Contractors Showdown ExfilZone May Be The Next Top VR Extraction Shooter
Recently a new VR Extraction Shooter hit the market (or at least the Alpha test of it did) called Contractors Showdown: ExfilZone.
Contractors Showdown was a stab at POPULATION: ONE’S long supremacy over the VR Battle Royale scene. Now with Contractors Showdown: ExfilZone it seems that Caveman Studios is now attempting to unseat Ghosts Of Tabor as the leader in the VR Extraction Shooter market.
Recently a new VR Extraction Shooter hit the market (or at least the Alpha test of it did) called Contractors Showdown: ExfilZone.
As the very long name indicates it is an addition to the Battle Royale game Contractors Showdown, which was originally made as a spin off to the VR shooter Contractors, all from Caveman Studios.
Contractors was Caveman Studios’ grab at carving out a niche in the then much duller VR Shooter scene, which was dominated by a few games like Pavlov and Onward. Unlike those other games it was fast paced, easy to get into, and emphasized movement. This made Contractors known as the “Call Of Duty Of VR”.
Contractors Showdown was a stab at POPULATION: ONE’S long supremacy over the VR Battle Royale scene. Now with Contractors Showdown: ExfilZone it seems that Caveman Studios is now attempting to unseat Ghosts Of Tabor as the leader in the VR Extraction Shooter market.
A bugged AI enemy in Ghosts Of Tabor that is looking into the ground instead of at the player.
After all, why not at this point? Ghosts Of Tabor started out seeming like the VR Escape From Tarkov game that many Virtual Reality Shooter fans were craving.
Now, almost two years after the initial release of Ghosts Of Tabor it is nowhere near completed. Many of the core systems expected in a Tarkov like game are not present in Ghosts. They barely just got an actual quest system together. The game is still unbearably buggy to play, and to cap it all off Combat Waffle Studios continues to release paid DLCs rather than fix core issues with their game.
It is clear at this point that Combat Waffle Studios rushed Ghosts Of Tabor to market to be the first VR Extraction Shooter, and during this rush incorporated a lot of technical debt. This roots of the technical issues with the game that have been around since it launched in a nearly unplayable state have never been addressed. While Ghosts Of Tabor has gotten a lot better it is still a far cry from a Virtual Reality Escape From Tarkov.
Holding up a suspicious enemy player in Contractors Showdown: Exfil Zone.
Now, with Ghosts Of Tabor in such a state, and many of its players’ confidence shaken over the many months of very slow progress, Contractors Showdown: Exfil Zone releases into Alpha.
Despite being merely in Alpha this new game feels less buggy than Ghosts, and has more features that a VR Extraction Shooter would be expected to have. Such as an extensive healing and limb damage system, or an in depth vending and questing system. All right at the game’s launch.
It is clear that the folks over at Caveman Studios are attempting to put their hat in the ring for another major VR shooting genre, but Ghosts Of Tabor still has many loyal fans. Still, if Ghosts can’t solve its technical problems and still manage to release new content, and Contractors Showdown: ExfilZone continues to expand such an impressive early offering, then maybe the time for Ghosts Of Tabor’s popularity is at an end.