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High Quality VR Games Like Gorilla Tag

Here at Reality Remake I’ve already told you about some of the interesting Gorilla Tag knock offs there are out there. I’ve even shown you some Gorilla Tag horror games as well, if you like scariness.

While these games mostly feel like low effort knock-offs, there’s a new breed of VR Games Like Gorilla Tag that are coming out. These new Gorilla Tag games are high quality and have a ton of new features and worlds to explore. They’re not just low effort Gorilla Tag knock offs.

Here at Reality Remake I’ve already told you about some of the interesting Gorilla Tag knock offs there are out there. I’ve even shown you some Gorilla Tag horror games as well, if you like scariness.

While these games mostly feel like low effort knock-offs, there’s a new breed of VR Games Like Gorilla Tag that are coming out. These new Gorilla Tag games are high quality and have a ton of new features and worlds to explore. They’re not just low effort Gorilla Tag knock offs.

So if you’re looking for some good games like Gorilla Tag then look no further because I’ve got a few great ones for you right here. Such as…

Yeeps: Hide and Seek - Games Like Gorilla Tag

The Yeeps Logo

Yeeps is currently the strongest of the new Gorilla Tag contenders to come out, as you can tell by the massive amount of ratings on its page in the Meta Quest store.

Yeeps starts by not just making you a monkey or gorilla again as many other games do, but some sort of pillow creature. I’m not really sure what you and your fellow VR gamers are supposed to be, but you’ve got a belly full of stuffing and the ability to bounce around on your hands just like in Gorilla Tag.

A yeep with pins to tag other players with. Another way this game like Gorilla Tag changes up the original game.

While there are a few game modes in Yeeps: Hide and Seek, they mostly boil down to either hanging out or playing tag. What really separates Yeeps from other VR games like Gorilla Tag or other games with Gorilla Tag type movement is in how it treats the maps that you play tag on.

While Gorilla Tag has many maps made by the creator of the game that you can travel between, Yeeps gives players tools to make their own maps. In Gorilla Tag you’re limited by what comes with the game. In Yeeps you can make maps or play tag on maps that others have made.

The difference is more than that, though. Yeeps also gives players opportunities to change the map in game by creating pillows with the stuffing in your character. You can create huge pillow forts (and break them down) while trying to avoid being tagged.

A pillow tower I built in Yeeps. Building is a great thing to add to a Gorilla Tag game.

You can use your stuffing to create pillow pieces and place them practically anywhere. Also, like any good Gorilla Tag successor, Yeeps has some very fun gadgets to try.

So if you really like the tag aspect of Gorilla Tag then you should give Yeeps a try. It will probably be the Gorilla Tag type game for you. It really focuses in on playing tag in Virtual Reality with Gorilla Tag movement. Yeeps gives you a ton of new maps and new strategies to try with the building system. If you want a Gorilla Tag game that takes tag to the next level then Yeeps: Hide and Seek does that.

Yeeps: Hide and Seek is FREE on the Meta Quest store.

Animal Company - Games Like Gorilla Tag

The Animal Company Logo.

If you want some mayhem and some fun exploring mysterious and dangerous places then Animal Company is the VR game like Gorilla Tag for you.

Unlike other Gorilla Tag games that focus more on the “Tag” part of Gorilla Tag, Animal Company takes the unique movement that was invented by the creator of Gorilla Tag and basically throws out everything else. There’s no tagging, but there are an absolute ton of items to use, places to explore, dangers to avoid, and of course other players to blow you up.

There are a ton of skins as well as gadgets in Animal Company.

Animal Company could really use a tutorial, but when you figure out (or get told by some helpful players) how to buy and use items, it’s an absolute blast to play around with them.

From glowsticks to dynamite to revolvers to anti gravity hover boards, there are a ton of gadgets in Animal Company, so many that they’re really the core feature of the game. There are so many gadgets that they go beyond what any other game like Gorilla Tag offers. You even get backpacks to hold them because there are so many with such a wide variety of uses.

Of course the game wouldn’t be much fun if the only point of these items were to play around with them for a while and then get bored. Where Animal Company really shines and makes itself more than just a Gorilla Tag ripoff is in how it makes those items important for actually winning in the game.

There are a lot of dangerous creatures in Animal Company, like this ogre eating another player.

You see, in Animal Company you need research points to be able to make new items, and you need money to be able to buy items at all. How do you get these things? Well you’re going to have to go far from the comfort of the safe zone that you spawn in at.

You’ll need to go out into the wilderness to a wide variety of different places through blizzards, dark sewer tunnels, and other scary places. Unlike other Gorilla Tag games Animal Company doesn’t just put you somewhere and let you wander around risk free.

Nope, there are monsters around, and if you don’t have the items to stop them then you better hope you can run away in time. Of course like any good game defeating or evading the monsters means you can find treasures scattered around the map. Bring them back to the safe zone to sell them and bam, you’ve got more money for items.

Animal Company is one of the more creative and crazy looking VR games like Gorilla Tag.

If there’s a dark tunnel you need to get through then hopefully you have, or can find, a flare gun or a flashlight to light your way. Jumping puzzle too hard? Well you can basically skip it with a rocket to blast you across a chasm or a hover board to float over it. These items aren’t just fun to mess around with, they’re essential to surviving exploring the game world with more than just your ability to bounce with your arms like in any other Gorilla Tag game.

What makes Animal Company such a fun Gorilla Tag style game is that it takes the fun movement of Gorilla Tag, and basically puts RPG mechanics on top of it.

