Clone Drone In The Hyperdome Combines Character Drama And VR Sword Combat

Clone Drone In The Hyperdome is the most dramatic VR Sword Fighting Game I have ever seen, and if you want to see some gameplay of it you can on the Reality Remake Youtube Channel.

As for what I mean by the “most dramatic” VR sword fighting game… it’s that this game is basically part Soap Opera, part Survivor episode, and part VR combat roguelike. The bosses you fight aren’t just bosses. They’re characters in their own right with stories of their own.

How Clone Drone In the Hyperdome Works

In Clone Drone In The Hyperdome you are a new clone drone that must fight and scheme your way to the hyperdome.

To make sense of how this all works let me set the stage for you.. You’re a human mind inside of a robot body and you’re the newest member of the clone drones fighting through the never ending “Crash Loop” on an alien planet.

You’ve got to run this loop full of sword fighting robots and other dangers over and over again alongside your fellow “Loop Runner” robots. Each has a special ability “fist” that they drop when defeated. So you start your loop and then fight some generic robot enemies… until you decide which of your follow “Loop Runners” you want to fight.

The runner you pick to fight first is important, because if you defeat them then you’ve “KOed” them. KOs look very bad and nobody wants to be KOed so if you KO a character then they get very mad at you. That’s the basis for the drama.

Your Story Choices Do Actually Kind Of Matter In Clone Drone In The Hyperdome

Unlike most Virtual Reality roguelikes you get to choose which bosses you fight in Clone Drone In The Hyperdome.

Clone Drone In the Hyperdome wants to get you to buy into the drama of its characters through the gameplay.

Of course before you even start picking who to KO and really start playing the game, there’s an introductory bit that reveals and explains each of the other characters who you fight during the loop. They’re all essentially bosses… except unlike in most Roguelikes you get to choose which ones you fight… and there’s some personal story incentive for which one you choose.

Myself, for instance, immediately didn’t like the attitude of a cocky robot called MX2. They and their mentor Overclock immediately rubbed me the wrong way, so I kept KOing MX2 and Overclock exclusively. Due to this they had words to share with me each time a run was finished, and other loop runners liked me more for not KOing them… especially those that were not fans of MX2 and Overclock.

The clone drone that you play as is completely silent, but the others are all extremely talkative. You’ll often enter the loading room between matches and they’re spouting monologues off at each other like WWE wrestlers, going on about their theories and past dramas.

There’s a lot of drama and arguments between characters to be witnessed in Clone Drone In The Hyperdome.

What’s most interesting about all of this is that this drama not only affects your choices of which of these “boss” loop runners to fight yourself, but also who they fight. Overlock will not KO MX2, and MX2 and Knight Mode have a preexisting squabble that causes them to KO each other all of the time.

So you can always play your opponents off of each other and choose which one you fight not only for your own preferences but also for who you think you are most likely to beat. There’s an interesting interplay of drama and roguelike systems in Clone Drone In the Hyperdome, as well as some interesting VR melee combat.


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