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The Ultimate Broken Edge VR Classes List and Guide

There are a lot of classes to choose from in the great 1v1 PvP VR sword fighting game Broken Edge.

It can be a little overwhelming at first, since there are so many different class options to choose from and also fight against in Singleplayer or Multiplayer.

So here we’re going to go over all of the Broken Edge classes and how to awaken their weapons and use their abilities.

There are a lot of classes to choose from in the great 1v1 PvP VR sword fighting game Broken Edge.

It can be a little overwhelming at first, since there are so many different class options to choose from and also fight against in Singleplayer or Multiplayer.

So here we’re going to go over all of the Broken Edge classes and how to awaken their weapons and use their abilities.

If you want to figure out what class you’d like to use, or gain an edge over your opponents using any of these classes, then learning how they play and what they can do is very important.

You’ve come to the right guide to learn more about this fantastic game.

Though before we get into the Broken Edge classes (or as they’re sometimes called, archetypes) let’s go through the basics of what each Broken Edge class can do.

Table Of Contents:

Broken Edge Guide - Awakening Your Blade

In Broken Edge each class shares the same three abilities, and each class must awaken their blade to do additional damage or have a chance to win a round by hitting their opponent’s body with an awakened blade.

First let’s talk about awakening.

You can see if your blade is awakened when it lights up and lights on fire. You can see how awakened your blade is by how much of the blade on your blade health bar above you is lit up with flames.

Awakened Blades. Note the fire around the sword health bar at the top.

Each class gains more awakening by using their main weapon in different, though sometimes similar, ways. Below in the section for each class you’ll find how to awaken their blade as much as possible.

The more awakened your blade is than your opponent’s when your blades touch, the more damage you deal. Your blade must be more awakened than your opponent’s to deal additional damage.

Broken Edge Guide - Special Abilities

Each class in Broken Edge also has the same three special abilities.

These are Edge Breaker, Ward, and Second Wind. Each class activates these three abilities by assuming a different pose, or chaining a few poses together.

When you’re doing the pose correctly you’ll see the start of a hexagon or triangle appear in front of you, and when it fills up to complete the shape you’ll have activated the ability correctly.

Let’s start with Edge Breaker since it’s the easiest to use.

You can activate Edge Breaker once per round, and when you activate it your blade will burn very bright for a short time. If it makes contact before the effect wears off in a few seconds it will do increased damage, and doesn’t take any damage itself.

The Knight’s sword with Edge Breaker activated

Edge Breaker is activated by a single pose, and activates when the hexagon that appears completes its shape and the blade glows. Be careful when you use Edge Breaker as it doesn’t last for very long before fizzling out.

The second ability is Ward.

Ward makes your body immune to fatal attacks for the next three engagements, but when hit with an awaked blade it will be destroyed.

Ward is activated by each class in two poses. One will fill the hexagon half way, and the other will complete the shape and activate the ability.

The Duelist activating Ward

You’ll know if you or your opponent has ward active by the blue glow surrounding their fighter’s body.

Keep in mind that Ward only protects you from fatal body hits, which allows you to play a little more recklessly until it is gone, but will not protect your blade whatsoever.

Now for the last ability, Second Wind.

Second Wind will regenerate your blade completely, which is especially useful once your blade health bar is broken and your blade will no longer regenerate on its own anymore.

Second Wind activates in three poses. Each pose will fill up one side of a Triangle, and when the triangle is complete your blade will regenerate to full length.

The Tyrant using Second Wind

Second Wind gives you another shot at taking some health off of your opponent’s blade, or landing a fatal awakened body shot of your own.

Though keep in mind that Second Wind does not regenerate your blade health meter at all. It just gives you one more shot with a full blade.

Broken Edge Classes

Now let’s talk about each of the fighters you’ll be able to use in Broken Edge VR, their weapons, how to awaken their blades, and how to use the three special abilities with each of them.

If you want to get some hands on experience in the game using the abilities of each of these classes then go to the Dojo in game and check them out.

There are tutorials for weapon awakening and using each of the three abilities for each class.

If you want some strategy or a refresher though, it’s much faster to read about your desired class here.