There’s progression based on how many items you have and how much money you have to get more, and there’s adventure and exploration all around the place. Animal Company isn’t just another VR tag game, it really adds a lot of adventure to a game with Gorilla Tag movement.

Also the items are a ton of fun to play around with, more than any of the other Gorilla Tag games. Animal Company is FREE on the Meta Quest store.

Well those are some of the more high quality games like Gorilla Tag. Have you found another game that you think belongs here? Well then leave a comment and I’ll get right to trying that game out and adding it to the article. Enjoy!

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Free Gorilla Tag Horror Games That Are Scary And Fun

Gorilla Tag is a ton of fun. There are all sorts of maps and places to explore, and while a few like the Gorilla Tag caves map are a little spooky at times, they’re not really scary.

Well if you want to have a scary Gorilla Tag experience you’ve come to the right place. There are some Gorilla Tag knock offs and mods that are a lot like the base game, but they aren’t afraid to be as spooky, scary, and downright horrifying as they can be.

If you want to play Gorilla Tag, but scary, then try one of these Gorilla Tag horror games. They’re all guaranteed to make you shiver with fear! (But in a fun way)

Gorilla Tag is a ton of fun. There are all sorts of maps and places to explore, and while a few like the Gorilla Tag caves map are a little spooky at times, they’re not really scary.

Well if you want to have a scary Gorilla Tag experience you’ve come to the right place. There are some Gorilla Tag knock offs and mods that are a lot like the base game, but they aren’t afraid to be as spooky, scary, and downright horrifying as they can be.

If you want to play Gorilla Tag, but scary, then try one of these Gorilla Tag horror games. They’re all guaranteed to make you shiver with fear! (But in a fun way)

All of these Gtag games have the same kind of movement that Gorilla Tag does, and you can get all of them on the Meta App Lab, so you won’t need SideQuest for any of these. Just look up the name in the Meta Store and install it. Oh, and these are all all free Gorilla Tag games!

Big Scary

The Big Scary logo

If you want a Gtag horror game then Big Scary is the first place you should look. It’s by far the smoothest, most finished feeling, and most fun of all the scary Gorilla Tag games out there. It’s also much longer than the other Gtag horror games and has a ton of levels and features.

So once you start the game you leave the room you start in and notice that it’s really really dark. Luckily you’ve got a mining helmet with a flashlight on it. Of course that light is only so bright, and only goes so far.

The eyes of the monsters in this scary Gorilla Tag horror game glow in the dark

The darkness helps make Big Scary as frightening as it is. It’s always dark, but you can still see in front of you thanks to the light. Though you can always see the glowing eyes of the monsters hiding in the darkness.

What makes Big Scary so much fun is that it’s not just about running from the monsters. As you go through the levels in the game you’ve got to make sure the monsters don’t catch you and solve a simple puzzle or complete an objective at the same time.

You have to complete the objective to get to the next level and they can be all sorts of things like finding an item and using it, or pressing some buttons. If a monster catches you then you lose.

It’s also a really scary Gorilla Tag horror game, though it would be nice if it had levels that were a little less flat. It would be more fun to run away from the monsters, and more scary if there were more interesting things in your way for you to climb over or objects to climb around to try and escape.

Each level in Big Scary has an objective you complete while staying alive, which is really unique in Gtag horror games

Big Scary is the best Gtag horror game out there, but it’s lost some of what makes the original Gorilla Tag fun. Still, this is the best and largest Gtag horror game out there. It’s the biggest scary of them all.


The ExperiApe logo

ExperiApe is a really straightforwardly scary Gtag horror game.

When you start the game and walk out of the first room you automatically join a public lobby, and I’ve always found a full one without any problems. The monkey models for players are also really nice.

They look like the outline of a monkey without directly putting a monkey face .png on it or looking too much like those from Gorilla Tag to the point that they feel like a copy. These player models feel unique and still look like monkeys.

Entering the scary caves in ExperiApe, a Gorilla Tag horror game

Anyway, once you join a game it’s pretty straightforward. There’s a glowing barrier in front of a cave. When you cross it you are enter the game and your flashlight activates, which is good because the cave is extremely dark.

You’ll probably immediately notice some really strange and scary sounds coming from deeper in the cave, so you better move if they come close to you!

The whole environment is very cramped, and how small the caves are really feeds into how terrifying the monsters chasing you are. When you hear them get closer to you it’s easy to panic and run into a wall while you’re trying to get away

The caves in ExperiApe are cramped and dark, which is what makes it one of the scarier Gorilla Tag horror games

ExperiApe is a simple but really fun and free Gorilla Tag horror game that makes it harder for you to see and move in the dark and cramped caves while making you use your hearing to try and avoid the very loud monsters that lurk within it.

Stay as far away from them as you can, and don’t let them catch you for as long as you can. They sound really loud and scary, and running from them is hard and a ton of fun.

Capuchin Horror Mode

The Capuchin logo

Heard of Capuchin? Well if not it’s one of the best Gorilla Tag clones out there. It’s got adorable Capuchin monkey faces for you and all of your fellow Gtag enjoyers in the game, and is generally a really fun alternative to Gorilla Tag.

While Capuchin isn’t meant as a purely horror Gorilla Tag game it does deserve a spot on this list for its horror game mode.

A player being chased by ghost gorillas in Capuchin

If you want to be chased by scary monkeys then try it out! Capuchin might not be a horror Gtag game otherwise, but this one game mode is plenty scary, and it’s free so you’ve got nothing to lose.

Scary Monkey

Scary Monkey is kind of a weird one. It’s not a fantastic scary Gorilla Tag game right now, but with some work could be pretty decent.

The first weird thing about it is how low to the ground you are, though that could be a good thing. Being small kind of makes your surroundings seem larger and a bit more scary.

Scary Monkey makes you extremely small, which makes everything around you in this Gorilla Tag horror game seem bigger and scarier by comparison

You can join a server by hitting the “Join Public” button on the terminal to connect to a public room. There weren’t a ton of people playing Scary Monkey, but enough to fill a lobby or two, and that’s all you need to enjoy a Gorilla Tag horror game.

Though Scary Monkey really relies on there being others because well… it’s not much of a horror game right now. Once you join a lobby there are a series of huge rooms and hallways for you to run around through but not much that is scary inside of them.

Most of the map is just… empty, but the game is still clearly being worked on and new things seem to be planned to be added. Despite the general emptiness the scary parts that are there are REALLY scary. All I managed to find while playing Scary Monkey were a few of these Gorilla Tag ghosts running around, making loud and terrifying noises while chasing me.

Being ambushed by these ghosts in Scary Monkey is terrifying

Running through the huge empty hallways being chased by these ghosts was extremely intense and very scary. When I was doing that I felt just how afraid a Gorilla Tag horror game could make me, and thought that Scary Monkey might end up being one of the best Gorilla Tag horror games.

It’s just that after running into that ghost once or twice there was nothing else that was scary at all about it, just a map that looked like some sort of underground facility. There were some intersting objects spread around to give the rooms some character, but not much to actually do.

Hopefully, with some more work Scary Monkey can be a very scary Gorilla Tag game.

Anyway, that’s it for the scariest free Gorilla Tag horror games around. Honorable mention to the original Gorilla Tag Horror, which unfortunately isn’t around anymore, but maybe one of the spinoffs and copycats of it will be as scary and interesting as the original. Another honorable mention to Scary Monke Horror, which seemed scary and interesting, but there were no other players every time I tried it.

Whichever of these Gorilla Tag scary games you try out, enjoy!

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The Awesome Gorilla Tag Caves Map

The Gorilla Tag Caves Map is pretty awesome, and very unique as far as the many maps in Gorilla Tag go.

This is because the caves in Gorilla Tag aren’t quite like any other map. You see, while most Gorilla Tag maps have a lot of wide open spaces, cliffs to climb, and things to jump off of high into the air, the Gorilla Tag caves are much smaller with low ceilings and tight spaces.

So playing in the caves of Gorilla Tag feels less like swinging from tree to tree like in the Gorilla Tag forest map, or swimming in the wide open waters of the Gorilla Tag beach map.

The Gorilla Tag Caves Map is pretty awesome, and very unique as far as the many maps in Gorilla Tag go.

This is because the caves in Gorilla Tag aren’t quite like any other map. You see, while most Gorilla Tag maps have a lot of wide open spaces, cliffs to climb, and things to jump off of high into the air, the Gorilla Tag caves are much smaller with low ceilings and tight spaces.

So playing in the caves of Gorilla Tag feels less like swinging from tree to tree like in the Gorilla Tag forest map, or swimming in the wide open waters of the Gorilla Tag beach map.

Playing infection in the caves feels more like playing hide and seek, with a lot of corners to hide in, and hallways to run away from a tagged player in.

So the Gorilla Tag caves are actually pretty great for new players who don’t yet have the skills to wall climb in Gorilla Tag or do a lot of fancy tricks and get to the hard to reach hiding spots.

So whether you’re a new player just getting into the game or an experienced monkey that wants a different way to play the game, check out the Gorilla Tag caves. Here we’ll talk about how to get to the cave in Gorilla Tag, and all of the sweet things you’ll find in the Gorilla Tag cave.

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How To Get To The Gorilla Tag Caves

To find the caves in Gorilla Tag is a pretty easy thing.

When you spawn into your monke treehouse like always when you start the game, don’t go out of any of the holes in the sides of the treehouse like you usually would to get to the forest, canyon, or city.

Instead check out the hole in the bottom of the treehouse, between the cosmetics station and the way to the canyon.

The way to the Gorilla Tag caves

You can already see the glowing of some of the pink crystals down there, more on that later.

For now jump down the hole, and make your way down the twisting passage. You’ll start to hear water, and then you’ll see it.

Follow the waterfall to find the center of the cave

A little waterfall leading into a stream that leads further down into the caves. Pretty awesome!

Keep following the water downwards.

Oh, and if you want to feel like you’re on a slip and slide, a huge one, and don’t want to go all the way down to the beach to use one of the water slides there, just get into the water and slide your way down. It’s a ton of fun.

The water will pull you further down into the caves, where you’ll see the giant crystal.

This giant beautiful crystal dominates the center of the caves

The crystal is the center of the Gorilla Tag caves map, and once you’ve made it here you’re really ready to start caving in Gorilla Tag.

The scoreboard is down at the bottom of the crystal, and if the river slides you to the bottom, don’t worry, there are a couple of ropes next to the crystal that you can use to climb back up.

You’ll also notice that when you touch the crystal it will make a musical sounds, all of the glowing crystals inside the cave do that.

This is great, because not only does it sound nice, but you can also hear when other monkeys are touching the crystals, which can give you a huge advantage in knowing where they are.

