All Swordsman VR Bosses and How to Defeat Them

Having trouble with a Boss in Swordsman VR? Maybe you’re just wondering what bosses are out there in this great sword fighting game on the Oculus Quest 2.

Well look no further, the complete list of Bosses in Swordsman VR is right here.

Table Of Contents:

Yagami The Warchief

Yagami The Warchief is the boss of the Samurai levels in Swordsman VR. He has a very impressive helmet and a deadly and poisonous looking sword.

You’ll notice just by looking at him that of all the bosses he is the least armored. His legs and crotch are completely exposed and vulnerable to bladed weapons, as are his arms and the sides of his torso.

Yagami, like all Swordsman VR bosses, will always have one of his soldiers join him in the fight and respawn after a short delay if you kill them. He is also arguably the easiest to take out due to how unarmored he is, but he can hit quickly with his sword.

The best tactic is to lunge forwards to strike him in his unprotected areas and then back up if he tries to counter attack. It can be easy to stunlock him for a little while if you keep dealing good damage, though he can also parry quickly, so be ready to step back before a counterattack comes.

Occasionally circles will appear around the edges of the arena with little green bubbles popping up inside of them.

Standing in these circles will poison you for relatively minor damage, but still it is better to avoid them by staying in the center of the arena.

Defeating Yagami awards you his weapon, Kodoku.

It does great damage and is very light and easy to strike quickly with, especially on undefended legs. It will apply a poison effect on its target pretty regularly, and so is a pretty great weapon for boss fights.

Batu The Executioner

Batu The Executioner is the boss of the Saracen levels in Swordsman VR. He strikes an imposing figure with his huge Mace and plain but menacing armor.

Fortunately that armor doesn’t cover much of his body. His thighs are completely exposed as is his stomach and upper arms. This makes Batu also vulnerable to bladed weapons.

Batu, like all Swordsman VR bosses, will always have one of his soldiers join him in the fight and respawn after a short delay if you kill them. Dealing damage to Batu is not hard if you focus on his legs and stomach with the point of a sword.

Though he hits extremely hard with his huge mace. So be careful, hits with that mace are very hard to block, but easier to avoid. Just like with Yagami the best tactic is to lunge in and out of stabbing range to hit exposed sections without taking a hammering on the face in return.

Ocassionally Batu will raise his mace above his head and slam it into the ground, causing the ground to shatter around him and in lines in multiple directions.

The best thing to do when Batu does this is back away and strafe a little so that you might avoid some damage, being anywhere the ground shatters will hurt you. It’s also best to not already be hurt and recovering when Batu does this, or you might die.

Defeating Batu awards you his weapon, Tombstone. Tombstone is the best mace in the game, easily, and deals incredible damage per hit. It’s a hard hitter that can smack around and stagger heavily armored opponents easily.

Once the special on it charges you can shatter the earth around you and deal damage in a wide area just like Batu does.

Baltok The Disgraced

Baltok The Disgraced is the boss of the Knight levels in Swordsman VR. Baltok wears very menacing and bulbous black armor along with a huge two handed sword.

While he might seem very well armored it is still possible to hit his flesh in his upper thigh and elbows. Cutting his legs is definitely the easiest way to deal damage, as he moves his arms around a lot.

Baltok, like all Swordsman VR bosses, will always have one of his soldiers join him in the fight and respawn after a short delay if you kill them.

Baltok will attack pretty consistently, but his swings are slow and don’t deal an incredible amount of damage compared to some other bosses like Batu. Baltok’s attacks are easy to block, though he does a decent job of defending himself with that sword if you give him the chance.

More than any other boss, Baltok is very easy to stagger and stun, giving you the opportunity to get more hits in. As long as you stay on top of Baltok and keep hitting him he won’t be able to counter attack very often as he’ll keep staggering.

So be very aggressive with Baltok and only back away if you’ve taken a lot of damage. Keep hitting him, alternating between his upper body to stagger him and exposed legs to deal damage.

After Baltok takes some damage he will sometimes kneel and a circle of light will appear around him. You won’t take any damage being near him when he does this, but it does heal him.

To avoid prolonging the fight, hit Baltok whenever he does this as soon as possible and he will immediately stop healing.

Defeating Baltok awards you his weapon, Solis. It’s a pretty decent sword that can be wielded with both hands, and gives you some extra HP. It also increases your HP recovery rate, meaning you’ll start regenerating health faster.

Solis is a great weapon to use in your off hand if you want more survivability in a fight

Bjorn The Savage

Bjorn The Savage is the boss of the Viking levels in Swordsman VR. Bjorn wears an intimidating suit of black plate with a fearsome horned helmet and glowing blue axe.

Of all the bosses in Swordsman VR, Bjorn is the most armored. At first it might even seem like there is no way to hit his flesh. The only somewhat reliable way is the little exposed area over his armpits. The back of his legs also seem exposed, but he will rarely give you a chance to attack them.

