How To Play Animal Company On the Meta Quest 2 And 3
So you want to play Animal Company and enjoy a super fun Virtual Reality game.
Here you’ll learn how to play Animal Company for free on the Meta Quest 2 or Meta Quest 3 (or any other Meta Quest device).
Let’s show you how to install the game on your headset.
So you want to play Animal Company and enjoy a super fun Virtual Reality game.
Good idea and welcome! Animal Company is a great VR game. I can say that Animal Company is really unique in how it lets you move just like in Gorilla Tag, but also adds amazing items, traps, and monsters to make the game so much more interesting.
Oh, and Animal Company is free to play on Meta Quest VR headsets! So you don’t need to spend any money to enjoy it.
Here you’ll learn how to play Animal Company for free on the Meta Quest 2 or Meta Quest 3 (or any other Meta Quest device).
Let’s show you how to install the game on your headset.
How To Install and Play Animal Company On A Meta Quest 2 or 3
If you don’t know where to get the game in the first place for free then keep reading. Here’s how to get Animal Company on the Meta Quest 2 or 3.
It’s really easy, just start by putting your headset on.
When you’re in the home screen then you can open the store by hitting the orange button at the bottom. The one with the shopping bag on it. When you point your controller pointer at it a popup will show up saying “Store.”
Definitely make sure your Quest is connected to a WiFi network by the way. If you aren’t connected then get some WiFi on your Quest. You have to have an internet connection to download Animal Company.
The Meta Quest Store, where you can get Animal Company.
Click on the search icon at the top of the score screen.
A keyboard will appear. Start typing “Animal Company” into the search bar and then hit the blue arrow to search for it.
Once you see it pop up click on the Animal Company icon under “Apps.”
Searching for an downloading Animal Company on the Meta Quest 3.
The window will change and show you some more information bout the game.
Just click the “Install” button on the bottom right.
Downloading Animal Company.
Now Animal Company is installing. If your WiFi connection to your headset isn’t very good it might take a while, but not too long. If you take the headset off it should keep going.
To see how long Animal Company is taking to install, and how to run it, click the button in the bottom right that looks like a grid of 9 squares to go to your app library.
Now you can see all of the apps you have installed on your headset.
You should see Animal Company there near the top, and you can also search for it with the search bar just like you did in the Store.
When it’s installed you can play the game by clicking on it!
There you go. That’s how to play Animal Company On the Meta Quest 2 or 3 VR headset. Easy as that, enjoy the game!
High Quality VR Games Like Gorilla Tag
Here at Reality Remake I’ve already told you about some of the interesting Gorilla Tag knock offs there are out there. I’ve even shown you some Gorilla Tag horror games as well, if you like scariness.
While these games mostly feel like low effort knock-offs, there’s a new breed of VR Games Like Gorilla Tag that are coming out. These new Gorilla Tag games are high quality and have a ton of new features and worlds to explore. They’re not just low effort Gorilla Tag knock offs.
Here at Reality Remake I’ve already told you about some of the interesting Gorilla Tag knock offs there are out there. I’ve even shown you some Gorilla Tag horror games as well, if you like scariness.
While these games mostly feel like low effort knock-offs, there’s a new breed of VR Games Like Gorilla Tag that are coming out. These new Gorilla Tag games are high quality and have a ton of new features and worlds to explore. They’re not just low effort Gorilla Tag knock offs.
So if you’re looking for some good games like Gorilla Tag then look no further because I’ve got a few great ones for you right here. Such as…
Yeeps: Hide and Seek - Games Like Gorilla Tag
The Yeeps Logo
Yeeps is currently the strongest of the new Gorilla Tag contenders to come out, as you can tell by the massive amount of ratings on its page in the Meta Quest store.
Yeeps starts by not just making you a monkey or gorilla again as many other games do, but some sort of pillow creature. I’m not really sure what you and your fellow VR gamers are supposed to be, but you’ve got a belly full of stuffing and the ability to bounce around on your hands just like in Gorilla Tag.
A yeep with pins to tag other players with. Another way this game like Gorilla Tag changes up the original game.
While there are a few game modes in Yeeps: Hide and Seek, they mostly boil down to either hanging out or playing tag. What really separates Yeeps from other VR games like Gorilla Tag or other games with Gorilla Tag type movement is in how it treats the maps that you play tag on.