Anyway now that we know how to get to the caves map in Gorilla Tag, let’s talk about all of the amazing things there are to find inside of them.

How To Get Around the Gorilla Tag Caves

So to give you an idea of how the caves in Gorilla Tag are laid out, we’re going to split them into levels, like the floors of a house.

The highest level, or the top floor, is where you enter the caves, the big open pit surrounding the crystal. This area does give you a lot of space to wall climb (though that’s really hard here) and try to juke opponents. At least it has more space than the rest of the cave.

It’s got some crystals, the two ropes to climb up in the center, and a bunch of rocks to bounce around on, good fun but not what makes the cave map really unique.

As far as the cave goes this is actually pretty spacious, a lot of room to run around

You can see the next floor, we’ll call it the third floor, below here on some of the little wooden ledges that surround the big crystal in the center.

The highest ones are little cubby holes with some rocks in them. Not really big, and not fantastic for hiding, but if you play it just right you can juke out someone chasing you by running into and out of them really quickly.

These upper ledges just lead into small rooms

There are a few of these holes, but below them is where things get really interesting.

The next lowest level, we’ll call it the second floor, is where the Gorilla Tag caves really start to become caves.

Near the scoreboard on the ground floor you’ll see another wooden ledge in the side of the wall, but this one leads into a cave mouth that you can’t see all the way inside of.

It’s a little high off of the ground, but if you jump really hard with both arms you can easily make it from the ground up to this ledge. This is the entrance to the second floor of the caves.

The way to the second floor from the central crystal

The second floor is pretty interesting because it’s smaller than the lowest floor, the one below it, but still has a lot of fun twisting passageways and places to hide.

If you’re trying to tag someone you can also hang out on the second floor and wait for them to pass by below you, before jumping down at them and tagging them when they least expect it.

The second floor has a lot of places to jump down to the lowest floor of the Gorilla Tag caves

The second floor has a lot of spots that hang out over the biggest caverns of the lower floor below it, and there are also some spots where you can jump up to the second floor from the lowest floor.

So if you want to get really tricky you can hang out on the second floor to hide, or surprise someone.

Now for where the magic really happens, the lowest floor of the caves. There are two entrances to it. One is next to the ledge leading to the second floor.

One of the entrances to the lowest floor from the central crystal

Another entrance is nearby on the other side of the scoreboard from this entrance.

It’s where the stream of water starting at the waterfall at the entrance to the caves leads, right through the doorway.

The other entrance to the lowest floor of the Gorilla Tag cave, just follow the water

The lowest floor of the caves is the biggest by far, and has a ton of great things to explore and see.

So now that we’ve covered how to get to each area of the cave, and how the floors are laid out, let’s talk about all of the awesome things there are to find.

The Awesome Things in the Gorilla Tag Caves

So what’s so great about the Gorilla Tag cave? Well a lot of things that you won’t find anywhere else in this VR game.

First there’s a little animal friend for you to make. No, not another monkey, or all of the friends you might make playing Gorilla Tag, a little bat!

You’ll know the bat in the caves is nearby when you hear it’s wings beating the air and going whoosh whoosh.

The bat flies around, mostly in the center around the big crystal, randomly and kind of bounces off of the walls. If you manage to get close and grab it you can even hold them.

You can catch the bat

When you let go, the bat goes back to flying around.

There’s also some pools of water to swim around (and maybe hide in). They even have an underwater passage leading from one to the other, a great way to move around without being seen easily.

Swimming is always fun in Gorilla Tag, and the caves have some pools you can swim in

This and all of the caverns and passages leading to it make the caves a great Gorilla Tag map for hiding and running around in.

Playing infection in this map is fantastic even if you’re new to the game, and has a lot of easy walls and slopes to climb and bounce around in. It’s not as wide open as other maps and gives you a lot of places to hide.

I’ve saved the best for last for you though, with something you might have noticed in our previous screenshots.

Remember the big crystal? How it and all of the other ones in the cave walls made sounds whenever you touched them? Well it gets even better.

All around the lowest floor of the caves are these colorful crystals, and each makes a different sound when you touch them.

These musical crystals are all over the lowest floor

Some form little paths too, and you practically make music while you move over top of them.

It sounds very cool and gives a musical vibe to the cave ambiance that otherwise would just be echoes and the dripping of water off of stalagtites.

There’s even a circular ring of these colorful stones that form a piano that stretches around you while you’re in the center. You could actually play a song on this thing.

A crystal piano, very cool

So even if you’re not playing Infection and just want to hang out in Casual, there are a lot of awesome things to play around with and explore in the caverns.

You could even play a regular game of hide and seek, or even make music in the Gorilla Tag caves.

That’s all we’ve got for you about the Gorilla Tag caves. This is definitely a unique and fun Gorilla Tag map that doesn’t quite feel like any others, and will definitely give you a lot of intense and heart pounding memories as you’re sprinting down its small hallways as fast as your monke arms can carry you. Enjoy!

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How To Play Gorilla Tag On the Oculus Quest 3 and 2 - Beginner’s Gorilla Tag Tutorial

Here you’ll learn how to play Gorilla Tag for free on the Oculus Quest 2 or Oculus Quest 3 (or any other Meta Quest device).

So let’s get started. First we’ll tell you how to get the game and start it, and then we’ll get into the basic Gorilla Tag controls and how you move around in the game, and a beginner’s tutorial on how to play Gorilla Tag.

So you’ve heard a lot about Gorilla Tag and want to get in on the fun.