For this reason it’s best to use a mace or axe, like Tombstone, to hit Bjorn in his armor and stun him so that you have a chance to stab him in the armpit with a stabbing weapon.

It’s very hard and a little frustrating at times, but if you keep stunning him and trying to stab his armpit he will die eventually. You might find trying to hit the back of his legs easier as well, it’s up to you.

Back off after you get a stab or two in. Bjorn will recover and it is hard to keep him staggered for long. So let him swing his axe at empty air for a bit before you go back in to smack him with your big weapon and try to poke him in an exposed area.

You can stunlock Bjorn for a little while, but not dependably. Fighting Bjorn generally takes a very long time due to this, but if you persevere you can beat him easily. Bjorn, like all Swordsman VR bosses, will always have one of his soldiers join him in the fight and respawn after a short delay if you kill them.

Bjorn will also sometimes raise his axe in the air, and a second later lighting will come down from the sky and hit random points in the arena. Being under this lighting deals a decent amount of damage.

The best way to avoid it is by being near Bjorn when he calls it down. Even better, when Bjorn raises his arm it gives you a perfect chance to stab him in the armpit.

Defeating Bjorn awards you his weapon, Stormbringer. If you like axes then Stormbringer is great. It’s easy to swing and does good damage. The increased crit rate is also a huge bonus.

When the special of Stormbringer is charged point it at an enemy and press the trigger to release a stream of lighting that does a great amount of damage.

The Jotunn

The Jotunn is the final boss of Swordsman VR and can only be fought after you defeat all 4 other bosses. Bjorn stands very tall and towers over most players with his bright red sword. Even his voice is menacing and creepy and otherworldly.

With all the armor he’s wearing it might seem hard to hit Jotunn, but it’s actually pretty straightforward. His legs are open from the bottom of his skirt to the top of his boots. His elbows are also slightly exposed.

If you’re aiming to hurt Jotunn just stab him in the legs, but watch for his sword. He will counter attack you very quickly, though he’s not very good at blocking. He doesn’t really have to be though because he has a massive amount of health and will take a lot of hits to kill.

Still, it’s not hard to do damage to him, you can stun him briefly by smacking him in the head, giving you a chance to stab him in the legs. Still, the Jotunn won’t stay stunned for long and can do a lot of damage to you really quickly.

Once you do some damage to him Jotunn will float in the air and his eyes in his helmet will start to glow. You might notice him attack more quickly after this, but more importantly he will sometimes lift his sword in the air and slam it into the ground.

This will send a wave of fire through the ground in front of him. Don’t get caught in this, it’s practically a death sentence.

To avoid getting hit with The Jotunn’s special attack, always strafe around him, even when you are attacking. It is possible to interrupt it if you hit him when he starts the attack animation, but you can’t rely on that.

Keep moving in a circle around the Jotunn to stay alive. Also be sure to watch out for his companion. The Jotunn will always have a warrior from one of the four nations join him, if you kill the warrior another from a different nation will take his place.

When The Jotunn is close to death he will float in the air again, and this time he grows wings made of fire. If he does this you are very close to defeating him, and he doesn’t gain a new attack or anything, so keep doing what you’re doing.

As long as you avoid getting hit by his special attack and make sure to back away and regenerate if he hits you with his sword then you’ll make it.

Defeating The Jotunn gives you his weapon, Hellfire.

It is the highest damage dealing sword in the game, and when it is charged you can use it to release some hell of your own.

Bonus Bosses

There are also a few bonus bosses that you can fight for additional gold, experience, and their unique weapons.

They can be found by hitting the arrow in the top right corner of the “Main Story” menu. They’re a ton of fun and give some great and powerful weapons as rewards for defeating them.

The pirates section also comes with four additional levels of pirates of fight before you get to go up against their boss, Brownbeard. They all take place in the Caribbean map that also features a deadly Kraken that you’ll need to shoot with one of the cannons on deck before it devours the ship.


Brownbeard is the final boss of the Pirates levels in Swordsman VR. He walks with a swagger and looks every little bit a tall and imposing pirate with his big brown overcoat, tricorn hat, and Gun Sword.

Though Brownbeard isn’t nearly as imposing as he looks. Well that’s because he has no armor. You can hit him practically anywhere and expect to do impressive damage. Most importantly he’s got no helmet and so you can hit him right in the face and head.

So you can hit Brownbeard practically anywhere. He also doesn’t really counterattack you much, though he will occasionally slowly slash at you with his Gun Sword, or try for a slow stabbing attack.

Brownbeard will mostly edge away from you and try to keep his distance, though he doesn’t move very quickly, and you’ll be able to catch up even in the heaviest of armor.

Just keep attacking Brownbeard, preferably in the head, and he will hardly ever attack you. Leave him alone for too long and he might even shoot at you with the guns on his Gun Sword. If his shots land then they’ll do an insane amount of damage, but even stepping slightly to the side will throw off his aim and cause him to miss.

