How To Wall Run In Gorilla Tag
Want to learn how to wall run in Gorilla Tag? Well that’s a great idea! Wall running is important in Gorilla Tag to quickly move around the edges of the map while up high on a wall and get away from someone trying to tag you.
Also, if someone else can wall run and you can’t then you’re going to have a hard time catching them, so wall running is a vital skill to have in Gorilla Tag. You’ve come to the right place to learn. Here’s how to wall run in Gorilla Tag.
Getting Up The Wall - How To Wall Run In Gorilla Tag
The best places to wall run are all up high on the map at the top of the walls. Of course they are, the whole point of wall running is that you stay up high on the wall. While in this guide we’ll practice wall running closer to the ground, it’s always better to wall run while you’re really high up.
Why? Well because getting high up is hard, and the only way to move while you’re up there is by wall running. So in Gorilla Tag wall running is a much more useful skill when you use it high up on a wall where anyone who might be chasing you will have to know it to catch you easily.
So if you’re a complete beginner and want to know how to get high up in the first place, you should take a look at our guide article on how to wall climb in Gorilla Tag first, so you know the easiest way to get up a wall when you’re at the bottom of it.
Otherwise you can also start wall running in certain parts of maps where you have a platform you can jump off of to a section of wall. A good example of this is the top of the tree house in the forest map.
The top of the treehouse (aka Hollow Tree) in Gorilla Tag
This is a great place to wall run in Gorilla Tag, but if you’re just learning how to wall run in Gorilla Tag, it’s easier to learn the basics closer to the ground so that when you fail and fall you can get back up on the wall a lot faster.
So if you’re just getting started wall climbing or wall running, check out our wall climbing guide first, and then come back here for the more advanced wall running technique.
Running Along The Wall - How To Wall Run In Gorilla Tag
This should be especially straightforward if you already know how to wall climb. Just like with wall climbing, wall running depends a lot on your ability to stick to the wall when you hold your hand up to it.
First find a pretty straight section of the wall, bumps that come out of the wall will make this a lot harder, but a section of wall that curves inwards is actually a little easier, so let’s begin with a straight, medium difficulty piece of wall to get you started.
A good piece of wall to practice wall running. It’ll be hard though
Now that you’ve got your section of wall, we’ll start practicing sticking to it in the way you’ll need to for wall running.
Bring your monke hand up parallel to the wall so that your palm is facing down to the ground, and press down on the grip and trigger buttons so that your hand makes a fist.
We’ll have our hand in a fist to wall run, so now put your fist up to the wall, still parallel with your palm facing downwards. Just like if your palm was open you’ll see that your hand sticks to the wall.
Try moving yourself up and down a little on the wall while your arm is sticking in it.
Your palm should face downwards when you wall run in Gorilla Tag
You’ll notice that trying to pull yourself into the wall will unstick you, and pushing away will too. You need to move your hand perfectly downwards to move yourself up the wall.
Now on the ground this doesn’t seem like much, but when you’re up high in the air this is the key to keeping you up on the wall and not falling down.
The secret is moving your hand directly downwards a little bit at a time. Whenever you fell comfortable with it launch yourself up on the wall with your other hand and try to keep yourself up on the wall by moving your fist down just like you’ve been practicing.
Use little motions at first and don’t move your hand down too fast. Once you have the basics down you might have an easier time doing the movement rapidly and often or slowly and less often. Experiment with what works better for you and feels right.
The hard part is not pushing yourself off of the wall by moving your hand perfectly downwards without trying to pull yourself in or push yourself off.
Don’t try to push yourself forwards or backwards either, just try to stay up on the wall.
Wall running in Gorilla Tag
If you get the hang of keeping yourself up on the wall without hitting the ground you’ll notice that you start moving forward on the wall the longer you do this.
If you did that, congratulations! You’re wall running in Gorilla Tag. Even just a little high off of the ground this is hard to pull off and maintain.
So the key is practice, since this can take a really long time to achieve consistently. Even going a little way forwards is a big achievement.
If you’re having a hard time or are getting bored or frustrated, you can always go down to the caves or canyons and practice this on slanted sections of wall. It’s a lot easier and more forgiving if you don’t do it right.
You can also try sections of walls that curve inwards, like the part near the treehouse on the forest map. Avoid wall sections that bump out though.
Wall running on a slanted wall in the Canyon map
Mastering The Wall Run - How To Wall Run In Gorilla Tag
So when you can wall run a little bit close to the ground with your monkey, what’s next?
Well now you can do some harder wall running. Whether you’ve practiced in the caves or in the forest, the next best place to wall run really high up is the curved section of wall at the top of the tree house in the forest map.
If you’ve seen someone wall run in Gorilla Tag, then you’ve probably seen them do it here. Doing it up there is the final test to see if you know how to wall run in Gorilla Tag.
To get up to the top of the treehouse focus on the branches that come out of it and circle upwards. Jump from branch to branch until you can jump to the top. You can also get to the highest branch from the platforms in the smaller trees next to it.
Once you’re at the top there’s two spots you might want to try. You can jump directly from the top of the tree and on to this dark piece of wall to do a left handed wall run.
The dark spot of the wall here is a good place to left handed wall run
Or you can jump off of this branch on to the piece of wall next to it for a right handed wall run.
The curved section of wall by this branch is a good place to right handed wall run
Whichever hand you choose to wall run with, keep in mind that if you fall you’ll have to climb all the way back up the tree to try again.
So if you’re failing a lot make sure to get some more practice in. Like everything in Gorilla Tag, it all really comes down to practice once you know how to do it.
If you want to go back to the caves, or practice some more on the bottom of a wall, there’s nothing wrong with that. You can fail and learn a lot faster that way.
Don’t be too hard on yourself and go at your own pace. Some take more time than others to learn how to wall run in Gorilla Tag, and some figure it out pretty quickly.
After you wall run once successfully you just have to do it over and over and your muscle memory will eventually take over and make it really easy.
Wall running high up on the forest map
Well that’s how to wall run in Gorilla Tag. Good luck learning this important skill in this fantastic game. You’ll get the hang of it if you keep trying, and once you do learn enjoy it!
Oh, and if you liked this article you might enjoy some of our other Gorilla Tag articles here on Reality Remake, like: