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High Quality VR Games Like Gorilla Tag

Here at Reality Remake I’ve already told you about some of the interesting Gorilla Tag knock offs there are out there. I’ve even shown you some Gorilla Tag horror games as well, if you like scariness.

While these games mostly feel like low effort knock-offs, there’s a new breed of VR Games Like Gorilla Tag that are coming out. These new Gorilla Tag games are high quality and have a ton of new features and worlds to explore. They’re not just low effort Gorilla Tag knock offs.

Here at Reality Remake I’ve already told you about some of the interesting Gorilla Tag knock offs there are out there. I’ve even shown you some Gorilla Tag horror games as well, if you like scariness.

While these games mostly feel like low effort knock-offs, there’s a new breed of VR Games Like Gorilla Tag that are coming out. These new Gorilla Tag games are high quality and have a ton of new features and worlds to explore. They’re not just low effort Gorilla Tag knock offs.

So if you’re looking for some good games like Gorilla Tag then look no further because I’ve got a few great ones for you right here. Such as…

Yeeps: Hide and Seek - Games Like Gorilla Tag

The Yeeps Logo

Yeeps is currently the strongest of the new Gorilla Tag contenders to come out, as you can tell by the massive amount of ratings on its page in the Meta Quest store.

Yeeps starts by not just making you a monkey or gorilla again as many other games do, but some sort of pillow creature. I’m not really sure what you and your fellow VR gamers are supposed to be, but you’ve got a belly full of stuffing and the ability to bounce around on your hands just like in Gorilla Tag.

A yeep with pins to tag other players with. Another way this game like Gorilla Tag changes up the original game.

While there are a few game modes in Yeeps: Hide and Seek, they mostly boil down to either hanging out or playing tag. What really separates Yeeps from other VR games like Gorilla Tag or other games with Gorilla Tag type movement is in how it treats the maps that you play tag on.

While Gorilla Tag has many maps made by the creator of the game that you can travel between, Yeeps gives players tools to make their own maps. In Gorilla Tag you’re limited by what comes with the game. In Yeeps you can make maps or play tag on maps that others have made.

The difference is more than that, though. Yeeps also gives players opportunities to change the map in game by creating pillows with the stuffing in your character. You can create huge pillow forts (and break them down) while trying to avoid being tagged.

A pillow tower I built in Yeeps. Building is a great thing to add to a Gorilla Tag game.

You can use your stuffing to create pillow pieces and place them practically anywhere. Also, like any good Gorilla Tag successor, Yeeps has some very fun gadgets to try.

So if you really like the tag aspect of Gorilla Tag then you should give Yeeps a try. It will probably be the Gorilla Tag type game for you. It really focuses in on playing tag in Virtual Reality with Gorilla Tag movement. Yeeps gives you a ton of new maps and new strategies to try with the building system. If you want a Gorilla Tag game that takes tag to the next level then Yeeps: Hide and Seek does that.

Yeeps: Hide and Seek is FREE on the Meta Quest store.

Animal Company - Games Like Gorilla Tag

The Animal Company Logo.

If you want some mayhem and some fun exploring mysterious and dangerous places then Animal Company is the VR game like Gorilla Tag for you.

Unlike other Gorilla Tag games that focus more on the “Tag” part of Gorilla Tag, Animal Company takes the unique movement that was invented by the creator of Gorilla Tag and basically throws out everything else. There’s no tagging, but there are an absolute ton of items to use, places to explore, dangers to avoid, and of course other players to blow you up.

There are a ton of skins as well as gadgets in Animal Company.

Animal Company could really use a tutorial, but when you figure out (or get told by some helpful players) how to buy and use items, it’s an absolute blast to play around with them.

From glowsticks to dynamite to revolvers to anti gravity hover boards, there are a ton of gadgets in Animal Company, so many that they’re really the core feature of the game. There are so many gadgets that they go beyond what any other game like Gorilla Tag offers. You even get backpacks to hold them because there are so many with such a wide variety of uses.