While Gorilla Tag has many maps made by the creator of the game that you can travel between, Yeeps gives players tools to make their own maps. In Gorilla Tag you’re limited by what comes with the game. In Yeeps you can make maps or play tag on maps that others have made.
The difference is more than that, though. Yeeps also gives players opportunities to change the map in game by creating pillows with the stuffing in your character. You can create huge pillow forts (and break them down) while trying to avoid being tagged.
A pillow tower I built in Yeeps. Building is a great thing to add to a Gorilla Tag game.
You can use your stuffing to create pillow pieces and place them practically anywhere. Also, like any good Gorilla Tag successor, Yeeps has some very fun gadgets to try.
So if you really like the tag aspect of Gorilla Tag then you should give Yeeps a try. It will probably be the Gorilla Tag type game for you. It really focuses in on playing tag in Virtual Reality with Gorilla Tag movement. Yeeps gives you a ton of new maps and new strategies to try with the building system. If you want a Gorilla Tag game that takes tag to the next level then Yeeps: Hide and Seek does that.
Yeeps: Hide and Seek is FREE on the Meta Quest store.
Animal Company - Games Like Gorilla Tag
The Animal Company Logo.
If you want some mayhem and some fun exploring mysterious and dangerous places then Animal Company is the VR game like Gorilla Tag for you.
Unlike other Gorilla Tag games that focus more on the “Tag” part of Gorilla Tag, Animal Company takes the unique movement that was invented by the creator of Gorilla Tag and basically throws out everything else. There’s no tagging, but there are an absolute ton of items to use, places to explore, dangers to avoid, and of course other players to blow you up.
There are a ton of skins as well as gadgets in Animal Company.
Animal Company could really use a tutorial, but when you figure out (or get told by some helpful players) how to buy and use items, it’s an absolute blast to play around with them.
From glowsticks to dynamite to revolvers to anti gravity hover boards, there are a ton of gadgets in Animal Company, so many that they’re really the core feature of the game. There are so many gadgets that they go beyond what any other game like Gorilla Tag offers. You even get backpacks to hold them because there are so many with such a wide variety of uses.
Of course the game wouldn’t be much fun if the only point of these items were to play around with them for a while and then get bored. Where Animal Company really shines and makes itself more than just a Gorilla Tag ripoff is in how it makes those items important for actually winning in the game.
There are a lot of dangerous creatures in Animal Company, like this ogre eating another player.
You see, in Animal Company you need research points to be able to make new items, and you need money to be able to buy items at all. How do you get these things? Well you’re going to have to go far from the comfort of the safe zone that you spawn in at.
You’ll need to go out into the wilderness to a wide variety of different places through blizzards, dark sewer tunnels, and other scary places. Unlike other Gorilla Tag games Animal Company doesn’t just put you somewhere and let you wander around risk free.
Nope, there are monsters around, and if you don’t have the items to stop them then you better hope you can run away in time. Of course like any good game defeating or evading the monsters means you can find treasures scattered around the map. Bring them back to the safe zone to sell them and bam, you’ve got more money for items.
Animal Company is one of the more creative and crazy looking VR games like Gorilla Tag.
If there’s a dark tunnel you need to get through then hopefully you have, or can find, a flare gun or a flashlight to light your way. Jumping puzzle too hard? Well you can basically skip it with a rocket to blast you across a chasm or a hover board to float over it. These items aren’t just fun to mess around with, they’re essential to surviving exploring the game world with more than just your ability to bounce with your arms like in any other Gorilla Tag game.
What makes Animal Company such a fun Gorilla Tag style game is that it takes the fun movement of Gorilla Tag, and basically puts RPG mechanics on top of it.
There’s progression based on how many items you have and how much money you have to get more, and there’s adventure and exploration all around the place. Animal Company isn’t just another VR tag game, it really adds a lot of adventure to a game with Gorilla Tag movement.
Also the items are a ton of fun to play around with, more than any of the other Gorilla Tag games. Animal Company is FREE on the Meta Quest store.
Well those are some of the more high quality games like Gorilla Tag. Have you found another game that you think belongs here? Well then leave a comment and I’ll get right to trying that game out and adding it to the article. Enjoy!