When starting out it’s easier to master a single class that sounds fun before moving on to others, regardless though it’s always good to know the strengths of other classes you’ll fight against.

Quick Links:

The Knight

The Knight class Portrait in the Main Menu

The Knight is a versatile and balanced class in Broken Edge, new players will have experience with it right from the beginning due to it being the class used in the Introduction tutorial.

The Knight carries a decent arsenal that can focus on the offensive or defensive. They have a longsword which can be used one handed or two handed, and is about average in length.

Additionally they have a short sword that can be used to block incoming attacks or surprise an opponent with a quick attack with your offhand. Though the short sword cannot awaken and will break after a single hit.

Crucially the Knight also carries a shield of moderate size that can be used to block incoming attacks. When hit the shield will shrink depending on where it was hit. If the shield is hit in the center then it will disappear for the round.

If the shield is hit on the edge only that piece will disappear. The shield is made of three pieces.

The Knight

Awakening the Knight’s longsword is easy, by just pointing it at the enemy player.

More awakening can be gained by performing clean cuts and thrusts with the longsword. This means that both stabbing and slashing attacks are viable when using the Knight class.

Full awakening can only be gained by holding the sword with both hands, the sword cannot be fully awakened single handed, but can get most of the way there.

How to activate Edge Breaker with the Knight archetype

Edge Breaker can be activated by holding the longsword up and pointing it forward, while holding your shield up and rotating the top of it it towards your sword hand.

How to use Ward with the Knight Part 1

Ward can be activated by first pointing both hands upwards over your head.

Then Ward is completed by bringing your hands together in front of you.

How to use Ward with the Knight Part 2

Second Wind is activated by first bringing your sword hand in front of your face while the sword is pointed upwards, and pointing your off hand away to the side.

Then bring your hands together on your sword overhead.

Finally chop straight downwards to complete Second Wind.

The Duelist

The Duelist class Portrait in the Main Menu

The Duelist is a more offensively themed Broken Edge VR class.

This class emphasizes constant movement and quick strikes from multiple angles in order to surprise your opponent with a quick stab from its rapier.

The Duelist has only two weapons though, the rapier which is slightly longer than most weapons, and a dagger that is about the length of the Knight’s short sword, cannot be awakened, and breaks after a single hit.

This makes the Duelist a class with very little defensive options that must rely on quick strikes at the right moment to overwhelm their opponent and put them on the defensive.

The Duelist is a very quick class that relies on speed and their small size to avoid being hit while making precise strikes of their own.

The Duelist

Awakening the Duelist’s rapier is done in the usual fashion by pointing it at your opponent, but it can be further awakened by changing the position of it by moving the hilt up or down or from side to side, while still pointing it forward towards your enemy.

The Duelist also gains additional awakening by constantly taking small steps towards and away from their opponent, which increases the unpredictability of their stabbing attacks.

Attacking after pouncing forward and changing the position of your rapier is optimal both to surprise the enemy fighter and to achieve the greatest possible awakening, but make sure your strike lands.

How to activate Edge Breaker with the Duelist archetype

Edge Breaker can be activated with the Duelist by holding your rapier up and pointing it forward, while holding your offhand down and pointing it forward as well.

How to use Ward with the Duelist Part 1

Ward is activated on the Duelist by pointing your hands down on either side of you with your thumbs facing towards your opponent.

The ward is completed by bringing up both hands and crossing them in front of you.

How to use Ward with the Duelist Part 2

Second Wind is activated by first pointing your main hand away to your side and bringing the other hand up in front of your face pointing in the same direction.

Basically a Dab, but pointing straight to the side.

Then with your offhand still holding the same pose bring your main hand up in front of you and point your rapier upwards.

Finally to complete Second Wind move only your main hand up over your shoulder and point the rapier forward towards your opponent.

The Barbarian

The Barbarian class Portrait in the Main Menu

The Barbarian Broken Edge VR class lacks in options during a fight, but makes up for it by having incredibly long reach with its huge sword.

This long reach can both be used defensively to change an opponents tactics before they can get close enough to you to strike, and offensively by being able to strike your opponent before they can get anywhere near you.

For this reason, and their awakening requiring them to make slow strikes, the Barbarian is a great class for chipping away at your opponent’s equipment to degrade them and win on blade health.