Of course the game wouldn’t be much fun if the only point of these items were to play around with them for a while and then get bored. Where Animal Company really shines and makes itself more than just a Gorilla Tag ripoff is in how it makes those items important for actually winning in the game.

There are a lot of dangerous creatures in Animal Company, like this ogre eating another player.

You see, in Animal Company you need research points to be able to make new items, and you need money to be able to buy items at all. How do you get these things? Well you’re going to have to go far from the comfort of the safe zone that you spawn in at.

You’ll need to go out into the wilderness to a wide variety of different places through blizzards, dark sewer tunnels, and other scary places. Unlike other Gorilla Tag games Animal Company doesn’t just put you somewhere and let you wander around risk free.

Nope, there are monsters around, and if you don’t have the items to stop them then you better hope you can run away in time. Of course like any good game defeating or evading the monsters means you can find treasures scattered around the map. Bring them back to the safe zone to sell them and bam, you’ve got more money for items.

Animal Company is one of the more creative and crazy looking VR games like Gorilla Tag.

If there’s a dark tunnel you need to get through then hopefully you have, or can find, a flare gun or a flashlight to light your way. Jumping puzzle too hard? Well you can basically skip it with a rocket to blast you across a chasm or a hover board to float over it. These items aren’t just fun to mess around with, they’re essential to surviving exploring the game world with more than just your ability to bounce with your arms like in any other Gorilla Tag game.

What makes Animal Company such a fun Gorilla Tag style game is that it takes the fun movement of Gorilla Tag, and basically puts RPG mechanics on top of it.

There’s progression based on how many items you have and how much money you have to get more, and there’s adventure and exploration all around the place. Animal Company isn’t just another VR tag game, it really adds a lot of adventure to a game with Gorilla Tag movement.

Also the items are a ton of fun to play around with, more than any of the other Gorilla Tag games. Animal Company is FREE on the Meta Quest store.

Well those are some of the more high quality games like Gorilla Tag. Have you found another game that you think belongs here? Well then leave a comment and I’ll get right to trying that game out and adding it to the article. Enjoy!

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An Adventurous And Strange VR Pirate Game - Pirates VR: Jolly Roger

I have mixed feelings of positivity about the VR Pirate Game Pirates VR: Jolly Roger. They’re positively mixed feelings, let me assure you, but I have to admit that at first I didn’t think I’d be as impressed with this game as I ended up being.

What would normally seem janky, immersion breaking, and straight up lazy in a different Virtual Reality adventure game somehow just adds to the charm of Pirates VR: Jolly Roger.

I have mixed feelings of positivity about the VR Pirate Game Pirates VR: Jolly Roger. They’re positively mixed feelings, let me assure you, but I have to admit that at first I didn’t think I’d be as impressed with this game as I ended up being.

As you can see in my video about it on Youtube, Pirates VR: Jolly Roger has somewhat dated UE4 visuals (though my aging PC did not help with that) and a look and feel that also makes it seem like it was developed in 2020. For instance, swinging a pickaxe at a rock to break it, and the pickaxe just… phases through the rock.

What would normally seem janky, immersion breaking, and straight up lazy in a different Virtual Reality adventure game somehow just adds to the charm of Pirates VR: Jolly Roger.

Though I could easily see the jankiness overcoming the charm for others, for me personally what made the dated feel and look fit so well was just how quickly the game changes its mechanics, gameplay, and tone to wildly different levels. I always felt like I was doing something new. That made the whole VR adventure game feel pretty adventerous.

Let me elaborate. (Minor spoilers ahead)

Pirates VR: Jolly Roger - A VR Pirate Game That Is Not Really About Pirating

This VR Pirate game has some really awesome sights to see.

When I say this game is adventurous I mean it in more than one way. This VR Pirate Game is adventurous in where it takes you just as much in what you do in the gameplay.

This game doesn’t stop to explain itself, or doesn’t do much to establish just why and how you are doing the things you’re doing except in a very cursory manner. For instance when the tone of the game starts to shift from sunny island adventure to skeletal cave exorcist simulator is when you first enter the cave area.

