The 5 Best Magic VR Games and Wizard VR Games for Meta Quest and PC
So, you want to be a Wizard in VR? Ready to cast some spells in Virtual Reality? Well you’ve come to the right place. Whether you’re playing on the Meta Quest or on PCVR there are a ton of great Magic VR Games for you to choose from. Of course, you won’t want to waste your time and money on any that are boring or just plain bad.
So to make sure you get your money and time’s worth out of your desire to become a spellcasting, magic using wizard of ultimate power in Virtual Reality, we’ve put together a list of the 5 Best Magic and Wizard VR Games that will have you throwing fireballs and flinging thunderbolts in no time. Not to mention, you’ll have a blast doing it in any of these immersive VR games.
So, you want to be a Wizard in VR? Ready to cast some spells in Virtual Reality? Well you’ve come to the right place. Whether you’re playing on the Meta Quest or on PCVR there are a ton of great Magic VR Games for you to choose from. Of course, you won’t want to waste your time and money on any that are boring or just plain bad.
So to make sure you get your money and time’s worth out of your desire to become a spellcasting, magic using wizard of ultimate power in Virtual Reality, we’ve put together a list of the 5 Best Magic and Wizard VR Games that will have you throwing fireballs and flinging thunderbolts in no time. Not to mention, you’ll have a blast doing it in any of these immersive VR games.
So let’s start from the top of the list. Here are the 5 Best Magic VR Games and Wizard VR Games on the Oculus Quest and PC.
Blade and Sorcery - Best Magic VR Games and Wizard VR Games
The Blade and Sorcery Logo
If you’ve been paying attention to VR gaming at all for the past few years then you probably figured that Blade & Sorcery would be on this list of Magic VR Games. Why wouldn’t it be? It’s extremely popular for good reasons, and even has the word “Sorcery” in the name!
Using Lightning magic in Blade & Sorcery
While also featuring blades and fighting very prominently, maybe too prominently depending on your tastes, there are some great spells and magical abilities for you to use in Blade and Sorcery, and its Meta Quest counterpart Blade and Sorcery: Nomad.
At the moment Blade and Sorcery is mostly a sandbox experience where you enter an arena, choose your weapons, and then spawn in enemies to attack you. There is also a dungeon mode on a single map currently, and a “Crystal Hunt” mode that is promised to be more in depth and progression oriented in the future.
For now though, Blade and Sorcery is a sandbox melee combat focused experience. It gets updates very consistently, but hasn’t strayed too far away from being more of a “make your own fun” kind of game. You can cast spells with either of your hands if they’re free of items. Specifically fire, lightning, and gravity magic.
There are a ton of cool things you can do with the magic in Blade and Sorcery, but it’s not a game that is purely focused on magic. Though you can always add more magic abilities with mods.
Casting a massive fireball in Blade and Sorcery
If this sounds great and you want a more fantastical alternative, you might also want to look into Battle Talent, which recently got a full release, and features a vibrant modding community as well.
Of course in both of these games you’re less of a wizard and more of a battlemage who uses melee combat as much as magic, and they fit more firmly into the category of VR fighting games than VR Wizard Games, but there’s still a lot of magic in the air and spells to sling.
Waltz Of The Wizard - Best Magic VR Games and Wizard VR Games
The Waltz Of The Wizard Logo
Waltz Of The Wizard is a far less combat focused experience than the other VR games on this list, and is really more of a puzzle game that relies heavily on magic to be fun, exciting, wonderful, and interesting.
Waltz Of The Wizard has also been around for a long time and has seen a lot of huge updates over the years to add more spells, and more interesting creatures and events.
In Waltz Of The Wizard you are a wizard hanging around in their wizard tower (as wizards tend to do) and experiment. This is the most magic you’ll probably find in a magic VR game. Everything you see in your tower can be interacted with, and you can do amazing things to them with your wizardly spells and abilities.
First though, you need to unlock some spells to play around with. For that you’ve got a cauldron and a ton of ingredients. Mix and match them in your cauldron to unlock new spells for your hands, like the ability to turn anything you touch into a butterfly with Transmute!
Unlocking the Transmute spell in Waltz Of The Wizard
That’s where the fun of Waltz Of the Wizard comes from. You’re a wizard and you experiment with magic and spells on the various items of your tower, explore around, and discover all of the interesting interactions that you can do with your magic.
There’s a lot of wonderment in exploring your tower and discovering what you can do and what every object does. Not to mention the game looks great and has excellent sound design. You can spend a lot of time discovering new things. While this is a less combat focused game, later updates did add new areas where you can fight magical golems with your spells and explore dungeons.
Waltz Of the Wizard has become one of the most versatile VR Wizard Games out there through its updates, and has an extremely fantastical and immersive world. If you want a more slow paced and laid back wizarding experience where you mostly mess around, then check this game out.
Also honorable mention to Elixir, which is similar to to the tower in Waltz Of The Wizard, but is much shorter. Still, Elixir is free for the Oculus Quest so check it out to see if you might like this sort of Magic VR Game.
