All Enemies And Bosses In Battle Talent And Tips For Fighting Them
Battle Talent has quite a few enemies in it that I’ll put into a few broad categories. These are fantasy creatures, the Undead, and Humans. Here I’m going to go through all of them and give a tip or two on how to fight them.
So here’s every Battle Talent enemy and Battle Talent boss that you’ll fight in this VR game.
Battle Talent has quite a few enemies in it that I’ll put into a few broad categories. These are fantasy creatures, the Undead, and Humans. Here I’m going to go through all of them and give a tip or two on how to fight them.
So here’s every Battle Talent enemy and Battle Talent boss that you’ll fight in this VR game.
As you’re reading this keep in mind that a lot of these enemies have elite variants that are tougher than usual. If you see one (you can tell by the glowing red eyes and heavily armored body) just assume they’ll be stronger, tougher, and faster than the usual enemy but they will generally follow the same behavior as well as use heavy attacks that must be deflected to be blocked. (Deflecting is when you hit an incoming enemy blow with your weapon, hard, like attacking their weapon with your weapon.)
Fantasy Creatures - Goblins
The first enemies you’ll come across in the dungeon or adventure modes of Battle Talent are going to be goblins.
They’re decent starting enemies. Outside of the amped up elite variants they will go down pretty easily with a few solid hits, and most don’t attack extremely often. Though when goblins do attack they have a tendency to go around and behind you to attack your back.
Goblins come in two variants, little guys and big guys. Let’s talk about the little guys first.
Lil’ Goblins
Little Goblins
Little goblins are short, fragile, and not too bright. While they might have a little club or blade to hit you with most variants prefer to fight from far away with ranged weapons.
Their ranged weapons are daggers or bombs. The daggers can be swatted out of the air and don’t deal much damage if they hit you. The bombs have a very limited blast radius and hurt your enemies just like they hurt you, but they do deal a ton of damage, so be wary of them.
Little goblins love to try and duck and dive out of your way to avoid being hit, but they’re really not much trouble as long as you don’t completely ignore them. Take them out in a strike or two quickly so that they can’t sneak up on you. Little goblins are hopeless in a straight up fight.
Big Goblins
A big goblin
Big goblins are quite a bit more dangerous than their smaller cousins. They use more crude goblin weaponry like swords and clubs, and while they will actually sometimes block incoming blows by holding their blades in front of them their defense is very poor and they aren’t hard to take down. They will also throw daggers when given the chance just like little goblins, but not bombs.
The basic big goblin with a single weapon isn’t much of a threat, but they can quickly strike you if you’re not careful, and all big goblins will try to walk close to you to attack you. Goblins with two weapons and some armor are more elite and tend to be harder to take down and also very fast.
The big goblins’ favorite move is to dash around you and attack you from the sides or rear. The more armed and armored the goblin then the more likely they are to dash and attack you. Stay mobile and don’t let them get behind you. In frontal confrontations, they’re not the most dangerous enemies, but a group of them attacking at once can confuse you and attack from all directions. They love getting behind you.
A goblin shaman
Goblins also have shamans with a wand that lets them summon rocks from the ground and fling them at you. They’re mostly harmless as long as you see their spells coming and don’t stand in the path of the rocks.
They will mostly just try to back away from you in melee range. So get close to the shamans and chop them up. Just like little goblins, they’re only a threat if you completely ignore them.
White Goblins
A white goblin boss in Battle Talent
White goblins are basically just boss versions of big goblins. They’re bigger, tougher, stronger, have glowing red eyes, and are easily recognizable for their tallness and pale skin.
They wield dual blades and will dash around quickly to attack. They will also chain attacks into big combos of sweeping strikes, often ending with a strong attack that must be deflected to be blocked.
The good thing about the white goblins’ huge and consistent attacks is that deflecting them is fairly easy because not only do they attack quickly and often, but they swing their weapons in a wide arc. So just generally swinging your own weapon towards them while they are attacking will generally net you enough deflections to stun them and then quickly deal a lot of damage while they are stunned and defenseless.
