Into The Radius 2 Early Access Release Date Announced As July 24th
Here is a long anticipated release announcement for any fan of VR Survival Games or VR Shooters. Into the Radius 2 will finally be hitting Early Access on Steam on July 24th.
Sorry standalone purists, but there has been no additional announcement concerning a Quest version of the game, so for now Into the Radius 2 will be PCVR only. However, I’m sure that won’t be the case for too long.
Here is a long anticipated release announcement for any fan of VR Survival Games or VR Shooters. Into the Radius 2 will finally be hitting Early Access on Steam on July 24th.
Sorry standalone purists, but there has been no additional announcement concerning a Quest version of the game, so for now Into the Radius 2 will be PCVR only. However, I’m sure that won’t be the case for too long.
If you haven’t tried the predecessor to this title, Into the Radius is one of the best VR Survival Shooters ever created, up there with other greats such as The Walking Dead: Saints and Sinners. It’s combination of decrepit eastern bloc and surreal alien settings makes its atmosphere unmatched, and the freedom afforded in its gameplay hardly seen elsewhere in the Virtual Reality gaming scene.
Into the Radius 2 promises to be a continuation of that fine legacy.
Through the many articlesfound here about the first Into the Radius game, you might guess that the first title is a favorite for this publication. While a tense, surreal, survival shooting experience in Virtual Reality might not be for everyone, if you like any of those descriptors then it is likely a game for you.
Understandably, it is extremely exciting to hear about a sequel.
Here is an excerpt of the press release provided by the developers over at CM Games concerning Into the Radius 2:
“Into the Radius 2 is an immersive VR survival shooter, set in a realm of surreal landscapes and deadly anomalies known as Pechorsk Security Zone. Arm yourself with realistic weapons and team up with friends as you venture deeper into the mysteries that lie within the zone.
The sequel retains the beloved features from the original, including meticulously crafted weapons and attachments, a sophisticated loot-management system, and the freedom to explore the secrets of the dangerous locations teeming with anomalies and haunting enemies. Building on this foundation, Into the Radius 2 will introduce riveting expansions, starting with the option for two-player co-op (currently in beta, expanding to four players with updates).”
Additionally CM Games also stated the following, which reveals the absolutely massive amount of content that is already planned for the early access release, and is sure to balloon further as development continues on the game.
“Like the original game, this is just a first stop on a long journey to full release, and this is our first public version of Into the Radius 2.
Here’s what you can expect from the initial Early Access launch of the game:
-2 locations + new UNPSC Explorer facility
-7 top priority missions and a number of secondary missions
-13 weapons, some of which have more than 1 variant
-Several backpack options and 6 types of chest rigs to choose from
-A variety of new anomalies and entities
-Single player and 2 player co-op (currently in beta, expanding to four players with updates”
As CM Games have shown in their various Devlogs, Into the Radius 2 is shaping up to be not only a continuation, but an expansion of it’s predecessor, and I for one am very excited to try it.
Into the Radius 2 will be 39.99$ on July 24th and beyond. Admittedly a little pricey for a VR title. Though the developers over at CM Games have stated that they will not ever permanently change the price.
Into the Radius 2 Will Have Multiplayer Coop
The entire Into the Radius community has been clamoring for Into the Radius multiplayer for a long time now, and wondering if Into the Radius 2 will feature Multiplayer.
Well now the wait to find out is over, because Into the Radius 2 will have Cooperative Multiplayer for up to four people at once.
That’s right, CM Games, the Estonian developer behind Into the Radius and Into the Radius 2 announced this exciting new development today, and the launch of the Into the Radius 2 Steam page.
The entire Into the Radius community has been clamoring for Into the Radius multiplayer for a long time now, and wondering if Into the Radius 2 will feature Multiplayer.
Well now the wait to find out is over, because Into the Radius 2 will have Cooperative Multiplayer for up to four people at once.
