3 FANTASTIC VR Soccer Games And VR Football Games
I’ve talked about a lot of fantastic VR sports games here on Reality Remake. From VR American Football games, to VR tennis games, to even a fantastic VR Pickleball game.
Now let’s finally get around to talking about fantastic Virtual Reality games that let you play the most popular sport in the world, Soccer (or football if you prefer).
There’s finally some fantastic VR Soccer Games and VR Football Games to talk about, so let’s crack right into it and talk about the best ones you can try right now.
I’ve talked about a lot of fantastic VR sports games here on Reality Remake. From VR American Football games, to VR tennis games, to even a fantastic VR Pickleball game.
Now let’s finally get around to talking about fantastic Virtual Reality games that let you play the most popular sport in the world, Soccer (or football if you prefer).
There’s finally some fantastic VR Soccer Games and VR Football Games to talk about, so let’s crack right into it and talk about the best ones you can try right now.
VRFS - VR Football Soccer Simulator
The VRFS - VR Football Soccer Simulator Logo.
You might be thinking that the number one thing which makes VR Soccer hard to pull off is that VR devices don’t have very good foot tracking (unless you have some very specific extra hardware).
Well VRFS tackles this problem by making a VR Football game that turns your hands into your feet! Your height is calibrated so that if you leave your arms hanging at your sides the feet extending from your hands will reach the ground. After all why would you need hands in a game that is played entirely with your feet anyway?
Unless you’re a goalie of course, but you can switch to being a goalie as well in VRFS, and that turns your hands back into hands.
You can be a player or a goalie in VRFS.
VRFS - VR Football Soccer Simulator really does its best to be a Virtual Reality Soccer simulator. Though when you’re used to playing real soccer it is awfully strange to go from kicking the ball with your feet to kicking the ball with your arms.
Still, the tutorial does a great job of getting you familiar with the concept, and the practice field gives you a lot of different ways to practice playing soccer with your arms instead of your feet.
This VR Soccer Game also features some AI bots that you can play against, though at the time of writing this they’re not much to speak of. The real magic of VRFS is in the multiplayer.
Kicking the ball with your arms instead of your feet takes some getting used to in any of these VR Football Games.
That’s where this game really shines. You can freely join any of the Multiplayer lobbies out there and just hop into a pickup game of soccer. Some are more rules light, and some more rules heavy.
Getting the hang of kicking the ball properly and also managing your stamina, which determines whether you can run more quickly or not for a short period of time, isn’t simple, and VRFS is a solid VR Football experience. It’s easy to pick up and yet hard to master, with a lot of other opponents to play against others online.
There are other Soccer VR games that work just like VRFS, such as Premier League Player and Soccer VR. These games also replace your hands with feet and have you play Football in VR that way. I’d still recommend VRFS over those games though since VRFS is free and is just as high quality as those other games, though Premier League Player does have a bit more polish and the official backing of a soccer league.
VRFS excels in giving you a great multiplayer Soccer VR Game.
Premier League Player also has a mode which recreates some fantastic plays that really happened in Football games of the Premier League, which is a very impressive feature. Though unfortunately the Multiplayer is not as good as it is in VRFS. Still, if you want a paid option with a bit more polish then give Premier League Player a look.
CleanSheet Soccer
The CleanSheet Logo.
CleanSheet is a little more of a limited Soccer VR game. Instead of trying to abstract VR Football by simulating your feet it just keeps your feet removed entirely as most Virtual Reality games do.
So what does that mean? It means that CleanSheet is entirely about being a goalie.
That being said that doesn’t make CleanSheet a limited or boring game. It is the best goalie simulator in existence out there, and you can have it running in your VR headset whenever you like.
Blocking a shot in CleanSheet. This is a fantastic VR Goalie Game.
There’s the typical ball machine randomly shooting ball towards your goal that you might expect, but also so much more than that. There are special challenges, and the AI can run plays to try and get past your defense of your goal. You can even recreate famous shots from real life Football games!
There are also various competitive multiplayer modes, like one where you and an opponent launch balls at each other’s goals and attempt to block them. Though you launch the balls with a cannon instead of your feet. Still, it seems like very a very fun idea. Though unfortunately it’s kind of hard to find an opponent.
CleanSheet is a fantastic VR Goalie trainer and another fun VR exercise game that makes for a fantastic warm up to a more intense workout session. It truly tests your reflexes.
Though I will say that it is much easier (and safer) to defend your goal space if you have a larger playspace to physically move around in. Not to mention physically diving for a ball while wearing a VR headset is NOT a good idea.
While other Football VR Games do offer goal keeping in addition to other positions, none do goal keeping as well as CleanSheet. Though unlike other games on this list, it is not free.
Motion Soccer
The Motion Soccer Logo.
You might be reading this list of VR Soccer Games and be wondering “Why doesn’t somebody just make a FIFA VR game?”
Well if that’s what you want to see then luckily for you you’ll find a Virtual Reality Football Experience that is somewhat similar to FIFA in Motion Soccer.
At the time of writing this game was recently released on the Meta store and Steam as well. There is a free version that you can try without paying a cent on either platform.
There are three different ways to play Motion Soccer that you can mix and match. This is what makes this a VR FIFA game.
What separates Motion Soccer from other VR Football games is that instead of purely controlling a single player as in VRFS, you can freely swap between players on your team.
This is what makes this a sort of FIFA VR Game despite not being officially affiliated with any football league. You’re not just playing as an individual player, you’re playing as the whole team and you can switch between players whenever you like.
So there’s no holding a spot and hoping you get the ball. You can always be the one with the ball. Just look at the player you want to control and press the grip button.
There’s even a third person view mode that lets you view the entire field and control your players from a god’s eye view just like in FIFA.
Passes, kicks, slide tackles, Motion Soccer lets you do it all using your controller joysticks and buttons.
That’s one of three different methods for controlling your players that you get in Motion Soccer. You can also swap your hands with feet just like in other Football VR Games mentioned here, and there’s a goalie mode as well that has you using your hands to block shots.
If you don’t like the idea of using your hands as feet to play VR Soccer though, then you will be excited to hear that Motion Soccer also has a mode that uses just your joysticks to control where your player goes and dribbles the ball, and you shoot just by pointing at where you want the ball to go and pressing trigger.
So if you want to get a fantastic first person VR Soccer experience without having to learn how to dribble and shoot with your arms then Motion Soccer has you covered. All of the intense first person Football experience, but none of the awkward controls. It plays like a first person VR FIFA with the option to get close to the ball or zoom out for a more tactical experience.
You can command your players on the field from the top down just like in FIFA… but in Virtual Reality.
Though at the time of writing Motion Soccer does have a bit of an unpolished feel to it, and I encountered a few bugs while playing it. None of these bugs broke the game entirely though. While there is a free version of the game that lets you do the tutorials, trainings, and 3v3 matches, to play the Singleplayer campaign you’ll have to pay for the pro version.
Well that’s all the fantastic VR Football and VR Soccer games that I’ve got for you. However you decide to get on the pitch in Virtual Reality, enjoy!