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Unlock All Vertigo 2 Secret Weapons - How To Get All Vertigo 2 Secret Weapons Guide

If you want to experience every awesome weapon there is to have in Vertigo 2, then you’ll want to collect all of Vertigo 2’s secret weapons. Well this guide will show you where to find them and how to unlock them. Keep in mind that if you haven’t completed Vertigo 2 yet there will be some minor spoilers in this guide. We’ll reveal as little as possible here, but some of the locations you end up visiting in the game will have to be revealed. Here’s how to get all of the Vertigo 2 Secret Weapons.

If you want to experience every awesome weapon there is to have in Vertigo 2, then you’ll want to collect all of Vertigo 2’s secret weapons. Well this guide will show you where to find them and how to unlock them. Keep in mind that if you haven’t completed Vertigo 2 yet there will be some minor spoilers in this guide. We’ll reveal as little as possible here, but some of the locations you end up visiting in the game will have to be revealed. Here’s how to get all of the Vertigo 2 Secret Weapons.

Oh, and when you get these secret weapons you can access them by bringing up your weapon menu in Vertigo 2 as usual, and them pressing the trigger on the controller that you’ve opened the weapon menu with.

Gordle Pun - Vertigo 2 Secret Weapons

The Gordle Pun is the first secret weapon that you can collect in Vertigo 2 during the second chapter of the game, and you can get it really early on. Right at the beginning you’ll be stuck behind a forcefield as a blast door closes, and when the force field disappears an enemy will spawn. Once you’ve dealt with them take the only path available to you, the door on your right.

The door on your right from where you start Chapter 2

Through the door will be a hallway with an enemy in it, and there will be doors on either side of you. Take the second door on the right, and deal with the other enemy that is through that door. You’ll see a pit in the room with you, and across it some writing on the wall saying “Bottomless Pit.”

The bottomless pit

The pit might be bottomless, but you can still teleport into a small hole in the side of it. Peer over the edge of the pit and you’ll see a hole in the wall, teleport into it and go through the cavern it leads to.

The hole you need to teleport into to get to the Gordle Pun Secret Weapon

There will be some enemies on your way, but just keep going forwards and eventually you’ll drop down into a test room with the Gordle Pun looking device on a table.

The Gordle Pun Secret Weapon in Vertigo 2

Pick it up and you’ll be transported to somewhere that looks like a moon. You’ll slowly roll forward, as you’re standing on a rover of some sort, and box shaped enemies will run at you.

The Gordle Pun Secret Weapon Challenge

You’ll need to hit them with the Gordle Pun before they reach you and blow you up. You also can’t use any of your other weapons. This challenge can be pretty hard as they run quickly and the Gordle Pun isn’t very accurate. One tip is to aim down the front of the Gordle Pun and point it slightly up and to the left of what you’re aiming at. Also switching your Gordle Pun to red mode will make shots more accurate, but slower. While blue is better for up close as it shoots more quickly but is less accurate.

When you defeat the challenge you’ll find yourself back in the test chamber with the first Vertigo 2 secret weapon.

Making portals with the Gordle Pun Secret Weapon

Shooting the Gordle Pun at the nearby wall will cause things to come out of the portal that is created. Some of these will be useful healing items or grenades. So stock up while you can before exiting out of the door.

Nostalgia Pistol - Vertigo 2 Secret Weapons

The Nostalgia Pistol is the second secret weapon you’ll come across in Vertigo 2, and it’s a bit further on into the game in Chapter 6. You’ll see the title at the start of Chapter 6 here when exiting a waste pipe.

The beginning of chapter 6 in Vertigo 2

You’ll see a catwalk on your left, teleport on to it and go through the door at the end. Through that door is a healing station and a hallway that will soon fill with enemies. You’ll notice a room with multiple glass windows in this hallway. Once the enemies are dispatched take the first left, and then a right at the closed blast door to go into this room.

The first step to get to the Nostalgia Pistol secret weapon

Inside the room there will be an upgrade station and a small button beside the big machines sitting against the wall. Press the button.

The secret button to get to the secret Nostalgia Pistol weapon

Exit the room and you’ll see the blast door that was closed is now open. There’s a supply closet on the right with some grenades and on the left you’ll see a strange depression in the wall, almost like a doorway was plastered over.

A secret door

Just walk through it and you’ll find yourself in an empty looking bedroom. On the floor there will be a computer and a VR headset, pick up the headset and put it on.

A VR game in a VR game

You’ll be in a new space that contains a small piano and a button above it with a musical note on it. First press the button with the musical note, this will not work if you don’t do that. A melody will play. Complete it by hitting the keys on the piano in the order shown here.

How to solve the piano puzzle to get the Nostalgia Pistol secret weapon in Vertigo 2

Then the piano will disappear and a door will open to a new room. The Nostalgia Pistol is on a pedestal at the end of the room. Walk over and pick it up. Now a bunch of the floating robot ball enemies from the first Vertigo (and Vertigo 2) will appear and attack you. Be careful not to fall off of the narrow bridge you’re standing on and defeat them.

The Nostalgia Pistol Vertigo 2 secret weapon

Once you do just wait for a minute or two and you’ll be teleported out. You can take off the VR headset and the Nostalgia Pistol secret weapon is yours.

AEtherian Quad-Bow - Vertigo 2 Secret Weapons

Soon after the Nostalgia Pistol is the third of Vertigo 2’s secret weapons. The AEtherian Quad-Bow. This is by far the easiest secret weapon to get your hands on, and you’d probably end up finding it even if you never read this guide. Still, it’s possible to miss it. Shortly after the start of Chapter 9 you’ll find yourself in a cave that’s full of the headless centaur creatures that fire arrows.