That’s right, CM Games, the Estonian developer behind Into the Radius and Into the Radius 2 announced this exciting new development today, and the launch of the Into the Radius 2 Steam page.
So if you’re half as excited as I am, go to the page and wishlist the game! It’s already promising to be the excellent sequel to Into the Radius that we all hope it’s going to be. Here’s what we know about it so far.
Into the Radius Multiplayer Is Coming
A game screenshot provided by CM Games, just look at that sky!
Of course you probably want to get your hands on Into the Radius 2 and play some Coop Multiplayer with your friends.
Well that’s where the good news ends for now. Into the Radius 2 won’t be releasing into Early Access until some time in 2024 with a full release planned for late 2025.
Fortunately the Multiplayer Coop for Into the Radius 2 will be included in the Early Access version, so you should be able to play Into the Radius 2 Multiplayer immediately when it releases into Early Access, as well as in Singleplayer.
An Into the Radius Multiplayer screenshot provided by CM Games
Just as with the first game, CM Games plans to take player feedback into deep consideration when working on Into the Radius 2 during Early Access.
So if you want to take a part in the development of Into the Radius’s sequel, your chance will come when Into the Radius 2 releases into Early access some time in 2024.
After the early access release CM Games plans to add “more locations to explore, an expanded arsenal of weapons and attachments, new enemy types, more anomalies, enhanced artifacts, and additional gameplay mechanics and lore.”
This just gets more and more exciting.
Into the Radius 2 promises to be larger and more ambitious game than the original Into the Radius, and the announcement of Multiplayer just adds to the excitement surrounding it.
An Into the Radius 2 screenshot provided by CM Games, anomalies are looking better than ever.
To keep up to date with Into the Radius 2 make sure to wishlist it on its new Steam page, follow the Into the Radius subreddit, join the Into the Radius Discord, or check out CM Games on Twitter or Instagram.
Of course any major developments like this one will also be featured here on Reality Remake. Enjoy yourselves out there in VR!
Into The Radius 2 Is Coming - CM Games Announces A Sequel
For anyone who has been wondering if Into the Radius will ever get a sequel, now we know that Into The Radius 2 will be coming! The developers of Into The Radius over at CM Games released an announcement titled “The Future of Into the Radius” with this exciting news.
For anyone who has been wondering if Into the Radius will ever get a sequel, now we know that Into The Radius 2 will be coming!
The developers of Into The Radius over at CM Games released an announcement titled “The Future of Into the Radius” with this exciting news.
Into The Radius 2 Announcement
Today’s news is quick but amazing! The developers over at CM Games have posted an update on Into the Radius, which officially announces that they have begun pre-production on a sequel to Into the Radius.
There aren’t many details about what will be new in this new chapter of Into the Radius, or even an official title, so we’ll just call it Into the Radius 2 for now.
We do know that Into the Radius 2 will be following the same Early Access development model as the first game, and that a lot of player feedback and suggestions are being used in the sequel.
This is extremely exciting news, and fantastic to hear as a fan of Into the Radius. We’ll have to wait for more concrete details or Early Access release dates though.
For a more up to date development you should also know that Multiplayer has been announced for Into the Radius 2.
Into the Radius Final Updates
At the same time CM Games released their plans for the final updates to Into the Radius. There were two more major updates planned, 2.7 and 2.8. 2.7 focused on refining the story and adding a collectible system, while 2.8 was meant to include full mod support.
Though unfortunately in a recent announcement CM Games announced that Update 2.8 is cancelled so that they can focus work on the sequel. This is a real shame, and it looks like we will never receive official mod support for Into the Radius.
Still, the game can be modded on PCVR, and there are some great mods out there.
Regardless the Into the Radius 2 announcement is some very exciting news from CM Games, and we can be optimistic that Into the Radius 2 will bring just as much, if not more, to the table as Into the Radius 1. That’s all for now, good luck and have fun.