to get you to buy into the drama of its characters through the gameplay.
Of course before you even start picking who to KO and really start playing the game, there’s an introductory bit that reveals and explains each of the other characters who you fight during the loop. They’re all essentially bosses… except unlike in most Roguelikes you get to choose which ones you fight… and there’s some personal story incentive for which one you choose.
Myself, for instance, immediately didn’t like the attitude of a cocky robot called MX2. They and their mentor Overclock immediately rubbed me the wrong way, so I kept KOing MX2 and Overclock exclusively. Due to this they had words to share with me each time a run was finished, and other loop runners liked me more for not KOing them… especially those that were not fans of MX2 and Overclock.
The clone drone that you play as is completely silent, but the others are all extremely talkative. You’ll often enter the loading room between matches and they’re spouting monologues off at each other like WWE wrestlers, going on about their theories and past dramas.
There’s a lot of drama and arguments between characters to be witnessed in Clone Drone In The Hyperdome.
What’s most interesting about all of this is that this drama not only affects your choices of which of these “boss” loop runners to fight yourself, but also who they fight. Overlock will not KO MX2, and MX2 and Knight Mode have a preexisting squabble that causes them to KO each other all of the time.
So you can always play your opponents off of each other and choose which one you fight not only for your own preferences but also for who you think you are most likely to beat. There’s an interesting interplay of drama and roguelike systems in Clone Drone In the Hyperdome, as well as some interesting VR melee combat.
Strayed VR Is Just As Ruthless As Rust
As evidenced by the Youtube videos I’ve released showcasing some gameplay stories in Strayed, it is worthy of being called a Rust VR Game.
Outside of the fact that you spawn in as a naked baldy and that a lot of weapons and structures sort of fit the scrappy apocalyptic Rust aesthetic, it really nails the Rust feel in VR in the way that matters the most.
It is an absolutely ruthless game.
As evidenced by the Youtube videos I’ve released showcasing some gameplay stories in Strayed, it is worthy of being called a Rust VR Game. That’s probably why everyone call is that (it’s also good for SEO).
You can look at a lot of elements in Strayed and say “Oh so they just did what Rust did, but in a Virtual Reality game.” That’s pretty true, and I don’t see anybody else other than Combat Waffle Studios rushing to make another Multiplayer VR Base Building survival game ala Rust. So I’d also hesitate to try and call Strayed a copy of any sort because well… VR is a whole different medium from flatscreen games. Either way somebody is going to make a game like Rust in Virtual Reality eventually.
I’m glad it’s Strayed that is currently really shining as that VR Rust game though. Outside of the fact that you spawn in as a naked baldy and that a lot of weapons and structures sort of fit the scrappy apocalyptic Rust aesthetic, it really nails the Rust feel in VR in the way that matters the most.
It is an absolutely ruthless game.
Strayed Is As Rust Is - A Dog Eat Dog World
In Strayed it’s all about having better equipment than the other guy… and then taking the other guy’s stuff.
Just like in Rust, Strayed nails the feeling of living in a world where the strong prey on the weak. That’s evidenced through the progression of the game.
You don’t get better stats to get more powerful, you get better equipment to get more powerful. You start with a rock that is a barely capable of hurting someone when you hit them with it. You can quickly upgrade that to a bat by hitting a tree. Hit a tree and a rock and gather some plants and you’ve got a bow.
With a bow you can easily defeat anyone with a melee weapon. Boom, you’ve moved up the Strayed food chain. Now you can look down on the people who are just like you just were, practically unarmed. You can take them out with ease.
Someone who has managed to scavenge or craft a gun and ammunition for it though… they’re still a level above you.
Every upgrade feels like going another rung up the totem pole in Strayed, much like in Rust.
Even a pistol is very superior to a bow, unless you’ve got a ton of practice and are fantastically accurate with a bow. Of course even then the armor either party wears can be the deciding factor in who walks away with the other person’s stuff and who respawns in their base with nothing.
Up and up the food chain goes until you’ve got the best armor in the game, pipe bombs, healing syringes, and assault rifles. Even then, when you’re the most powerful player around and you can take anything from whoever you come across… what if you run across a large group of players? There is strength in numbers.
The ability to take what other people have gathered in Strayed with just a little bit of force can easily propel you through tons of otherwise tedious gathering and scavenging, and it’s much more fun to fight than to grind. So people naturally do that in Strayed just as they would in Rust. That is the best way Strayed continues the legacy of Rust, but as a Virtual Reality experience.
At a certain level most people aren’t even threats anymore.