First of all, welcome to Gorilla Tag! You’ve probably heard about how great this game is, and I can say from all of the fun times I’ve had in this game that there isn’t anything quite like it in Virtual Reality or anywhere else.

The feeling of being a monkey bouncing and flying around in VR is so satisfying when you learn how to do it, and believe it or not part of the fun is learning how to move around well.

Even better, Gorilla Tag is free to play on Meta Quest devices and PCVR!

You’ve come to the right place. Here you’ll learn how to play Gorilla Tag for free on the Oculus Quest 2 or Oculus Quest 3 (or any other Meta Quest device).

You’ll also need a VR headset to play Gorilla Tag properly… but if you don’t have one we do have an article on how to play Gorilla Tag on PC without a VR headset for free.

So let’s get started. First we’ll tell you how to get the game and start it, and then we’ll get into the basic Gorilla Tag controls and how you move around in the game, and a beginner’s tutorial on how to play Gorilla Tag.

How To Install and Play Gorilla Tag On An Oculus Quest 2 or 3

If you’ve already got Gorilla Tag installed on your Quest then scroll down to the next section called “How To Play Gorilla Tag - The Beginner’s Gorilla Tag Tutorial.”

If you’re wondering how to get into the game in the first place then keep reading here first. We’ll start with how to get Gorilla Tag on the most common platform it is played on, the Oculus Quest 3 (or 2).

Installing Gorilla Tag on an Oculus Quest is really easy. First put the headset on.

When you’re in your home screen you can open the store by hitting the orange button at the bottom with the shopping bag on it (when you point your controller pointer at it a bubble will show up saying “Store”).

Oh, and your headset will need to be connected to a WiFi network for this to work, so if you aren’t already, get some WiFi on your Quest!

The Meta Quest Store

Then at the top of the store screen click on the search bar.

A little keyboard will show up below. Start typing “Gorilla Tag” into the search bar and hit the blue arrow to search for it.

Then click on the Gorilla Tag icon under “Apps.”

Searching for Gorilla Tag in the store

You’ll see a new bar pop up on the right side of the store window.

This shows you some more information about Gorilla Tag, and you could hit “View In Store” to see a video about the game and some screenshots.

You already know that you want to get Gorilla Tag though, so just hit the “Install” button in the bottom right.

Installing Gorilla Tag in the store

Alright so Gorilla Tag is installing. It shouldn’t take too long, but may take longer if your WiFi connection to your headset isn’t very good.

To see how long Gorilla Tag is taking to install, and how to run it, click the button in the bottom right that looks like a grid of 9 squares to go to your app library.

Once you’re there you can see all of the apps that you have installed.

You’ll probably see Gorilla Tag there, but you can also search for it in the search bar at the top just like you did in the Store.

Gorilla Tag installing in the App Library

Once the installation is complete you can run Gorilla Tag just by clicking on it!

Now that you know how to get Gorilla Tag let’s talk about some basic Gorilla Tag controls in our beginner’s guide, and how to complete the Gorilla Tag tutorial.

How To Play Gorilla Tag - The Beginner’s Gorilla Tag Tutorial

So you’re finally in the game! Congratulations on getting Gorilla Tag running, now for the fun part.

Let’s talk about the basic Gorilla Tag controls, how to move around, and how to complete the short tutorial. Oh, and while you do this make sure you’ve got enough space to play the game.

Hitting your hand or breaking a controller on a piece of furniture while you’re playing Gorilla Tag is no fun, so give yourself as much space as possible and make sure any objects, people, or pets are far away from you so you won’t accidentally hit them while you’re in VR.

Back to the Gorilla Tag tutorial. You’ll notice that there aren’t any popups or anything telling you what to do, and you’re in a sort of dark cave.

Your monkey hands in Gorilla Tag

You’ll also notice that your hands and body are a random color, don’t worry about that just yet you can change your color to be whatever you want it to be later.

For now get to grips with the controls. The first skill that you will want to master is the ability to move around with your hands.

The joysticks on your controllers won’t do anything, and that’s the secret behind what makes Gorilla Tag so much fun. You don’t use joysticks to slide in the direction you want to move. You use your hands.

At first imagine that your hands are legs. Imagine a gorilla using its huge arms to pull itself forward by planting them in the ground. Just like those gorillas, your gorilla arms in Gorilla Tag are longer than your body.

You can easily touch the ground with them while standing up, and once you feel your hand hit the ground swing your arm backwards so that your body moves fowards.

Take your time and get comfortable with it. Plant one hand on the ground and then the other in front of you while you swing. It’s just like walking but with your arms.

Even basic movement like walking forwards in Gorilla Tag is really different from anything else in real life or Virtual Reality. Don’t worry about getting bored though, your first challenge is right in front of you.

The first obstacle in Gorilla Tag. A bump

You’ll see arrows on the walls pointing down the cave. Follow them to proceed, and soon you’ll see a bump in the floor.

Your basic walking skills aren’t enough to deal with this wall, and unless you’re really tall you won’t be able to lift your hand high enough to reach over the top of it. Even if you could it would be hard to pull yourself up.

So it’s time to learn how to jump off of the ground.

Jumping is a lot like walking, except instead of just going forward you’re going forward and upwards.

This time use both of your arms and slap them both against the floor (the floor in the game, which should be around your waist, not your actual floor) really hard at the same time. You want your hands to hit the floor in the game just behind where your body is to launch yourself up and forward.