The first thing you find is a lantern, which is fantastically well implemented by the way. The shadow effects of the lantern light look great. Anyway your parrot companion, who is your only source of context for most things, mentions that it belonged to an exorcist nun that became a pirate. That’s it, full stop, and then a floating tooltip casually mentions that you can shoot balls of magical energy with the lantern.

Pirates VR: Jolly Roger might not have the most in depth combat system, but it is still fun.

Should this sudden tonal shift feel jarring? Maybe, but really it just feels charming. The entire story and setting work on theme park logic. Why not suddenly give the player a magical lantern?

Why not suddenly have them fight hordes of skeletons that phase through walls and teleport? Every new area that you go to in this VR Pirate Game called Pirates VR: Jolly Roger has you doing something entirely different from the previous one. There are constantly new things to do, puzzles to solve, places to explore, items to find, and even the undead to combat. A variety of simple to grasp yet different Virtual Reality adventure game mechanics don’t overstay their welcome.

Even if the implementation feels somewhat dated and janky from time to time the constant changes in gameplay keep it all feeling fresh and new and adventurous. You really never know what will come next. You aren’t even told why you are on the island you’re on at the beginning, and only find out by listening to your own character’s dialog later.

The exploration also involves some good puzzles. They’re not too hard and not too easy.

What’s the reason? You’re looking for cursed treasure of course! That’s what pirates do in theme parks.

So the game is kind of silly, but it’s silly in a very fun adventurous way. Check it out on Youtube if you’re still curious.

Disclosure: I received a free review copy of this product from

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VR Horror Games Are Scarier Than Flatscreen Horror Games

You’ve seen the title of this article, and if you’ve never experienced VR Horror Games then you might not accept this as truth, especially if you’re an avid horror game fan.

If that’s the case and you love the tension and scariness of a good horror game then it’s in your own best interest to try VR Horror Games for yourself as quickly as possible. Virtual Reality is fantastic for immersing you in a situation, and nothing makes a situation scarier than feeling fully immersed in it.

You’ve seen the title of this article, and if you’ve never experienced VR Horror Games then you might not accept this as truth, especially if you’re an avid horror game fan.

If that’s the case and you love the tension and scariness of a good horror game then it’s in your own best interest to try VR Horror Games for yourself as quickly as possible. Virtual Reality is fantastic for immersing you in a situation, and nothing makes a situation scarier than feeling fully immersed in it.

The scene of a scary ritual from the VR Horror Game Paranormal Activity.

In VR, you’re not just watching the action—you’re in the middle of it. The immersive nature of VR tricks your brain into believing that the virtual world is real. The eerie creak of a door, the flicker of a shadow, or the sudden appearance of a grotesque creature feels much more immediate and inescapable.

When you move your character moves, when you flinch you flinch inside of the game, and more than putting you closer to the scary situation that you are in a Virtual Reality horror game makes your fearful reactions to that situation a part of it.

Whether it’s creeping down a dark hallway, peeking around a corner, or physically running away from a pursuing monster, every step feels like a leap into danger. The act of physically leaning, turning, or reaching amplifies the tension because your body is fully engaged in the experience. This sense of agency makes every decision feel life-or-death, adding an unparalleled layer of dread to the gameplay.

There’s no way to look away from the screen unless you take it off. In a flatscreen game, you can glance at the corner of the screen or pause to compose yourself. In VR, the horrifying entity is right in your face, and avoidance is impossible unless you remove the headset—a testament to how real the experience feels. The lighting, the sound, whatever terrifying thing is chasing you, there’s no escaping it outside of winning the game.

What even is that? Some kind of monster from the VR horror game Cosmodread.

So VR horror games are scarier than flatscreen horror games, or at least they put you inside the horrifying world of the game even more than on the flatscreen.

If you haven’t tried them then I highly recommend you do. A Virtual Reality headset is a game changer for any immersive experience, and nothing is more immersive than a game that makes you really, truly, afraid.