Defeating Brownbeard gives you his weapon, the Gun Sword.

It does pretty good damage, but is outshone in that department by some of the other boss weapons. What’s so great about this weapon is the gun part. It charges very quickly compared to other boss weapons, and while it isn’t very accurate is devestating when its bullets hit an enemy.

The Gun Sword is currently the only firearm in Swordsman VR, and boy is it fun.


Claus is the christmas themed boss of Swordsman VR, he’s sort of like Santa Claus gone mad. His eyes glow blue and look very scary. He holds a wicked looking two handed sword and wears menacing red robes.

Still, like Brownbeard, Claus isn’t actually as scary as he looks. He’s got some armor on him but not much. Most importantly his head is totally unprotected.

So when you attack you’ll want to go straight for his head. Stabbing is generally the easiest way to deal fast damage to him, and you’ll want to deal damage quickly.

Pretty often Claus will summon a ring of frost around him in a very large area. If you’re caught in it you will be slowed for a couple of seconds. This sounds like it might be bad, but it really isn’t.

Claus might deal a lot of damage when he hits you, but he doesn’t really attack all that much, and when he does it’s usually heavily telegraphed attacks with his giant sword.

He also doesn’t defend himself very well, leaving his head almost constantly exposed to attacks. So just keep stabbing him in the head.

Though the fight is complicated a little bit by the arena of ice you’re standing on crumbling at the edges, so don’t fall off. Though if Claus falls off he’ll just teleport back into the center of the arena.

So watch for Claus’s attacks, as few as they are, and keep hitting him in the head for massive damage. He’ll go down well before the arena becomes worringly small. His constant use of his ring of ice ability will also leave him even more vulnerable to your attacks.

Defeating Claus unlocks his awesome two handed sword, Frostbite.

Frostbite is great, though it doesn’t do as much damage as other boss weapons like Solis, and though it charges relatively quickly it’s ability doesn’t do damage. Instead it slows enemies in a wide circle, making them move in slow motion for a few seconds.

While Frostbite isn’t the most powerful boss weapon it is definitely a very entertaining one.


Hel is not only the only female boss in Swordsman VR, but also the only boss with an arena that has multiple rooms. You’ll start the fight against her on a big bridge leading up to a massive door. She wields two daggers that she wields expertly.

Hel also has more armor than it seems she has. Her face is completely covered, and so is her chest, upper torso, and most of her arms. She does, as usual, have a huge gap in protection on her upper legs and thighs. Though critically she completely lacks protection on the back of her head.

In the first phase she will come towards you quickly and attack with her dual daggers. After attacking you a few times or taking a few hits she will disappear and then reappear a few moments later to attack you again.

It’s very easy to whack her on the back of the head with a slashing weapon, or stab her in the legs with a pointed one. Though her attacks are rapid and deal decent damage to you, and she tends to move around quickly.

Be careful when Hel teleports and make sure she doesn’t sneak up behind you. You won’t have to deal a ton of damage to her to cause her to give up and teleport away.

When Hel gives up the big doors at the end of the bridge will open, so go through them. After a long walk you’ll find yourself in another room with a huge giant in it.

This big guy will smash you with his fists or swat you with the back of his hands if you get close, so don’t.

He’s very slow and you should be able to outpace him easily if you aren’t wearing super heavy armor, though you can still always stay a little ahead of him if you do and hug the four pillars around the room from time to time.

You’ll also notice four crystals on the sides of the room. One of them will glow. That’s your target. Immediately go to the glowing crystal and hit it a bunch of times to break it.

The giant will roar, and a few seconds later another crystal will start glowing. Keep destroying the glowing crystals until there are none left.

Then the giant will keel over and you can close in and stab him in the head to take him down.

After another creepy voiceline a bunch of red lines will appear, avoid those, that’s Hels special attack for her final phase. Shortly after they appear daggers will pop out of thin air and fly forward wherever the red lines were.

They deal pretty big damage, so it’s best to not get hit by them. After using this ability for the first time Hel will appear and attack you. She will function much like the first time you fought her, and so the same tactics still apply.

Hel doesn’t take a lot of hits to bring down, her main protection is her speed. If you can close and get a bunch of solid hits to the back of her head or her legs, then you’ll have won!

After defeating Hel in Swordsman VR you’ll unlock her dagger, Reaper.

While the game won’t allow you to dual wield it, this is a great dagger and one of the most powerful weapons in the game. It’s very short, sure, but each hit with it does a ton of damage.

You can stab really quickly with this thing and it’s a ton of fun to use. Not to mention its special ability that lets you “Dimension Jump.” This basically means you’ll phase out of existence for a few moments and move very quickly. This lets you move behind enemies, who will look dumbfounded at where you were last, or escape to heal very easily.


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