The long reach of the Barbarian’s sword is their greatest strength, otherwise they are slow and lack any alternative weapons to take hits for them.

When playing as the Barbarian class you must take advantage of this long reach as it is your only advantage.

The Barbarian

To awaken the barbarian’s sword you must make slow and smooth motions that are as wide as possible while keeping the forward facing “true” edge pointed towards your opponent.

This of course means that the other fighter will have plenty of time to see your strikes coming and react.

In order to awaken the Barbarian’s blade at all you must hold it with both hands and make continuous smooth slicing motions. To awaken as much as possible make sure that your swings are as wide as possible.

How to activate Edge Breaker with the Barbarian archetype

To activate Edge Breaker with the Barbarian class point hold your sword with both hands and keep the handle at around waist height while pointing the blade away from you towards your main hand side (so towards the right if you are right handed).

How to use Ward with the Barbarian Part 1

To activate Ward with the Barbarian take your off hand off of your sword and point it forwards at your opponent, and then heft your sword over your shoulder, blade pointed backwards.

Then bring the sword back forward in front of you and point the blade straight up while holding the sword in both hands.

How to use Ward with the Barbarian Part 2

To activate second wind with the Barbarian first bring your hands out to both sides with your palms facing outwards, like you are trying to show your opponent as much of your chest as possible.

Then bring your off hand over to your chest and turn towards your main hand slightly.

Finally bring your blade up over your head and point it away towards your off hand side.

The Pirate

The Pirate class Portrait in the Main Menu

The Pirate is another versatile Broken Edge class that can accommodate a number of fighting styles and tricks due to their large arsenal of weapons.

The pirate has a large cutlass as their main weapon with a very long blade, though it is meant more for cutting than stabbing.

In addition they have another sword over their offhand shoulder and a boarding axe.

The secondary sword cannot awaken and breaks after a single hit, and the same goes for the boarding axe, though the boarding axe does have the disadvantage of having a very small bladed part, which is the only part that can chop an opponent’s blade.

The sneakiest secondary option that the Pirate has, and arguably their most effective, is the knife that the Pirate holds on their mouth.

This knife is small and breaks after a single use and is constantly awakened to the maximum as though Edge Breaker had been used on it.

Quickly pulling this knife for a sneaky stab to the body or to do a ton of damage to the enemy’s weapon is a huge advantage for the pirate, and gives them a lot of additional damage dealing capability if used correctly.

The Pirate

While the knife needs no special movements to awaken it, the cutlass does. Much like the Barbarian class, the Pirate’s cutlass is activated by doing slow and steady swings.

Constantly moving the cutlass while making sure every cut points towards the opponent with the edge of the blade will increase its awakening until it is at maximum.

Having to move the cutlass slowly makes it a little predictable, though you can swing it from any direction that you choose to force an opponent to change their guard or attack you from a different direction.

The strength of the Pirate lies in their ability to combine their slow swinging Cutlass with their arsenal of secondary weapons. Distract the enemy fighter with your slow moving cutlass before sneaking in with one of your other weapons.

How to activate Edge Breaker with the Pirate archetype

To activate Edge Breaker with The Pirate cross your cutlass and a secondary weapon across your chest to form an X.

How to use Ward with the Pirate Part 1

To activate Ward with the Pirate start by bringing your cutlass up to your throat and pointing your secondary weapon at your opponent, wrist pointed downwards.

Complete the Ward by pointing your off hand downwards at the ground, angled a little upwards towards your opponent, and bring your cutlass over your shoulder pointed backwards.

How to use Ward with the Pirate Part 2

To activate Second Wind with the Pirate first bring your cutlass hand down to the hip opposite your main hand side and point the blade behind you, kind of like you’re sheathing the sword on your hip. Then bring your other hand up over your off hand shoulder.

Then bring your cutlass hand up and point the blade diagonally across your face, while also pointing your off hand downwards so your wrist faces away from your opponent.

To complete Second Wind bring your off hand up and across your chest, pointing towards your main hand side. Finally bring your cutlass down, blade pointed diagonally to the side.