You might have already noticed while you were walking around, but if you hit a surface hard enough with one of your arms you will bounce off of it in the opposite direction. This basic knowledge lets you do a ton of cool things in this game, like jump off of the ground.

Jump as much as you like. You might have trouble getting yourself to jump up and forwards at the same time, but doing that is just getting the hang of where your hands end up hitting the floor in the game.

Keep trying, it will probably take you a few tries until you get over the bump.

When you do, congratulations! You’ve complete your first challenge as monke.

The exit to the Gorilla Tag tutorial cave

Time your for second challenge.

Keep following the arrows and you’ll see that the cave opens up.

Go out of the cave entrance and into the open air to discover the second and last obstacle in the Gorilla Tag tutorial.

The final test in the Gorilla Tag tutorial

You have to reach the top of that cliff, and you have two options. You can just go up the ramp if you’re in a hurry and just want to play the game already.

That’s easy enough and by this point you already have the skills to do that on your own, but if you want to challenge yourself and make sure you’re ready to explore Gorilla Tag’s fun maps, then you can try the hard way.

See those arrows in the center that point from one of those walls to the other? Well that’s the challenge. You need to make your way up the straight walls to reach the top of the cliff.

To do that you need to jump up to one wall, and then push yourself off of it to the other. When you’re still in the air you push yourself off of that wall, and back and forth until you reach the top.

This is pretty hard considering that you just learned to push yourself off of the ground to jump, and can take a while. It’s at least worth a try though.

The hard part is making sure you’re going fast enough off of one wall to reach the other. Start by placing yourself next to one of the walls while you’re facing the cliff, and use your jumping skills to push yourself off of the floor towards the opposite wall.

You can do it!

Once you’re in the air and going towards the other wall use your hand closest to that wall to slap it out and down, like you’re swatting a fly that’s on that wall. Just like with jumping you want to push yourself up and also away towards the other wall.

If you do it right you’ll find yourself next to the wall you started next to, except this time you’ll be up in the air. Try to do the same thing and quickly slap that wall so you launch yourself up and back to the other wall.

You’ll only have to do this right three to five times to reach the top. The hard part is slapping the wall just right so that you go up and away from the wall you’re slapping.

That’s a huge part of getting good and learning how to play Gorilla Tag, slapping the ground or walls in just the right way that it moves you just how you want to move.

It might take you a while (it definitely took me a LOT of tries the first time) but you can do it. Once you reach the top, congratulations! You’ve complete the Gorilla Tag tutorial.

We’ve got a lot of useful stuff here about Gorilla Tag at Reality Remake, so if you want to know more check out these articles:

Have fun in Gorilla Tag and enjoy!

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The Best Open World VR Games

So you want to experience a fantastic open world in VR. You want huge vistas, interesting landmarks to explore, and all sorts of fantastic things to find in a huge landscape brought to you in Virtual Reality.

Well good thing you found your way here, because you’re about to discover the best Open World VR games in existence. While these VR games have a variety of different mechanics and VR interactions, each is guaranteed to give you a massive place to explore and discover intriguing things.

So you want to experience a fantastic open world in VR. You want huge vistas, interesting landmarks to explore, and all sorts of fantastic things to find in a huge landscape brought to you in Virtual Reality.

Well good thing you found your way here, because you’re about to discover the best Open World VR games in existence. While these VR games have a variety of different mechanics and VR interactions, each is guaranteed to give you a massive place to explore and discover intriguing things.

These are the Best Open World VR Games.

Into The Radius

The Into The Radius Logo

If you’re looking for a truly weird place to explore then Into The Radius will certainly deliver. In all of the VR games I’ve played none gives as much of an experience of the surreal and scary quite like Into The Radius does.

In this game you’re an explorer doing your best to survive the Pechorsk Zone, which is a huge open world area comprised of 5 areas where the laws of the natural world no longer apply.

Fighting the dark figures in Into The Radius

As you hunt for artifacts, scavenge for supplies, and try to complete missions you’ll have to fight your way through the hostile dark figures that stalk the radius, and dodge the deadly anomalies that dot the landscape.

Into The Radius is a great open world game not only for its numerous combat and survival challenges, but for the imagination behind its world.

Pechorsk was once a normal place, but now there are all sorts of insane gravity defying ruins and odd structures scattered about. You really never know what you’ll see and discover next while exploring in this VR open world game.

A massive anomaly in Into The Radius

Into The Radius has made its way on a lot of our lists here at Reality Remake for good reasons. Not only is it a blast to play with tons of horror and action packed gameplay, but it also gives you a mysterious and strange world to explore.

That’s why Into The Radius is among the best open world VR games out there.

Elite Dangerous VR

The Elite Dangerous Logo with “VR” slapped on it

So you want an open world to explore in Virtual Reality, well what if we told you that more than one world was available? Well there are many worlds to explore in the depths of space, and that’s why Elite Dangerous VR is such a fantastic choice as an Open World VR game.

There is so much to explore in Elite Dangerous VR that nobody has seen all of it. Even all of the players of this game put together haven’t explored a small percentage of the worlds in store, because Elite Dangerous VR models our actual Universe.

If you want to not only see the incredible sights of space, but also have an effectively infinite number of worlds to discover, then Elite Dangerous VR will satisfy your craving for deep space exploration.

The views of space in Elite Dangerous VR are unmatched

There’s also more to do in this VR open world game. There’s combat, space trucking, space piracy, all sorts of things. No matter what you choose to do your chosen profession will take you all over this gorgeous game in the cockpit of your ship.