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Contractors Showdown ExfilZone May Be The Next Top VR Extraction Shooter

Recently a new VR Extraction Shooter hit the market (or at least the Alpha test of it did) called Contractors Showdown: ExfilZone.

Contractors Showdown was a stab at POPULATION: ONE’S long supremacy over the VR Battle Royale scene. Now with Contractors Showdown: ExfilZone it seems that Caveman Studios is now attempting to unseat Ghosts Of Tabor as the leader in the VR Extraction Shooter market.

Recently a new VR Extraction Shooter hit the market (or at least the Alpha test of it did) called Contractors Showdown: ExfilZone.

As the very long name indicates it is an addition to the Battle Royale game Contractors Showdown, which was originally made as a spin off to the VR shooter Contractors, all from Caveman Studios.

Contractors was Caveman Studios’ grab at carving out a niche in the then much duller VR Shooter scene, which was dominated by a few games like Pavlov and Onward. Unlike those other games it was fast paced, easy to get into, and emphasized movement. This made Contractors known as the “Call Of Duty Of VR”.

Contractors Showdown was a stab at POPULATION: ONE’S long supremacy over the VR Battle Royale scene. Now with Contractors Showdown: ExfilZone it seems that Caveman Studios is now attempting to unseat Ghosts Of Tabor as the leader in the VR Extraction Shooter market.

A bugged AI enemy in Ghosts Of Tabor that is looking into the ground instead of at the player.

After all, why not at this point? Ghosts Of Tabor started out seeming like the VR Escape From Tarkov game that many Virtual Reality Shooter fans were craving.

Now, almost two years after the initial release of Ghosts Of Tabor it is nowhere near completed. Many of the core systems expected in a Tarkov like game are not present in Ghosts. They barely just got an actual quest system together. The game is still unbearably buggy to play, and to cap it all off Combat Waffle Studios continues to release paid DLCs rather than fix core issues with their game.

It is clear at this point that Combat Waffle Studios rushed Ghosts Of Tabor to market to be the first VR Extraction Shooter, and during this rush incorporated a lot of technical debt. This roots of the technical issues with the game that have been around since it launched in a nearly unplayable state have never been addressed. While Ghosts Of Tabor has gotten a lot better it is still a far cry from a Virtual Reality Escape From Tarkov.

Holding up a suspicious enemy player in Contractors Showdown: Exfil Zone.

Now, with Ghosts Of Tabor in such a state, and many of its players’ confidence shaken over the many months of very slow progress, Contractors Showdown: Exfil Zone releases into Alpha.

Despite being merely in Alpha this new game feels less buggy than Ghosts, and has more features that a VR Extraction Shooter would be expected to have. Such as an extensive healing and limb damage system, or an in depth vending and questing system. All right at the game’s launch.

It is clear that the folks over at Caveman Studios are attempting to put their hat in the ring for another major VR shooting genre, but Ghosts Of Tabor still has many loyal fans. Still, if Ghosts can’t solve its technical problems and still manage to release new content, and Contractors Showdown: ExfilZone continues to expand such an impressive early offering, then maybe the time for Ghosts Of Tabor’s popularity is at an end.

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The Walking Dead Saints and Sinners Aftershocks Walkthrough and Guide - Part 7 - The Resting Place

Stuck in The Walking Dead Saints and Sinners: Aftershocks? Wondering where to go next? Maybe you just like to see what is in store for you before you get there, or want to look back and see if you missed anything in The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners: Aftershocks.

Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered with this complete walkthrough. These articles will detail how to progress through the main story missions as quickly as possible, with a couple of guiding tips thrown in here and there to make your adventure smoother.

Last time we fought our way through a battlefield in Memorial Lane. Except we discovered that somebody has stolen from us! Time to track them down through the catacombs and get our stuff back.

Stuck in The Walking Dead Saints and Sinners: Aftershocks? Wondering where to go next? Maybe you just like to see what is in store for you before you get there, or want to look back and see if you missed anything in The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners: Aftershocks.

Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered with this complete walkthrough. These articles will detail how to progress through the main story missions as quickly as possible, with a couple of guiding tips thrown in here and there to make your adventure smoother.

Last time we fought our way through a battlefield in Memorial Lane. Except we discovered that somebody has stolen from us! Time to track them down through the catacombs and get our stuff back.

This guide assumes that you are starting Aftershocks with the "Aftershocks Quickstart” option in the main menu. If you’re playing Aftershocks after completing the main campaign then some details might be slightly different, but the challenges you face in the missions will be the same.

If you are missing some of the recipes then you can still pick them up while doing the missions in this walkthrough, though they won’t be explicitly pointed out here. For a full list of all recipes in The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners, check out our recipe guide article.

Spoilers will be as light as possible, but there will be story spoilers by necessity in this walkthrough. There won’t be any explanation of what is going on in the story beyond what is necessary to make the walkthrough make sense.

The Resting Place

Last time you came back from Memorial Lane to find that a bunch of thieves have stolen all of your crafting materials.

They have run off, and if you check your scrap inside of your bus it is all gone! Your flask is missing too, so you can’t go to sleep.

All of the hard earned scrap that you collected throughout The Walking Dead: Saints and Sinners - Aftershocks is gone!

Hopefully you’ve got plenty of items stored to use, because you will need some firepower to catch those thieves. Bring a firearm or two and at least one explosive device. A nail bomb is the most convenient, and chase those thieves into the Catacombs. Feel free to scrap any loot you brought from Memorial Lane too.

Now chase the thieves down into the flooded catacomb that leads to the Jazz Men Park and the Reserve Church. The gate to the church is still closed, so walk right past it. You’re going to the Jazz Men park.

When you get to the end though, stop short of going up the ramp that leads out of the catacombs and into the park.

There’s a trap at the end of the catacombs, play it cool here.

See that? Not only are the thieves waiting at the top of the ramp to ambush you, but there’s also a trip wire that is connected to an explosive trap.

The easiest way to quickly deal with the trap and the thieves is to throw an explosive like a Nail Bomb past the trip wire so that it explodes on the ramp, and then wait at the bottom of it with your weapon drawn. Of course you can throw just about anything at the trip wire to make it go off, or just shoot it.

There are four thieves, all well armed and armored, but they’ll walk into your view if you let them. You can just hang out at the bottom of the ramp until each of them comes over and gets mowed down.

If one of them doesn’t for some reason then just be ready for them as you walk up the ramp. There’s only four so they shouldn’t be too much of a problem as long as you don’t get blown up by the trap.

With the trap and the thieves dealt with you can go up the ramp and find this guy.

This guy saw everything, and he’ll tell you what he knows.

He’ll tell you that some of your scrap is stashed nearby, and some of it was taken to Via Corolla. He also gives you your flask back, which means you can go to sleep again.

Before you do that it’s a good time to find the scrap that the thieves stashed in the Graveyard first.

It shouldn’t be too hard, you’ve tread all of this ground before. Head back through the catacombs to the bus to start, and then find your way back to where you started the very first Saints and Sinners game. Remember? Right after you finish the tutorial?

It’s that old cemetery gate near the water. It’s a bit of a winding path to get back there, but luckily your map can lead you there easily.

The map of the graveyard with the location of the scrap stolen from you circled in red.

Simply make your way to the bottom right hand portion of the map, that’s where the gate is.

You’ll run into Walkers along the way of course, and even some more traps, but these are all obstacles you have dealt with plenty of times before and none of them should surprise you.

Once you’re at the gate in the bottom right hand corner of your map look for this stash behind a burning barrel and take it.

The stolen scrap stash in the Graveyard, by the cemetery gate where the first game started.

Unfortunately, this is far from everything that was stolen from you.

So head back to the bus and sleep until the day comes. So read the next part of this The Walking Dead: Saints and Sinners - Aftershocks walkthrough to head off to Via Corolla and get more of your stuff back (coming soon).

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