Wands - Best Magic VR Games and Wizard VR Games
The Wands Logo
So you want to be a wizard, but maybe you want more of a Wizard dueling focused experience. Ever watch a Harry Potter movie and think about how awesome it would be to have your very own wand and take part in a Wizard duel? Well now you don’t have to wonder, you can do it in Wands.
This Virtual Reality magic game is all about player versus player magical combat, and wow does it execute it well. As you might have expected from the title, the game is centered around wand based magical combat. You can hold four on your wand at a time, and wow there are a lot to choose from!
There are a ton of different combinations to try, from shields to traps to offensive magic of all sorts. Whatever you choose you then enter an arena with multiple other people, each equipped with their own wands, and duel to see who comes out on top.
Each time you duel you get dust, which you can use to buy awesome new wands or player skins to really nail the sort of Wizard vibe you want to go for. Oh, and you unlock new spells over time, giving you more options and strategies as you progress. Though at the same time the game doesn’t overwhelm you with too many spells right off of the bat.
A magical battle in Wands
If you want a magical VR game that also involves player versus player magic duels, then Wands is the only game in town for that, and it does it very well. With a solid progression system, a ton of great maps, and a ton of spells to choose from for your wand, there is a ton of great wizarding to sink your teeth into here.
The Wizards - Best Magic VR Games and Wizard VR Games
The Wizards Logo
If you want a more story focused VR spellcasting experience then we’ve got something great for you in The Wizards and its sequel The Wizards: Dark Times. Both of these games put you in a fantastical land where you have to fight through hordes of enemies with all of the magic you can muster. All the while you see a vibrant and fantastic world all around you.
The Wizards is noted primarily for its greatest innovation in VR spellcasting immersion, and that innovation is that all of its spells are focused around hand gestures. This is a very fun way to put the magic into VR magic games.
Instead of selecting your spells off of a menu or clicking a button to change them, you do magic with your actual hand gestures.
For instance, want to throw a little fireball? Then point your palm down, hold the grip, and flip your palm upwards. Bam, a fireball appears in your hands that you can throw. Now that’s magic, and that’s what is so amazing and fun about The Wizards.
Throwing a fireball in The Wizards
You use these spells to fight your way through all sorts of goblins and orcs and other sorts of enemies while you explore the beautiful and fantastical environments of The Wizards.
As you go from location to location you learn more about this crazy world and the troubles that have fallen over it, all the while fighting to keep it together.
It’s a fun and, while combat focused, wholesome experience. So if you’ve wanted a great hand based spellcasting system that really does make you feel like a wizard combined with a fantastic journey through a magical world, then give The Wizards a try.
The Mage’s Tale - Best Magic VR Games and Wizard VR Games
The Mage’s Tale Logo
First, a quick disclaimer, The Mage’s Tale is not available on the Oculus Quest 2 or other Quest standalone platforms like the other games on this list, which is a real shame. Hopefully a Quest port is in the works. Otherwise you’ll have to connect a Quest device to a PC with airlink or a link cable to play The Mage’s Tale.
If you’re looking for another VR magic game for the Meta Quest you might want to check out Runes: The Forgotten Path, which is the runner up here mostly because it is such a short game.
Anyway, on to The Mage’s Tale, which despite being limited to PCVR is a very fun VR game that once more puts you in the shoes of a sorcerer. Your master has been kidnapped, and you and your little goblin guide must find his kidnapper and get your wizard master back.
Throwing a lightning ball in The Mage’s Tale
You unlock a small group of spells in the early stages of the game, and learn how to use them on the many enemies that you will encounter.
There’s fire, lightning, wind, and ice. Each has specific uses in combat, which you’ll be doing a lot of in The Mage’s Tale, and have very interesting interactions with the different enemies you will encounter. In some situations some spells are more effective than others. You can even mix your spell effects together and make custom spells.
Beyond the magic spells you use are the magic items you gain. When you defeat enemies and gain EXP you get chances at customization each time you level up by picking which magical item you want to upgrade your character with. Generally this is a choice between more health or faster magical casting.
Still, it’s nice to have options in how your character progresses, and it’s also nice to have some breaks from combat, which The Mage’s Tale pulls of nicely with its great environments and puzzles. While some puzzles can be hard to solve, and you might have to go to a walkthrough to figure them out, you start to understand them better over time.
Also, like many other games on this list, The Mage’s Tale has well crafted and fantastical environments that will leave you slack jawed with wonder at what you’re seeing in immersive Virtual Reality. So in many ways this game is a lot like The Wizards without the motion based spellcasting, and some more options for character customization.
Though if you really want another VR wizard adventure to go on, then the spellcasting and sorcery of The Mage’s Tale will definitely scratch that itch. There’s many quirky things to find, spells to cast, and dungeons to delve in this spellcasting VR game.
That’s our list of the 5 Best Magic VR Games and Wizard VR Games on the Meta Quest and PC. Being a wizard in VR is a truly one of a kind experience that flatscreen games can’t quite replicate. Calling lightning out of your fingertips is much cooler when you actually see it coming from your fingertips after all. Whichever game on this list you decide is best for you, enjoy!