As far as open worlds go they don’t get much more open than the depths of space, so if you want to explore the cosmos Elite Dangerous VR is a great choice of open world VR game.

Want to know more? Check out our review and setup guide for Elite Dangerous VR.

No Man’s Sky VR

The No Man’s Sky Logo for their expansion “Beyond”

Since we’re talking about VR open world space games we’ve got to mention No Man’s Sky VR.

This game has a lot of the same open world strengths that Elite Dangerous VR has, but with very different gameplay mechanics.

The universe is just as infinite in No Man’s Sky VR, but instead of always being confined to your ship you also have much more to do by walking around on the surfaces of planets like harvesting resources, fighting robots, and a ton more. All in immersive Virtual Reality.

Exploring a massive open world planet in No Man’s Sky VR

Learn alien languages, upgrade your ship, get a massive freighter, start a space colony, and so much more is available in No Man’s Sky VR. Of course, this game also has more worlds to explore than you can possibly imagine.

Despite getting a lot of bad press at its release, No Man’s Sky has delivered on so much since then, including this VR port, though on PCVR it leaves some to be desired. It’s easy to walk outside of your body, and the VR controls are a little janky at times.

So while not as smooth of a VR open world sci fi experience as Elite Dangerous VR, No Man’s Sky VR brings a ton of different gameplay options that Elite Dangerous’ purely spaceship and space rover based experience just can’t deliver on.

So while it’s not the best VR port around and can run pretty choppily, No Man’s Sky VR is still a fantastic open world VR game, especially on the PSVR2, where it runs much more smoothly.

The Walking Dead: Saints and Sinners

The Walking Dead: Saints and Sinners Logo

The Walking Dead: Saints and Sinners is another fantastic example of a VR open world game done well.

In this game you are the Tourist, an infamous survivor of the zombie apocalypse in the universe of The Walking Dead and you’ve recently arrived in the flooded city of New Orleans.

This game has an interesting story with compelling characters that centers around your quest to find The Reserve, a bunker which is rumored to contain tons of weapons and supplies that everyone in the city wants.

A small horde of zombies in The Walking Dead: Saints and Sinners

Your mission to find The Reserve will take you all over the ruined and zombie filled streets of The Walking Dead’s New Orleans. You’ll need to scavenge, craft, and fight through not only zombies but also the human factions that all want a piece of The Reserve, and you.

The Walking Dead: Saints and Sinners is a fantastic game not only for its story, missions, and events, but also the world that you enter every time you go out into the city.

There are all sorts of ruins to explore and sights to see in the zombie filled streets of New Orleans. The world is massive, though it is cut up into separate maps with tons of nooks and crannies to explore and things to find.

If you want a zombie themed open world VR game then there is no better one to scratch that itch than The Walking Dead: Saints and Sinners. It’s also available on the Meta/Oculus Quest as well as PCVR.

Green Hell VR

The Green Hell VR Logo

Both on PCVR and the Meta Quest platforms Green Hell VR is a fantastic game that lets you explore the Amazon rainforest in all of its green and dangerous glory.

From hunting animals to discovering which plants will make you sick or nourish you, Green Hell VR combines an intricate crafting, survival, and building system with a huge rainforest to explore.

You’ll even discover that you’re not quite alone in the green hell, there are some local peoples that aren’t too fond of you interloping in their territory.

Being attacked by a Jaguar in Green Hell VR

Green Hell VR is a fantastic VR survival game that constantly forces you to deal with the very real perils of your environment from leeches in the water to pumas stalking you between the trees.

There are very few games that combine survival elements with the thrill of exploration and discovery in a natural space quite like Green Hell does, and even fewer that do so in Virtual Reality.

Green Hell VR is a great open world VR game, and also a great story for you to discover. Why are you trapped in the rainforest? Why can’t you leave?

Hanging out and cooking food in Green Hell VR

If you want to discover the rainforest in all its dangerous beauty and master it then there’s no better VR open world game than Green Hell VR.

The Forest VR

The Forest VR Logo

While we’re on the topic of VR open world games that give you a big natural environment to explore, then there’s no way we won’t mention The Forest VR.

A PCVR port of the hit game The Forest, The Forest VR is essentially the same game but with a VR view and controls. While it’s not the smoothest VR port in terms of performance, quality, or VR interactions, it is still a great open world VR game to enjoy.

In this game you are a passenger on a crashed plane that must survive in a dangerous forest inhabited with cannibal tribes that only grow more aggressive as time passes.

Meanwhile you’re looking for your kidnapped son, and try to discover what exactly is happening in the remote stretch of wilderness you find yourself in.

Walking through the titular Forest

I’m not going to sugar coat this though, The Forest VR has a lot of jankiness to it.

From the third person animations to the annoyances of trying to crouch without being teleported into the air, and the input lag that can give you a headache or just make the game frustrating to play.

Still, The Forest is such fun as a Virtual Reality open world game if you can get over those things. It gives you a huge world to explore filled with dangerous cannibals, vistas and caves to explore.

Slingshotting a cannibal

There is a lot of VR game for you to have fun with if you’re able to, and exploring the forest and its mysteries while you gather resources and uncover mysteries is too much fun to not include it on this list.

Gorilla Tag

The Gorilla Tag Logo

If you’re into VR games then you’ve probably heard of Gorilla Tag. So we won’t talk too much about it here, but you might not have realized that Gorilla Tag is basically an open world game as well.