Fantasy Creatures - Orcs
An orc boss in Battle Talent VR
Orcs in Battle Talent VR aren’t common enemies that you’ll see sprinkled into most fights, rather they’re boss monsters that will have their own arena dedicated to them.
You can tell an orc by their pale skin and huge stature. Not to mention their gigantic muscles and square heads.
Both orc variants carry large two handed weapons, a sword or a hammer, and they have similar movesets. Generally, the orc will lumber towards you, and when they get close will charge up a huge swing and release a combination attack on you. These massive swings are hard to deflect and hard to dodge.
As with many enemies that have attacks that are difficult to dodge, and many boss enemies, your best options are to either play keep away and quickly get away as they try to attack, strike once or twice, and then run away again, or use a charge attack deflect during one of their swings to stun them. (A charge deflect is when you hold your weapon over your shoulder until it vibrates to charge it, and then swing your weapon into the enemy’s swinging weapon to deflect it as usual.)
If you’re standing in the path of an Orc’s attack combination you’re probably going to take massive damage, except possibly with a shield held in front of you. So either don’t be there, hide behind a shield (which isn’t always effective), or deflect the attack.
Fantasy Creatures - Dark Elves
A dark elf enemy
Dark Elves are basically big goblins that don’t throw daggers, and attack you from the front more than dashing around you. They favor big sweeping sword attacks that leave their heads exposed. So go for the head.
The Undead - Basic Skeletons
A basic skeleton Battle Talent enemy with some armor
Skeletons are the most basic undead enemy, and you’ll start to see them once you’ve gotten tired of just fighting goblins for a while.
Skeletons tend to come in large packs, and they’ll march straight toward you without pausing to reposition or throw ranged attacks. They’re very mindless, and once a skeleton gets close they’ll just swing their weapon wildly at you. If you try to back away they’ll just keep walking towards you and swinging their weapon if you’re in range.
So skeletons are always predictable in a fight, and despite the array of medieval armor and weapons they use, are mostly fragile. While they can be chopped, blunt weapons like maces seem to be the most effective against them. Knocking their heads off is an easy way to take them out, and even deflecting one of their blows can turn them into a pile of bones.
Magic like the fireball spell is especially effective against skeletons and can destroy a whole pack of them in an instant. Though some skeletons are magical, which you can usually tell by them keeping their distance from you and not carrying a weapon. These skeletons will summon dark balls of energy that will track and follow you but can be neutralized by swatting them in the air with a weapon.
Some magical skeletons can even summon a stream of fire from their palm that they’ll point toward you like a flamethrower. Stay far away from the fire as it does a lot of damage quickly. Get behind the skeleton and bash them to pieces.
Just like goblin shamans the magical skeletons are very weak in melee range and will mostly just try to back away from you. So get close and knock them to pieces.
The Undead - Big Skeletons
A big skeleton
Big skeletons operate a lot like Skeletons, but a little smarter, a lot tougher, and much more dangerous.
Big Skeletons are not only taller than you but always have armor and most likely a shield. They also won’t fall apart in a single strike to the head. Big skeletons also have charged attacks that can only be deflected rather than blocked, so they function as the elite version of basic skeletons.
Instead of just taking them down quickly with a blunt weapon or magic, try deflecting their attacks to stun them or hit them quickly before running away from their attacks. Hit and run is very effective on big skeletons. Though their sweeping strikes are usually pretty easy to deflect, though their charge attacks are less so, especially when they bash you with their shield.
One of the elite Skeleton boss enemies. Recognizable because of his big cape
However, there are some fully armored Big Skeletons with capes (aka “vampires”) that are very fast and will attack you pretty quickly.
The caped skeletons also can instantly summon a ton of those dark energy balls that hone in on you. Just like when fighting most bosses it’s usually easiest to just deflect their attacks until they are stunned, and then deal massive damage to them.
The Undead - Wraiths
A Wraith
There are three varieties of wraith in Battle Talent, and I suggest you use the same tactic against all of them.