The Persian

The Persian class Portrait in the Main Menu

The Persian is another agile and tricky class in Broken Edge VR.

The Persian gets two sabers which are meant to be used at the same time. If you’re a fan of dual wielding blades then the Persian is a great class.

That’s because both of the Persian’s sabers function as their main weapon. They share awakening and when either is cut it will regenerate.

Though the Persian doesn’t get any secondary weapons, they don’t really need them as both hands will always be occupied with a saber of their own.

You can also try to be tricky and use only a single saber, it will still awaken, and draw your other saber when your opponent expects it the least.

This Broken Edge VR class emphasizes constantly and confusing movement. Your swordarms should never be still when playing as the Persian, and that constant and varied movement combined with having two awakened and decently sized blades in either hands makes this class a great one for striking or defending in unpredictable ways.

The Persian

To awaken the Persian’s blades you want to circle them around yourself from different angles, so each time you complete a revolution with one of the blades you’ll want to change the angle of the next chop with it.

As with any weapon meant more for cutting than stabbing in Broken Edge, the true edge of the blade should always come down facing your opponent.

Also you don’t want to move the blades too quickly or you’ll lose awakening, spinning your arms as fast as possible will just dislocate your shoulder and give you no benefit.

The key to playing the Persian comes when you change the direction your blades are moving in from, and combining the movement of both blades at once to force your opponent to either take a hit or try to block a saber in a hurry and probably at a disadvantage

The Persian’s constant movement becomes a sort of dance that you get better at over time.

Maintaining your awakening while also changing the direction of your sabers to strike in unpredictable ways means the Persian is a confusing and opportunistic fighter when played correctly.

How to activate Edge Breaker with the Persian archetype

To activate Edge Breaker with the Persian hold one saber in front of you with the blade horizontal and the true edge pointed towards your opponent, and the other overhead with the blade pointed towards the sky.

How to use Ward with the Persian Part 1

To activate Ward with the Persian start by holding both of your sabers overhead with the edges pointed towards the sky.

Complete Ward by moving both of your hands slightly to the side.

How to use Ward with the Persian Part 2

To use Second Wind with the Persian class start by pointing both blades down around your waist with your wrists pointed inwards and the blades pointed diagonally towards each other.

Then bring both blades up in front of you with the edges facing outwards towards your opponent.

Complete Second Wind by pointing the knuckles of each hand towards each other in front of you.

The Viking

The Viking class Portrait in the Main Menu

The Viking is another versatile fighter in Broken Edge VR. Sort of like the Knight, but a little different.

Just like the Knight the Viking has a big arsenal which can be used for defensive or offensive purposes.

Just like the Knight the Viking gets a shield, and the Viking’s shield is even larger. Their main weapon is a sword which is a little shorter than the main weapons for other classes.

To make up for this the Viking gets two axes, and when used together the axes are constantly awakened as though Edge Breaker had been used on them. Though the axes only have blades on the top and so you have to be more accurate to hit something with them than with your sword.

Still, the axes can do massive damage when used correctly, and while the Viking’s main hand sword isn’t great, it’s still very effective when combined with the superb defense offered by the shield to deny enemy attacks.

The Viking

While the Viking’s sword is very capable of accurate stabbing attacks, it is awakened to its maximum potential by swinging it.

Achieving maximum awakening with the Viking is done by doing large swings from overhead with continuous movement from front to back.

You should also always keep your blade arm extended as much as possible not only to awaken the sword, but also to extend the reach of the Viking’s short blade.

The result of this awakening style is a sword and shield combination. Shield held in front to protect your body while you swing your sword downwards from overhead to chop at an opponent’s blade or head.

The downside to this strategy is that it can result in your shield being broken very quickly if your opponent outranges you or dodges your chops.

While the Viking is certainly at a disadvantage with just their sword, the boarding axes do come in handy in this situation. A couple of hits with the axes and your opponent’s blade might end up being even shorter than your own.

How to activate Edge Breaker with the Viking archetype

To activate Edge Breaker with the Viking class bring your sword hand and shield in front of you with your sword hand touching the edge of your shield. Then rotate the shield so that the handle is pointing horizontally.

This won’t work if the shield handle is pointed up.

