The Walking Dead Saints and Sinners Aftershocks Walkthrough and Guide - Part 4 - Bastion
Stuck in The Walking Dead Saints and Sinners: Aftershocks? Wondering where to go next? Maybe you just like to see what is in store for you before you get there, or want to look back and see if you missed anything in The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners: Aftershocks.
Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered with this complete walkthrough. These articles will detail how to progress through the main story missions as quickly as possible, with a couple of guiding tips thrown in here and there to make your adventure smoother.
Last time we went to the Ward to retrieve a cache and escape from the Reclaimed. Today we’ll be recovering the fourth national guard cache, which is also guarded by the Reclaimed inside the duplex fortress in Bastion.
This guide assumes that you are starting Aftershocks with the "Aftershocks Quickstart” option in the main menu. If you’re playing Aftershocks after completing the main campaign then some details might be slightly different, but the challenges you face in the missions will be the same.
If you are missing some of the recipes then you can still pick them up while doing the missions in this walkthrough, though they won’t be explicitly pointed out here. For a full list of all recipes in The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners, check out our recipe guide article.
Spoilers will be as light as possible, but there will be story spoilers by necessity in this walkthrough. There won’t be any explanation of what is going on in the story beyond what is necessary to make the walkthrough make sense.
The Resting Place
Once again tune your radio to channel 47 to hear the latest in National Guard cache news. This time the cache is located in Bastion, and just like the last one the Reclaimed have found it before you.
The difference is that they’re already guarding it. So your mission is one you should recognize from the main game. Get into the building guarded by enemies, get the goods, and get out.
The mission you will be undertaking to get the national guard cache in Bastion.
You are definitely going to want to bring some firepower, as with any Aftershocks mission. The duplex will be well guarded by Reclaimed soldiers.
You can sneak your way in or try to pick them off one by one with quiet weapons like a Bow, or you can just get the big guns and blast your way through. It’s up to you, but regardless of your choice in weaponry you should definitely bring at least one bandage.
Most importantly for this mission, you should bring a Nail Bomb. You will only need one, but make sure you don’t use it on any enemies. If you forget to bring it or accidentally use it you can still complete the mission without one. It’s just very convenient to have an explosive when you need it. You’ll find out exactly when later on in this walkthrough.
As always, when you’re armed, fed, and prepared, head out to Bastion.
Traveling to Bastion.
The National Guard Cache In Bastion
Once you’re in, take a look at your map. There are two streets you can take to get into Bastion, and one is about as good as the other, and both lead to one of the two sides of the duplex.
Two routes to get to the duplex in Bastion.
Go to Walnut street and turn right or left before taking either Bonaparte or Cardinal respectively.
If you forgot to bring a Nail Bomb then I’d recommend taking the Bonaparte route. You will need an explosive once you get inside the duplex, and there are a ton of propane canisters inside of the building colored blue in the top left corner of the map. That’s the building with the car crashed into it.
Should you need to go there to get the canister beware the pair of Reclaimed guards around the front.
This house is full of propane tanks, and is lightly guarded. If you forgot to bring an explosive take one from in here.
Go around the back of the house and knock down the boards blocking the hole in the wall to get inside and get a propane canister. Drag it over to the duplex, though I’d recommend you clear out the enemies blocking whichever side you decide to attack through before trying to take the canister inside.
If you brought a Nail Bomb you won’t have to bother with the propane canister, but you will have to worry about the Reclaimed guards either way. If you stay on the street then they won’t automatically attack you.
Though if you step off of the street and on to one of the yards then they will start shooting at you if they spot you for too long.
Start the fight at long range from the street so you can pick off a few enemies easily.
There are a few guards posted on either side of the building, and at least one group that patrol from one side to the other. Your goal is to get inside one of the doors leading into the duplex.
It’s not recommended to try and go around the sides of the building. There are barbed wire traps in the garage, and either way the other side of the duplex will only have more guards for you to deal with. So all you can do is take a straight shot across the yard and to the doors leading inside.
With a little luck and a little skill you can sneak your way across by sticking to the pieces of cover in the yard and picking the right moment to move. It’s much easier to start the shooting yourself though, because you can pick your position and take the first shot from the street and pick off the Reclaimed as they try to get closer to you.
You’ll also have to fight the Reclaimed inside of the duplex.
This is an instance where shooting first turns out to be much simpler than trying to sneak your way around, even if you like to sneak.
Regardless once you get inside stay on your toes and keep a weapon ready. There will be more Reclaimed soldiers standing guard inside of the building, and one or two patrolling around.
For a hint on the location of the cache, and a very interesting lore tidbit, stay on the first floor of the duplex once you get in. Then head to the stairwell on the lower side of the building on your map.
The location of the note on the map. First floor.
On top of a pair of washing machines there will be a note from whoever found and hid the national guard cache.
It’s the purple note on top of that washing machine.
You don’t have to get the note, but it is a fun read.
Either way head to the upper side of the building on your map, second floor.
The location of the locked door on the map. Second floor.
It will be the door to the right of the top of the stairs on that side of the building. If you remember where you spoke with JB on your last visit here then it’s the door on the other side of the building from where he was.
Either way you can just keep trying doors on the second floor until one doesn’t open. The locked door is where the cache is hidden.
This is the locked door you need to blow up.
Now here is where that nail bomb or propane canister comes into play.
There’s no lockpicking in The Walking Dead: Saints and Sinners, so your only way through is to blow up the door. Stay at a safe distance and either throw your bomb at the door or leave a canister in front of the door and shoot the canister.
Blowing up the door with a nail bomb.
Once you’re inside the national guard cache is inside in a corner. Open it up and discover another treasure trove of goodies.
Even better, there’s a crafting recipe inside as well.
The tactical flashlight blueprint is inside of the national guard crate.
Good stuff, take the recipe and all of the supplies you can carry.
Though you should be very careful when taking the nail bombs. If your inventory is full and you try to put on inside of your backpack by releasing your grip on the bomb over your shoulder then the bomb will fall to the floor and explode.
So make sure you have space in your inventory when taking the nail bombs inside of the cache.
Anyway once you’re done feel free to head back to your boat. It’s easier to go out via whichever side of the building you came in, since you’ve likely already cleared out quite a few enemies already. Though if you snuck inside you’ll probably have to shoot your way out. Be ready for more Reclaimed either way.
Once you’re out of the duplex head back to the Resting Place.
The Resting Place
Congratulations! That’s another National Guard cache down, and also a new crafting recipe.
Immediately go over to your gun workbench to craft the Tactical Flashlight. It can be found on the left side of the bench with all of the Tourist Edition weapon skins (if you have the Tourist Edition.)
Crafting the Tactical Flashlight.
You’re going to need that upgraded flashlight very soon. Just pick it up once you craft it and it will take the place of your old one. You can even turn on the UV mode with it and find some interesting notes spread around the bus.
Now for a well deserved rest.
Another day another drink to go to sleep.
Need a guide on what comes next? Next time you’ll be headed over to Old Town to find another cache and put that shiny new flashlight to good use.