It is this more than anything else that gives Strayed the moniker of a Rust VR game, and why that title is so fitting. People who know they stand no chance against you because of your equipment advantage will mostly beg for mercy, and people above you in regards to equipment will generally shoot first and ask questions later. You’re just a free bag full of gathered valuables to them.
The only separator is stuff. Equipment, armor, weapons, and whatever else you can store in your base is all that differentiates you from the horde of nakeds freshly spawned on the beaches. Lose those things and you are back to square one no matter how much you scavenged or how many fights you succeeded in.
Of course you can always reject violent human nature and try to encourage peace and understanding. You could work together with those you come across and try to succeed more together.
Where is the fun in that? There’s only so much scavenge to go around in any given area and well… any stranger could easily ambush you if you turn your back to them.
Strayed, much like Rust, is an apocalyptic dog eat dog game.
3 FANTASTIC VR Soccer Games And VR Football Games
I’ve talked about a lot of fantastic VR sports games here on Reality Remake. From VR American Football games, to VR tennis games, to even a fantastic VR Pickleball game.
Now let’s finally get around to talking about fantastic Virtual Reality games that let you play the most popular sport in the world, Soccer (or football if you prefer).
There’s finally some fantastic VR Soccer Games and VR Football Games to talk about, so let’s crack right into it and talk about the best ones you can try right now.
I’ve talked about a lot of fantastic VR sports games here on Reality Remake. From VR American Football games, to VR tennis games, to even a fantastic VR Pickleball game.
Now let’s finally get around to talking about fantastic Virtual Reality games that let you play the most popular sport in the world, Soccer (or football if you prefer).
There’s finally some fantastic VR Soccer Games and VR Football Games to talk about, so let’s crack right into it and talk about the best ones you can try right now.
VRFS - VR Football Soccer Simulator
The VRFS - VR Football Soccer Simulator Logo.
You might be thinking that the number one thing which makes VR Soccer hard to pull off is that VR devices don’t have very good foot tracking (unless you have some very specific extra hardware).
Well VRFS tackles this problem by making a VR Football game that turns your hands into your feet! Your height is calibrated so that if you leave your arms hanging at your sides the feet extending from your hands will reach the ground. After all why would you need hands in a game that is played entirely with your feet anyway?
Unless you’re a goalie of course, but you can switch to being a goalie as well in VRFS, and that turns your hands back into hands.
You can be a player or a goalie in VRFS.
VRFS - VR Football Soccer Simulator really does its best to be a Virtual Reality Soccer simulator. Though when you’re used to playing real soccer it is awfully strange to go from kicking the ball with your feet to kicking the ball with your arms.
Still, the tutorial does a great job of getting you familiar with the concept, and the practice field gives you a lot of different ways to practice playing soccer with your arms instead of your feet.
This VR Soccer Game also features some AI bots that you can play against, though at the time of writing this they’re not much to speak of. The real magic of VRFS is in the multiplayer.
Kicking the ball with your arms instead of your feet takes some getting used to in any of these VR Football Games.
That’s where this game really shines. You can freely join any of the Multiplayer lobbies out there and just hop into a pickup game of soccer. Some are more rules light, and some more rules heavy.
Getting the hang of kicking the ball properly and also managing your stamina, which determines whether you can run more quickly or not for a short period of time, isn’t simple, and VRFS is a solid VR Football experience. It’s easy to pick up and yet hard to master, with a lot of other opponents to play against others online.
There are other Soccer VR games that work just like VRFS, such as Premier League Player and Soccer VR. These games also replace your hands with feet and have you play Football in VR that way. I’d still recommend VRFS over those games though since VRFS is free and is just as high quality as those other games, though Premier League Player does have a bit more polish and the official backing of a soccer league.
VRFS excels in giving you a great multiplayer Soccer VR Game.
Premier League Player also has a mode which recreates some fantastic plays that really happened in Football games of the Premier League, which is a very impressive feature. Though unfortunately the Multiplayer is not as good as it is in VRFS. Still, if you want a paid option with a bit more polish then give Premier League Player a look.
CleanSheet Soccer
The CleanSheet Logo.
CleanSheet is a little more of a limited Soccer VR game. Instead of trying to abstract VR Football by simulating your feet it just keeps your feet removed entirely as most Virtual Reality games do.
So what does that mean? It means that CleanSheet is entirely about being a goalie.
That being said that doesn’t make CleanSheet a limited or boring game. It is the best goalie simulator in existence out there, and you can have it running in your VR headset whenever you like.
Blocking a shot in CleanSheet. This is a fantastic VR Goalie Game.
There’s the typical ball machine randomly shooting ball towards your goal that you might expect, but also so much more than that. There are special challenges, and the AI can run plays to try and get past your defense of your goal. You can even recreate famous shots from real life Football games!
