9 Ways To Terrorize A City In Monster: Titan’s Playground - A Great VR Godzilla Game
If you find yourself as a giant Kaiju Godzilla type monster in the brilliant Virtual Reality game Monster: Titan’s Playground then here's 11 ways to absolutely terrorize this little city.
This is an amazing VR Godzilla game where you’re a massive monster just smashing your way through a city. Here’s how.
If you find yourself as a giant Kaiju Godzilla type monster in the brilliant Virtual Reality game Monster: Titan’s Playground then here's 11 ways to absolutely terrorize this little city. This is an amazing VR Godzilla game where you’re a massive monster just smashing your way through a city. Here’s how.
The first way is to establish dominance by leaping along the city streets and on top of apartment buildings. The slam of your huge feet hitting the ground will surely strike terror into the hearts of the population.
You can even do a sort of VR King Kong type move by climbing a high tower.
If you want a more classically inspired monster invading city experience then you can always climb a tall office building, or even the massive monument across town, and throw stuff down at the locals.
Of course buildings are for more than just climbing, they're definitely also for smashing. There's nothing like the look and feel of ramming your huge meaty kaiju fists through an apartment block.
Smashing a building with your huge VR Godzilla fists in Monster: Titan's Playground is amazing.
Or pounding your way from the roof to the foundations of a building. As a giant VR Godzilla monster you have the strength to easily blast through concrete and rebar like it's barely even there, laying waste to buildings in mere moments. This is absurdly fun.
Though as you're terrorizing the city you should also make sure that the streets also aren't safe by destroying every form of transporation that you see.
The massive explosion made by a car in Monster: Titan's Playground.
Inadvertently, you also might help out the local environment and reduce pollution, though probably not by as much as the carbon emissions caused by the explosion a car makes when it hits a building and carves out a huge hole in the side. These cars make some seriously huge explosions.
Maybe they use the same engines as the cars from Fallout 4, especially since eating them will make you heal faster. Don't ask why.
While you're throwing things you can also tear out chunks of buildings and throw them at other buildings, which is a weirdly efficient way to do some demolition work. There's just something majestic about seeing someone's living room bounce off of several other buildings and then careen off into the distance.
Throwing pieces of buildings into other buildings is such a satisfying VR Kaiju Monster move.
Tearing huge chunks out of buildings is so easy with your huge monster hands.
That is, if you're not interrupted by the elephant in the street, and that's these annoying mechs from Super Mech Force that are always trying to stop your good time of smashing buildings and generally lowering property values. Though at the end of the day a city that doesn't fight back wouldn't be much fun.
There will be a lot of mechs to fight in this game.
Though there's got to be nothing more scary to your average onlooker than seeing the giant Godzilla monster pummel the mechs defending your city into the dirt. Or punching one in the chest so hard its reactor core explodes and sends mech pieces flying everywhere.
While you're at it you can also use those destroyed mechs to take down huge buildings. Tossing the body of a mech meant to defend this city into a building is extremely ironic, and also super destructive.
Of course mechs can also be used to smash things for fun.
Of course you'll have more at your disposal than just your fists to stop those pesky mechs and do some large scale remodeling. Your massive kaiju monster also comes with many equipment options ranging from arm mounted plasma cannons that melt armor and blast holes in buildings to shoulder mounted mini guns that will absolutely tear through a mech.
Blasting a mech with miniguns in Monster: Titan's Playground. You're not just VR Godzilla, you're a Mech VR Godzilla.
You're not just any giant lizard monster, you're a giant lizard monster sponsored by the finest minds at the SECRET EVIL LAB. Destroy more mechs and you get more upgrades, and wow are there a lot to try.
Though as you start to face more advanced mechs you'll notice that their weaponry will get more dangerous as well. Don't worry though, because they seem to care just as little for the city they are fighting you over as you do. When the huge lasers come out you're practically required to hide behind some high rises to avoid it.
Mechs with huge lasers are scary, and they don't care if they destroy the city while trying to get you.
Bombs and missiles that Super Mech Force lobs at you can be snatched out of the air and thrown right back at them, or if you're particularily destructive you can always chuck them at buildings on purpose, or by accident.
Of course you're not really a kaiju monster if you don't have some really deadly breath, and there's no way to assert dominance over a city more spectacular than setting fire to everything in sight with a massive jet of flame coming out of your mouth.
Nothing makes you feel more like an amazing VR Kaiju than breathing fire over the city.
The flamethrower coming out of your throat is so massive that it obstructs your view and quickly spread over anything that it hits, mechs, buildings, and passerby alike. Now that's how you terrorize a city as a VR Kaiju.
Want to get to attack a city as a huge VR Godzilla monster yourself? Then wishlist the game! At the time of writing, Monster: Titan's Playground is unreleased, but can be wishlisted on Steam.
I did receive a copy of this for free from the developer, and I ended up absolutely loving it and really want to see them add more features and more variation to the environments, among other things. So if terrorizing a city and fighting mechs as a VR lizard monster sounds fun to you then go to the steam page linked in the description and click the wishlist button. It's free and it would really help out a small developer with a fantastic idea for a Virtual Reality game.