Each area in Gorilla Tag is connected, and whether you’re playing it on PCVR or the Oculus Quest it is completely free. Your first time exploring each area with this game’s fantastic movement system is still a ton of fun, because each of the levels is connected.

A fantastic piece of Gorilla Tag’s open world

There are a lot of nooks and crannies and things to discover and explore in Gorilla Tag, from a sunny beach to floating platforms high up in the sky.

So if you want to discover what is so special about Gorilla Tag’s VR oriented movement while also exploring an interesting world, then give it a shot. It’s free, and surprisingly satisfying as a VR open world to explore.

Ghosts of Tabor

The Ghosts Of Tabor Logo

If you want player vs player shooting action while you scavenge and explore a world ravaged island, then Ghosts of Tabor is a game that delivers just that. It is a fantastic VR shooting game and a fantastic VR open world game.

We’ve called it a VR Escape From Tarkov game before, and if you’ve heard of Tarkov then you know exactly what that means.

In Ghosts of Tabor you enter the world from your secret bunker by starting a raid, and in that raid you have a certain amount of time, at least 30 minutes, to find an extraction point and exit.

A massive building to explore in Ghosts Of Tabor

While you look for one you explore the map and try to find loot to take out with you and either sell for money to buy more equipment, or store in your bunker for later use.

Meanwhile other players might be your friend or foe out in Tabor, and the local FENIX rebels will certainly be unhappy to see you.

Oh, and just like in Escape From Tarkov if you die you lose everything you have on you. So staying alive is always your number one priority.

Fighting another player in Ghosts Of Tabor

So if you want an open world to explore while combined with fantastic player versus player shooting and the extraction shooter mechanics pioneered by Escape From Tarkov, then give Ghosts of Tabor a look.

For such an action focused game it also gives you a ton of explore and discover, making it a great open world VR game as well.

If you want to know more then check out our article on Ghosts of Tabor.


The Stormland Logo

Stormland is a VR game so old that you might not have heard of it. This was an early Oculus title from the days when standalone VR headsets like the Meta Quest weren’t even available yet.

So Stormland is PCVR exclusive, but wow is it a hidden gem.

In this game you’re a robot with human consciousness on an alien world, and it takes a lot of inspiration from flatscreen open world games.

Flying in Stormland

You explore around finding camps of enemies and clearing them to make the world a little bit safer, and there’s a shooting combat system that by today’s standards is a little unsophisticated. Oh, and the game is awfully short at about five to six hours.

Though where Stormland really shines is when it lets you loose to explore its open world. I’ve never had such a good time flying around in a VR game than I did when coasting through the alien world of Stormland.

The towering columns packed with vegetation and science fiction structures scattered around the place make Stormland a very pleasing game to look at and a great VR open world game to explore.

Despite how short of an experience it is compared to more modern VR open world titles, and a somewhat lackluster combat system, Stormland is a ton of fun to explore at least once if you don’t mind paying the price for it.


The Grimlord Logo

Remember Dark Souls? Or maybe Elden Ring. You’ve probably heard of at least one of them and are familiar with the concept of a “souls-like”.

These games are very well known for their excellent melee combat systems as well as their harsh punishments for repeated failure. Well Grimlord takes both of those things, and puts them into a fantastic open world just like any of the flatscreen soulslike games.

Fighting multiple enemies in Grimlord

The biggest difference is, of course, the addition of VR controls and a VR view.

Instead of hitting a button to attack in a set pattern, depending on your weapon, you’re now swinging your weapon any way that you want with your actual arm!

If a VR fighting game that includes a massive open world and soulslike progression sounds interesting in the slightest then you should really check out Grimlord, it’s a ton of fun.

Skyrim VR (With Mods)

The Skyrim VR Logo

It’s no secret that Skyrim VR was not a very good VR port. From the poor optimization to the lack of very basic VR interactions, it was considered a flop and a cash grab by its publisher, Bethesda Softworks.

Luckily as with all Bethesda games, Skyrim VR has had a lot of work put into it independently by the modding community.

If you want to do fairly basic VR things like grab stuff, have a physical body in the world, or enjoy melee combat that amounts to more than just flicking your wrist near an enemy, Skyrim VR with mods will give you all of that in the beautiful and immersive open world of Skyrim.

The entrance to Whiterun in Skyrim VR

Now you can experience Skyrim VR like you should have been able to from the start. While there are still some performance issues on certain graphics cards, Skyrim VR with mods really delivers on a VR Elder Scrolls experience.

Now you can explore Skyrim’s vast open world with truly immersive VR controls, and wow is it a ton of fun. If you’ve always wanted to explore Skyrim in VR, but the reputation of the VR port kept you away, it’s time to install mods and give it a go.

If you want the easiest way to install a large suite of Skyrim VR mods without having to worry about cross compatability issues, then check out our guide on the easiest way to install Skyrim VR mods so that you can enjoy this VR open world.

Minecraft VR

A Minecraft Logo

To cap off this list of the Best Open World VR Games, none needs as little introduction as Minecraft VR.

We don’t need to tell you anything about this game and what it entails, just that it’s possible to enjoy it in Virtual Reality and experience the most open of open worlds.

The satisfaction of creating a fantastic building is better than ever in Virtual Reality, and if you want a limitless open world to explore in VR then Minecraft VR will always deliver.

Well that’s it for our list of the best VR Open World games. If you want a big world to explore then you’ll certainly have found something on this list that you’ll enjoy. I’ve personally played every single one and found something to enjoy in exploring each of them, and you certainly will too. Have fun!

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