There are also various competitive multiplayer modes, like one where you and an opponent launch balls at each other’s goals and attempt to block them. Though you launch the balls with a cannon instead of your feet. Still, it seems like very a very fun idea. Though unfortunately it’s kind of hard to find an opponent.
CleanSheet is a fantastic VR Goalie trainer and another fun VR exercise game that makes for a fantastic warm up to a more intense workout session. It truly tests your reflexes.
Though I will say that it is much easier (and safer) to defend your goal space if you have a larger playspace to physically move around in. Not to mention physically diving for a ball while wearing a VR headset is NOT a good idea.
While other Football VR Games do offer goal keeping in addition to other positions, none do goal keeping as well as CleanSheet. Though unlike other games on this list, it is not free.
Motion Soccer
The Motion Soccer Logo.
You might be reading this list of VR Soccer Games and be wondering “Why doesn’t somebody just make a FIFA VR game?”
Well if that’s what you want to see then luckily for you you’ll find a Virtual Reality Football Experience that is somewhat similar to FIFA in Motion Soccer.
At the time of writing this game was recently released on the Meta store and Steam as well. There is a free version that you can try without paying a cent on either platform.
There are three different ways to play Motion Soccer that you can mix and match. This is what makes this a VR FIFA game.
What separates Motion Soccer from other VR Football games is that instead of purely controlling a single player as in VRFS, you can freely swap between players on your team.
This is what makes this a sort of FIFA VR Game despite not being officially affiliated with any football league. You’re not just playing as an individual player, you’re playing as the whole team and you can switch between players whenever you like.
So there’s no holding a spot and hoping you get the ball. You can always be the one with the ball. Just look at the player you want to control and press the grip button.
There’s even a third person view mode that lets you view the entire field and control your players from a god’s eye view just like in FIFA.
Passes, kicks, slide tackles, Motion Soccer lets you do it all using your controller joysticks and buttons.
That’s one of three different methods for controlling your players that you get in Motion Soccer. You can also swap your hands with feet just like in other Football VR Games mentioned here, and there’s a goalie mode as well that has you using your hands to block shots.
If you don’t like the idea of using your hands as feet to play VR Soccer though, then you will be excited to hear that Motion Soccer also has a mode that uses just your joysticks to control where your player goes and dribbles the ball, and you shoot just by pointing at where you want the ball to go and pressing trigger.
So if you want to get a fantastic first person VR Soccer experience without having to learn how to dribble and shoot with your arms then Motion Soccer has you covered. All of the intense first person Football experience, but none of the awkward controls. It plays like a first person VR FIFA with the option to get close to the ball or zoom out for a more tactical experience.
You can command your players on the field from the top down just like in FIFA… but in Virtual Reality.
Though at the time of writing Motion Soccer does have a bit of an unpolished feel to it, and I encountered a few bugs while playing it. None of these bugs broke the game entirely though. While there is a free version of the game that lets you do the tutorials, trainings, and 3v3 matches, to play the Singleplayer campaign you’ll have to pay for the pro version.
Well that’s all the fantastic VR Football and VR Soccer games that I’ve got for you. However you decide to get on the pitch in Virtual Reality, enjoy!
High Quality VR Games Like Gorilla Tag
Here at Reality Remake I’ve already told you about some of the interesting Gorilla Tag knock offs there are out there. I’ve even shown you some Gorilla Tag horror games as well, if you like scariness.
While these games mostly feel like low effort knock-offs, there’s a new breed of VR Games Like Gorilla Tag that are coming out. These new Gorilla Tag games are high quality and have a ton of new features and worlds to explore. They’re not just low effort Gorilla Tag knock offs.
Here at Reality Remake I’ve already told you about some of the interesting Gorilla Tag knock offs there are out there. I’ve even shown you some Gorilla Tag horror games as well, if you like scariness.
While these games mostly feel like low effort knock-offs, there’s a new breed of VR Games Like Gorilla Tag that are coming out. These new Gorilla Tag games are high quality and have a ton of new features and worlds to explore. They’re not just low effort Gorilla Tag knock offs.
So if you’re looking for some good games like Gorilla Tag then look no further because I’ve got a few great ones for you right here. Such as…
Yeeps: Hide and Seek - Games Like Gorilla Tag
The Yeeps Logo
Yeeps is currently the strongest of the new Gorilla Tag contenders to come out, as you can tell by the massive amount of ratings on its page in the Meta Quest store.
Yeeps starts by not just making you a monkey or gorilla again as many other games do, but some sort of pillow creature. I’m not really sure what you and your fellow VR gamers are supposed to be, but you’ve got a belly full of stuffing and the ability to bounce around on your hands just like in Gorilla Tag.