You can always tell a wraith by the fact that they’re the only enemies that float instead of walk with legs and that they’re pretty ugly and scary-looking like Halloween decorations. Their primary attack is a charge. They’ll psyche themselves up, and then fly in a straight line towards you while swinging their weapon wildly. Just run out of the way if one is coming at you and you’ll be fine. They don’t change course mid-attack and just go in a straight line.
Luckily wraiths aren’t as dangerous as they look. No matter which kind you come across they are basically hopeless at short ranges. Just strafe around them so you’re not in front of them and whack them in the head. They’ll go down easily.
A robed wraith
All wraiths also have magical attacks. The robed wraiths will summon ice to hit you, and the unrobed wraiths can call a stream of fire from their palms, which does a lot of damage.
When a wraith uses magic just get behind them and hit them until they fall or stop.
One of the white robed wraith Battle Talent bosses
The White Wraith is just a boss version of the other two sorts of wraiths. They’ll attack more often and have access to a variety of magical attacks.
Get close to them to hit them quickly, and then back away when they start attacking. Deflections are hard to pull off against this boss so hit and run attacks are more effective.
A human warrior enemy
Humans look, well, human. They’re generally very muscular and wear some light armor, though none come as heavily armored as goblins or the undead do. Human opponents come in a lot of varieties. In fact, that’s the most notable thing about them.
Out of all Battle Talent enemies, none of them have the variety of weapon types that the human opponents bring to the table, and that’s what makes it hard to give precise advice on how to combat them. Different weapon types come with different movesets. Humans with swords will slash, though not as wildly or widely as goblins do.
Humans with maces tend to do longer ranged dashing attacks, and human enemies of all kinds will slowly walk around in front of you until they see an opening, but not jump around wildly and try to get behind you as goblins do. On the other hand, they don’t just march straight for you and attack like skeletons, humans function like a mix of the stubbornness of skeletons and the tricky nature of the goblins.
Female human enemies using magic
There are some female human enemies, the most common of which are the ranged magical casters. Each carries an ice wand and will use it constantly to try to hit you with ice at range. Like other casters, they are hopeless in close combat. Just get close and take them down. The same goes for the female archer enemies. Just don’t let them hit you at range, and get close.
There are also bigger humans like there are of other enemies, and just like with those they are just generally tougher and faster, though most function a lot like their smaller counterparts. Though for humans specifically there is a Samurai sort of version wearing a canonical hat and wielding a katana that does a lot of charged attacks and will even attack you at range with magical wind strikes.
A samurai enemy
They’re also very tough, but as long as you aren’t directly in front of them when they attack you should be alright. Their blows are fast and hard to deflect, so just try to stay to their sides or rear so they don’t hit you.
Finally, there are the pale skinned boss humans. The same strategy that works on the white goblins works on them. Try to keep them in front of you and deflect their attacks to get an opening. They attack constantly and quickly.
The Final Boss
The Final Boss in Battle Talent
The final boss is, unsurprisingly, the most dangerous enemy in Battle Talent by a long shot. He wields a giant sword, is armored almost everywhere, and is only vulnerable to the same thing all bosses are vulnerable to, deflections. Except for the final boss, you’ll have to deflect more than ever to stun him.
He hits hard, he’s fast, and he summons lighting. The final boss will try to dash around to get behind you and strike with his sword. He will also charge up attacks that can only be deflected, and is generally fast and hard-hitting, though not the fastest. If you’re really on the ball his attacks are dodgeable, but they will keep coming.
The lightning that the final boss summons does a ton of damage, but you can tell when he’s summoning it because he will pause for a moment and raise his hand up slowly. Don’t be near him when he does this.
Otherwise do some great deflections, be fast on your feet, and get your hits in while you can. The final boss of Battle Talent can strike back at you even directly after completing another attack, so move quickly.
There you go, all of the Battle Talent VR enemies and Battle Talent VR bosses, hopefully this helps you out in your fights. Good luck and enjoy!