If you see these guys you’re going the right way

Keep going through the cave, eventually you’ll see some closed doors that you can open by putting your hand on them. Unfortunately doing that means you’ll be locked out of the cave. Instead of going through those take a right and you’ll see a camp inside of the cave.

An empty camp that contains one of the secret weapons

Go into the big hut on the other side of the camp. There’s a chest there, and inside of the chest is the AEtherian Quad Bow!

The chest with the AEtherian Quad-Bow secret weapon in it

Once you pick up the bow the exit to the camp will be blocked off until you defeat all of the headless centaurs that spawn. The AEtherian Quad Bow is a ton of fun and is one of the coolest Vertigo 2 secret weapons.

The Aetherian Quad-Bow secret weapon

Finger Gun - Vertigo 2 Secret Weapons

The Finger Gun secret weapon comes quite a bit after the Quad Bow in Vertigo 2. You’ll be able to get the Finger Gun when you reach Chapter 14. Right at the beginning of the chapter you’ll be in a train station, and across the train station from the control tower you’ll see a dark tunnel.

The tunnel leading to the Finger Gun secret weapon

Go in and go up the escalator inside. It’s dark but don’t worry, your flashlight will come on as always. Once you’re at the top take a right and teleport through the partially open door.

Teleport through the crack in this door

After going down the hall a bit you’ll notice this boarded up hallway on your left.

What happened here? This must be one crazy secret weapon

Blow through the planks with any of your weapons and keep going. You’ll pass a lot of creepy test dummies, and eventually you’ll find yourself in front of this machine.

Getting the Finger Gun Secret Weapon

Put your finger in and you’ve got the finger gun! You can just shoot out of your finger now. To reload put a syringe into the tip of your shooting finger. You’ll generate more syringes, and you can also find some more scattered around the lab. Which is good because now you’ll have to fight your way past the test dummies to escape with your new secret weapon.

Fighting test dummies with the FInger Gun secret weapon

Once you get past all of the dummies this Vertigo 2 secret weapon is yours to keep! Of all the secret weapons in Vertigo 2, this one might be the weirdest.

Kauboi's Revolver - Vertigo 2 Secret Weapons

Of all the Vertigo 2 secret weapons in this guide this one is probably the most spoilery, so if you want to avoid even minor story spoilers skip ahead. Still, while this secret weapon does affect the ending, we’ll spoil very little here. Which is good because Kauboi’s Revolver is the most powerful weapon in all of Vertigo 2, secret or otherwise.

You can get it in Chapter 16 when you find yourself at a big tower in a wasteland. When you go into the tower there’s an elevator with three buttons, hit the lowest button to go to the bottom floor.

The elevator buttons

When you reach the bottom you’ll see a huge statue, and doors on either side of the hall. There is a puzzle behind both doors. Let’s start with the door that will be on your left.

The first puzzle completed

The goal of this puzzle is to get the ray of light to hit each of the balls of light by bouncing the ray with the mirrors. It’s pretty straightforward once you get the hang of it. Once the puzzle is solved the eye in the wall will light up.

Turning a mirror

Quick tip, it’s easier to move the mirrors when holding them with both hands. The hardest part of this puzzle is to just get the mirrors to turn the way you want them to,

Anyway once you’re done go through the other door for the second puzzle. You’ll see a table with some lights hanging over it in the middle of the room. Also, there’s a control panel of some kind on it. When you move the sliders you move the lights.

The controls for the table for the second puzzle

Each slider controls a different aspect of the lights. The goal is to make the lights form the symbol on the wall of the room. Like this.

What you want the lights to look like

Once you’ve solved both of these puzzles the most of powerful of all Vertigo 2 secret weapons is yours! Just head through the pathway of light that comes out of the statue.

Keep in mind that you won’t be able to use Kauboi’s Revolver against enemies for the whole game as you won’t have any ammunition for it… but on New Game Plus playthroughs it is an incredibly powerful secret weapon that you can synthesize ammo for like any other.

Annihilator Prototype - Vertigo 2 Secret Weapons

The Annihilator Prototype is probably the hardest of all secret weapons to acquire in Vertigo 2. You can get it the first time you play through the game, but it’s probably easier to acquire on a second New Game Plus playthrough. the path to getting this secret weapon starts in Chapter 4.

When you wake up go outside into the hallway and take a right. Enter Room 1.

The guest room with the Annihilator Prototype key

You can go into this room, and on the table inside is a key of sorts. Put it into your wrist storage slots. You’ll have to play through a large portion of the rest of the game while holding this key, so you’ll effectively be robbing yourself of an item slot.

The Annihilator Prototype Key

Once you get back to the point in the game where you’re on a beach and… recently left the insides of a large creature (you’ll know it once you’ve been there.) There will be a large rock on that beach with a lockbox on it. Put the key in that box, and you’ve got another awesome Vertigo 2 secret weapon.

Note though that if you try and get the key in New Game Plus you can’t just use Chapter Select and fast forward to the chapter with the box. Your inventory items will not come with you, so you have to play continuously through the game until you reach the box. That’s what makes this the hardest to get of all Vertigo 2 secret weapons.

Well those are all of the Vertigo 2 Secret Weapons! Hope this guide helped you out in getting all of the interesting and unique secret weapons in this interesting and unique game. Enjoy!

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