A yeep with pins to tag other players with. Another way this game like Gorilla Tag changes up the original game.
While there are a few game modes in Yeeps: Hide and Seek, they mostly boil down to either hanging out or playing tag. What really separates Yeeps from other VR games like Gorilla Tag or other games with Gorilla Tag type movement is in how it treats the maps that you play tag on.
While Gorilla Tag has many maps made by the creator of the game that you can travel between, Yeeps gives players tools to make their own maps. In Gorilla Tag you’re limited by what comes with the game. In Yeeps you can make maps or play tag on maps that others have made.
The difference is more than that, though. Yeeps also gives players opportunities to change the map in game by creating pillows with the stuffing in your character. You can create huge pillow forts (and break them down) while trying to avoid being tagged.
A pillow tower I built in Yeeps. Building is a great thing to add to a Gorilla Tag game.
You can use your stuffing to create pillow pieces and place them practically anywhere. Also, like any good Gorilla Tag successor, Yeeps has some very fun gadgets to try.
So if you really like the tag aspect of Gorilla Tag then you should give Yeeps a try. It will probably be the Gorilla Tag type game for you. It really focuses in on playing tag in Virtual Reality with Gorilla Tag movement. Yeeps gives you a ton of new maps and new strategies to try with the building system. If you want a Gorilla Tag game that takes tag to the next level then Yeeps: Hide and Seek does that.
Yeeps: Hide and Seek is FREE on the Meta Quest store.
Animal Company - Games Like Gorilla Tag
The Animal Company Logo.
If you want some mayhem and some fun exploring mysterious and dangerous places then Animal Company is the VR game like Gorilla Tag for you.
Unlike other Gorilla Tag games that focus more on the “Tag” part of Gorilla Tag, Animal Company takes the unique movement that was invented by the creator of Gorilla Tag and basically throws out everything else. There’s no tagging, but there are an absolute ton of items to use, places to explore, dangers to avoid, and of course other players to blow you up.
There are a ton of skins as well as gadgets in Animal Company.
Animal Company could really use a tutorial, but when you figure out (or get told by some helpful players) how to buy and use items, it’s an absolute blast to play around with them.
From glowsticks to dynamite to revolvers to anti gravity hover boards, there are a ton of gadgets in Animal Company, so many that they’re really the core feature of the game. There are so many gadgets that they go beyond what any other game like Gorilla Tag offers. You even get backpacks to hold them because there are so many with such a wide variety of uses.
Of course the game wouldn’t be much fun if the only point of these items were to play around with them for a while and then get bored. Where Animal Company really shines and makes itself more than just a Gorilla Tag ripoff is in how it makes those items important for actually winning in the game.
There are a lot of dangerous creatures in Animal Company, like this ogre eating another player.
You see, in Animal Company you need research points to be able to make new items, and you need money to be able to buy items at all. How do you get these things? Well you’re going to have to go far from the comfort of the safe zone that you spawn in at.
You’ll need to go out into the wilderness to a wide variety of different places through blizzards, dark sewer tunnels, and other scary places. Unlike other Gorilla Tag games Animal Company doesn’t just put you somewhere and let you wander around risk free.
Nope, there are monsters around, and if you don’t have the items to stop them then you better hope you can run away in time. Of course like any good game defeating or evading the monsters means you can find treasures scattered around the map. Bring them back to the safe zone to sell them and bam, you’ve got more money for items.
Animal Company is one of the more creative and crazy looking VR games like Gorilla Tag.
If there’s a dark tunnel you need to get through then hopefully you have, or can find, a flare gun or a flashlight to light your way. Jumping puzzle too hard? Well you can basically skip it with a rocket to blast you across a chasm or a hover board to float over it. These items aren’t just fun to mess around with, they’re essential to surviving exploring the game world with more than just your ability to bounce with your arms like in any other Gorilla Tag game.
What makes Animal Company such a fun Gorilla Tag style game is that it takes the fun movement of Gorilla Tag, and basically puts RPG mechanics on top of it.
There’s progression based on how many items you have and how much money you have to get more, and there’s adventure and exploration all around the place. Animal Company isn’t just another VR tag game, it really adds a lot of adventure to a game with Gorilla Tag movement.
Also the items are a ton of fun to play around with, more than any of the other Gorilla Tag games. Animal Company is FREE on the Meta Quest store.
Well those are some of the more high quality games like Gorilla Tag. Have you found another game that you think belongs here? Well then leave a comment and I’ll get right to trying that game out and adding it to the article. Enjoy!