How to use Ward with the Viking Part 1

To activate Ward as the Viking point both hands straight up overhead into the sky.

Then bring both hands straight down in front of you with your sword hand pointed towards your opponent, blade pointed upwards.

How to use Ward with the Viking Part 2

To activate Second Wind as the Viking point your shield above your head and bring your sword hand forwards and point the blade sideways across your chest.

Then bring your shield in front of you and point it at your opponent while pointing your sword away from you off to the side.

To complete Second Wind point your sword in the opposite direction across your shield. While holding your sword in front of your shield.

The Ronin

The Ronin class Portrait in the Main Menu

Often referred to as the “anime class” the Ronin Broken Edge class is as interesting to play as it is unique.

The Ronin only has a single weapon, their Katana, which is of about average length, but also comes with a scabbard that can be used to block blows.

Though keep in mind that if you do block a blow with your scabbard you will take 50 damage to your blade, though the scabbard will remain.

The Ronin’s blade is awakened for a brief moment when pulling it out of the scabbard. If you’re familiar with animes such as Rurouni Kenshin or similar samurai themed shows or movies, you’ll recognize this move as one often used by characters to begin a fight.

The Ronin

So the Ronin is a bit of a one trick pony in Broken Edge. Most of the time, outside of using Edge Breaker, your most effective move is to draw your blade from the scabbard and hit your opponent or their blade in a single cut.

Landing this blow means a lot of damage, but it can be predictable. Though you can also try to vary things up by using your unbreakable scabbard as a defensive tool while you try to cut with your sword, the Ronin is really meant to use their unsheathing attack as effectively as possible.

The Ronin’s second major tactical option is to try to get their opponent to strike their sword while it is half unsheathed. This is very tricky, but if you can get your opponent to hit your blade while it is only partially out of the scabbard it will do maximum awakening damage, and once per round will take no damage itself.

So the Ronin class in Broken Edge is deceivingly simple, and success with it comes to mastering the movement and timing of the unpredictable unsheathing attack. In most engagements timing your first strike is the difference between victory and defeat.

Keep your opponent guessing and time your strike perfectly.

To achieve maximum awakening make sure you sheathe and unsheathe your katana in a smooth motion, and don’t unsheathe it too quickly. Also hold a pose once your strike is complete.

Channel an anime character. One smooth deadly strike, and then hold your pose once it is complete.

How to activate Edge Breaker with the Ronin archetype

To activate Edge Breaker as the Ronin unsheathe your katana and bring your scabbard up in front of your face so that it covers your eyes. Then bring the katana down low beside the hip opposite your main arm, almost like you were sheathing it.

How to use Ward with the Ronin Part 1

To activate Ward as the Ronin class keep your katana in its scabbard and hold it off on your main hand side with the blade side pointed outwards.

To complete Ward simply switch the sides so the blade points away on your offhand side, and the whole scabbard is on the other side of your body.

How to use Ward with the Ronin Part 2

To activate Second Wind as the Ronin start by pointing your katana upwards in front of you while it is in its scabbard, and unsheathe the katana just a little bit so the bottom of the blade is exposed but the rest is still covered.

Then unsheathe your katana and point the tip of the blade towards your opponent and bring it down low at about waist height with your knuckles pointed downwards. Then hold the scabbard away on your offhand side with the end of the scabbard pointed behind you and the entrance pointed towards your opponent.

Complete Second Wind by bringing your scabbard in front of your neck while it is pointed horizontally with the end of the scabbard pointed away to your off hand side. Meanwhile bring your katana to your waist with your arm crossed in front of you and point it straight away towards your offhand side.

The Samurai

The Samurai class Portrait in the Main Menu

Now for another Broken Edge class that emphasizes quick strikes, the Samurai.

The Samurai also wields a katana, and also has two smaller wakizashi to pair with it. Of course this means that the Samurai has a decent amount of disposable weapons and a sizeable katana to use with them.

So the Samurai seems similar to the Duelist at first, but with an additional weapon, but this would be a very wrong assumption to take.

While the Duelist gets strength from constant small movements punctuated by the occasional stab, and most classes emphasize constant movement to keep their blades awakened, the Samurai plays a bit more like the Ronin.

The Samurai

With the Samurai you awaken your blade by doing smooth but fairly quick cuts and stabs.

To awaken the blade you do a cut all the way across your body, making sure to pull the weapon back behind you first, and when you complete the motion stop for a moment.

After stopping turn your blade quickly before doing another cut or thrust. Your motions should be mechanical and have pauses in between them.

Each cut or thrust needs to be one smooth continuous motion, but constantly chaining cuts or thrusts by keeping the blade moving will not work when using the Samurai as it does for other classes.

How to activate Edge Breaker with the Samurai archetype

To activate Edge Breaker with the Samurai simply point your sword into the sky and a bit behind you while holding both hands above your head.

How to use Ward with the Samurai Part 1

To activate Ward with the Samurai start by crossing both your main and off hand weapons in front of you in an X shape.

Then complete Ward by holding your katana over your head while it is pointed over your shoulder and your wakizashi in your offhand in front of you, blade pointed to across your body with the edge towards your opponent.

How to use Ward with the Samurai Part 2

To activate Second Wind with the Samurai start by pointing your katana away from you and to the side and bring your other hand up in front of your face.

Then bring your hands together on your katana and point it straight upwards, a little off towards your main hand side.

Finish it by pointing your offhand towards your opponent and raising your katana over your shoulder with the blade also pointed towards the enemy fighter.

The Tyrant

The Tyrant class Portrait in the Main Menu

The Tyrant class in Broken Edge is very similar to the barbarian in that he only has one weapon, and that weapon is a gigantic sword.

Just like with the Barbarian the Tyrant’s only weapon, an extremely long two handed sword, is his greatest strength due to how long it is.

With it you have incredible reach over your opponent and can dictate the pace of the engagement by using your long blade to threaten your opponent’s body before they can threaten yours.

Of course they can also just chop at your sword, which makes the Tyrant also very susceptible to fights that depend almost entirely on trading sword blows effectively before going in for the kill on a depleted opponent.

Though unlike the Barbarian the Tyrant has more versatility with his two handed sword, and can “half sword” it by grabbing the pointy knob about one third of the way up the hilt.

The Tyrant

Half-swording makes the Tyrant’s reach much shorter, similar to most weapons, but comes with the huge benefit of keeping it constantly awakened, and making awaking it fully much more easy.

The Tyrant fully awakens their blade by winding up long, continuous, and smooth strikes from far away. The more precisely aimed the better.

Of course by gripping the blade on the hilt and “half swording” it you will have a shorter range, but don’t need to swing nearly as much to get a powerfully awakened blow.

This means you can play the Tyrant like the Barbarian, but also with many more options due to the half-swording technique. This makes the Tyrant generally stronger than the Barbarian overall, and a much trickier opponent to go up against.

Being able to transition from a long ranged approach utilizing your sword’s length to a short ranged approach means the Tyrant has some decent options, and a very powerful strike.

How to activate Edge Breaker with the Tyrant archetype

To activate Edge Breaker as the Tyrant bring your sword up in front of your face and grip its handle with both hands.

Level the sword horizontally and point it away from you on your main hand side.

How to use Ward with the Tyrant Part 1

To activate Ward with the Tyrant keep your hands a little above waist height and point them away from you on either side, like you’re baring your chest at your enemy.

Then complete Ward by bringing your sword in front of you and gripping it on the half sword knob, pointing the sword horizontally away to your off hand side and pointing your palms towards your opponent.

How to use Ward with the Tyrant Part 2

To use Second Wind as the Tyrant start by pointing your sword towards your enemy at around chin height while your off hand points downwards at your side.

Then turn the sword so that your knuckles face the enemy fighter and the sword is pointing towards your offhand side horizontally.

Complete Second Wind by bringing your hands together on the handle of the sword while pointing it forwards towards your enemy with the point of the blade slightly raised up in the air.

Quick Links:

Well that’s it for our list of all the Broken Edge classes and our guide on awakening and abilities in Broken Edge VR.

Hopefully you’ve gotten some use out of this guide and learned a thing or two. If you’ve got thoughts on the many archetypes offered in this fantastic VR dueling game then feel free to post a comment. Enjoy!

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